
Feels real

He straps me down to the table, unbuttoning my shirt. "What are you doing!?" He pauses and let out a slight chuckle. "I thought you would've gotten the jist by now. You escape, I take you here, you fight me, I strap you to the table, you keep talking, I shut you up... I hurt you, you criticize me, bla, bla, bla, at the end, you're the one filling the halls with your beautiful screams. what I call music to my ears. I'm the man who ruined you, which means I'm the man who ruined your hopes and dreams. That's all I am. I am nothing more, nothing less. Though I thank you for noticing that and shutting up about it." He takes out a scalpel. "Your skin went from flawless to flawed. How ironic." He cuts my cheek and I let out a slight squeak. "You are so delicate. You make the cutest little noises when You're being resistant, and I barely have a place to cut. Your leg is already gone and the one you have left is full of cuts and stitches. Oh well, I guess I can work here." He places the scalpel on my collar bone. "This is one place your skin is still fare. Let's change that." He slowly, at the same paste, slices my skin. The air hits my skin as I shut my eyes tight. My breath was heavy as I tried not to make a sound. Once he was done, I open my eyes to see that he was turned around. I slowly wiggle my arm under the loose strap. I reach in my pocket to take my own scalpel. I slice my finger in the process. I quickly take my hand out of my pocket to the sense of him turning around. He turns around and holds up plyers. "Nails are so overrated..." He puts a needle in my arm. It goes numb and I can't move it. He takes my arm out from under the belts and holds my hand up. "Let's get rid of a few. Shall we?" I shake my head. He puts the plyers under my nail and clamps it down on the nail. He slowly pulls my nail off my ring finger. It felt awful, as if I had a put a toothpick under my nail, and slowly pushed it farther back. My breathing got even heavier as I contain what he calls "Music to his ears." He placed the bloody nail on a silver platter. He turns around once again. "What should we do next?" He never put my arm back and I could feel it once again. Once I could move it, I grab my scalpel. I cut the leather belts attaching me to the table. I slowly get up and place my feet on the floor. On the tips of my toes I walk behind him. I wrap my arms around him neck like a child does to their father, as well as as snake wrapping it's prey. I whisper."I know what we should do..." He flinches a little. "Really?" I move back picking up the scalpel from the table and hiding it behind my back. He turns around. "You are a crazy little kid. Very gifted though." He turns around fully, the moment he faces me, I stab him in his eyes. "Agh! Stupid child." I kick him onto the floor then I get on too of him. I wrap my hand around his neck and begin chocking him. "We should watch how the child kills the mental Maniac!!" I lift my other hand with the scalpel and slam it down at full force. He grabs my hand before I could stab him. "Your the only... Only child to get... This far... but..." He takes out a gun and shoots me in the side. I fall over holding the spot the bullet so kindly decided to live in. He stands up and points the gun at me. "You didn't get far enough." He puts his finger on the trigger and...