
Vampiric Rebirth

In a mundane world, Kaito Fujimoto's life was a monotonous routine, until an unexpected twist of fate altered his destiny forever. One fateful day, as he was about to leave work, an elevator malfunction plunged him into an abyss of unknown depths. In that instant, Kaito's life met a tragic end. But instead of an eternal slumber, Tatsuya Ryota found himself reborn in a realm far beyond his wildest imagination. Awakening as a vampire in a world brimming with magic, he discovered that he possessed extraordinary powers he could never have dreamed of. Guided by a mysterious system, Tatsuya Ryota embarked on a thrilling journey of growth and discovery. With each level he gained, he unlocked new skills, becoming stronger and more formidable with every challenge he faced. As Tatsuya Ryota navigates this fantastical realm, he must adapt to the intricate web of vampire society, uncover secrets buried in ancient tomes, and confront formidable adversaries. With a world to explore and a thirst for power, Tatsuya Ryota's new existence is a tantalizing adventure that transcends the boundaries of life and death. ____________________ Every chapter will have 1500-2000 words. 7 chapters a week. I take breaks after Finalizing a volume, around 7-14 days break. Each volume I expect to be around 20-30 chapters.

GloryLife · Fantasy
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16 Chs

A Reincarnation's Descent

The city lights sparkled like a sea of stars outside the office window, casting an enchanting glow over Kaito's cluttered desk. Piles of paperwork, a testament to his unending late-night shift, had become his inescapable reality. He gazed out at the cityscape, deep in thought, the clock ticking away to 12:48 am.

The burden of work and the absence of a personal life weighed heavily on him. He muttered to himself, "Damn, why is my life so pathetic? All I do is work, work, work, and work. I never have time for myself to enjoy life. If I ever get another chance, I will not waste a single second of it. I would not worry about anything but myself, and maybe get a girlfriend."

Finally, the last paper found its place in a stack, and it was 1 am. Kaito sighed and packed his bag, his mind set on leaving this life behind. "I wish I never saw this place in my life again. I don't want to be here. Sigh."

He walked down the dimly lit hallway towards the elevator, frustration lingering. Kaito had worked on the 27th floor, and he was eager to put this night behind him. As he pressed the ground floor button, the elevator doors closed, and the world suddenly descended into chaos.

The elevator malfunctioned, and Kaito's heart raced as the floor beneath him seemed to vanish. In a matter of seconds, it plummeted at breakneck speed, and Kaito was paralyzed with fear. He whispered to himself, "Is this how everything will end? Being useless in life and not being able to even enjoy it a single bit..."

With his eyes closed and prepared for the inevitable, there was a deafening crash. The next day, police swarmed the scene, their faces filled with shock and disbelief as they examined the crushed elevator. An officer muttered, "This is horrible, I've never seen this before."

As the investigation continued, the focus shifted to a new, mysterious perspective. Everything was engulfed in darkness, but gradually, the blackness faded away, revealing a mountainous landscape. A baby lay there, cradled in the arms of a woman with long, flowing black hair. The child's eyes were the color of amber, captivating and otherworldly.

The woman's voice exuded excitement, "Look, darling, he opened his eyes!!"

A man with brown hair and matching brown eyes appeared beside her. He marveled, "Wow! Look at his eyes, honey! They are beautiful."

The baby, bewildered by the sudden change, opened his eyes wide and began to cry. The woman comforted him, "It's okay, baby, it's okay. Mommy is here."

In that moment, a sense of security enveloped the baby, and he couldn't help but think, "So this is my mother? She really looks nice. Her black hair and brown eyes really fit her."

However, as the realization sank in, a surge of confusion overwhelmed him, and he had a sudden, shocking thought: "WAIT A MINUTE. IM A BABY??????????"

My life had taken an unexpected turn. I used to be Kaito Fujimoto, just a regular office worker stuck in a monotonous routine. But now, at the tender age of four, I had awakened as Tatsuya Ryota, a vampire.

Each day, I grew more aware of the incredible physical strength I possessed. It was as if I had been transformed into a superhuman child. I could run faster, jump higher, and lift objects that would have been impossible for any other child my age. It was a profound change that I struggled to comprehend.

What baffled me the most was the peculiar status that would appear when I said the word "Open." It was like an interface displaying my attributes:

● [Title : The Baby's Wrath]

○ [Passive Skill : None]

[Level : 3] [EXP : 30/50]

• [STR : 10] - Strength

• [HP : 150/150] - Health Points

• [STM : 100/100] - Stamina

• [SP : 0] - Skill Points

• [MP : 50/50] - Mana Points

° [Skills : None]

Strength and Health Points were somewhat self-explanatory, but Skill Points and Mana Points remained a mystery. I began to experiment, trying to understand the significance of these stats. I wondered whether higher values in these attributes meant greater power and abilities. It was a puzzle I needed to solve.

One day, I stood in front of a mirror in my room, staring at my reflection. My light brown hair framed my face, and my amber eyes shimmered with an otherworldly charm. I couldn't help but murmur, "I didn't know I was gonna look this good."

Despite being just four years old, I had a lean, well-shaped body that defied my age. It was different from the other children, and I couldn't help but wonder how and why I had been reincarnated into this world.

Every day brought new discoveries and questions, but I was determined to adapt to this new reality and learn more about my unique abilities. I longed to unravel the mysteries of my powers and the world I now inhabited. It was a journey of self-discovery, and I was ready to face whatever surprises lay ahead.

The next day, I found myself embarking on a curious adventure with my father, Takeshi Ryota. My mother, Hiroko Hino, wasn't married to my father, and she had her own last name. At least, I think that was the case. Family dynamics aside, the day's agenda was clear: "hunting."

As we prepared to set out, my father, Takeshi, offered me some valuable advice. He turned to me and said, "Tatsuya, pay attention when you're hunting. It can end your life if you don't pay attention."

I nodded earnestly and replied, "Sorry, Dad. I promise to keep paying attention."

One peculiar thing I had discovered was that every time I killed a beast or practically anything, I gained experience points, or EXP. This experience was essential for leveling up, and with each level, my stats increased. It was like a game in real life, and I was eager to learn how to harness these newfound powers.

With our mission set, Takeshi issued his orders, "Tatsuya, go and kill those Demon Cows. Be careful; they seem a tiny bit more powerful than last time."

I grabbed my sword, ready to prove myself. I sprinted toward the Demon Cows, catching their attention. One of them charged at me with formidable force, slamming into my stomach, sending me sprawling to the ground. Gasping for air and in pain, my stamina dropped to 32/100.

My father, quick and precise, launched his lance and struck the cow's head, slicing it right off. Takeshi rushed to my side, pulling me up to my feet. "Thanks, Dad," I muttered.

Takeshi's voice was filled with concern as he said, "Son, be careful. Try to be more stealthy next time."

I nodded in understanding, acknowledging his wisdom. I retrieved my sword, eyeing another demonic cow. This time, I approached with more caution, biding my time. When the moment was right, I struck, slicing the creature in half. As I did, a notification appeared before me:

[You have Leveled Up to 4]

I opened my stats :

● [Title : The Baby's Wrath]

○ [Passive Skill : None]      

     [Level : 4] [EXP : 5/55]

• [STR : 14] - Strength

• [HP : 144/160] - Health Points

• [STM : 42/110] - Stamina

• [SP : 0] - Skill Points

• [MP : 50/50] - Mana Points

° [Skills : None]

I had reached level 4, and my stats had improved once again. The world I inhabited was becoming more complex and exciting, and I was determined to continue my journey of self-discovery and mastery over my newfound powers.

The day turned into night as I continued my journey into this unfamiliar world, honing my skills as a young vampire. My encounters with the demonic cows had become more frequent, and my understanding of my abilities had grown significantly.

I had managed to defeat seven demonic cows, which not only had increased my experience but had also propelled me to level 7. With each battle, I felt a deeper connection to my powers and a growing sense of confidence.

As my level increased, I noticed a new title had appeared alongside my status:

● [Title : Young Slayer]

○ [Passive Skill : None]      

      [Level : 7] [EXP : 0/70]

• [STR : 26] - Strength

• [HP : 190/190] - Health Points

• [STM : 140/140] - Stamina

• [SP : 0] - Skill Points

• [MP : 50/50] - Mana Points

° [Skills : Trident Strike]

This title filled me with pride and determination, reinforcing my sense of purpose. I was becoming a slayer of creatures beyond my understanding, a young warrior in this mysterious world.

My stats had improved significantly as well. My strength, or STR, had grown to 26, making me physically formidable. My health points, or HP, had increased to 190, and my stamina, or STM, was now at 140, granting me enhanced endurance and vigor. I was no longer just an ordinary child; I was a force to be reckoned with.

The most exciting development was the acquisition of a new skill, 'Trident Strike.' This skill allowed me to launch myself forward toward the enemy, delivering three consecutive slashes with incredible speed. The damage inflicted by each slash ranged from 40 to 50 points, which was more than enough to take down a demonic cow.

With this newfound skill, I could efficiently farm demonic cows. I marveled at the efficiency of 'Trident Strike,' as I dispatched the creatures with ease, reveling in the sensation of power coursing through my body.

However, I was also mindful of not letting this newfound strength cloud my judgment. I wanted to continue exploring this world, uncovering its mysteries, and learning about my origins. Each encounter with a demonic cow or every level gained brought me one step closer to unlocking the secrets of my existence.

As the days turned into nights and the nights into days, I remained determined and curious, eager to face whatever challenges lay ahead and to continue my journey in this extraordinary realm as a vampire.

As my father, Takeshi, and I were heading home after a successful day of hunting, an unexpected notification interrupted my journey. It appeared before me in a flash, announcing the unlocking of a new feature. My curiosity piqued, I opened my stats interface to see what had changed.

My eyes fell upon a new addition that hadn't been there before:

● [Title : Young Slayer]

○ [Passive Skill : Vampirism]      

● [Race : Vampire

      [Level : 7] [EXP : 5/55]

• [STR : 26] - Strength

• [HP : 190/190] - Health Points

• [STM : 140/140] - Stamina

• [SP : 0] - Skill Points

• [MP : 50/50] - Mana Points

° [Skills : Trident Strike]

The 'Race' category now showed my true nature: a vampire.

What truly fascinated me, however, was the 'Passive Skill: Vampirism.' It had granted me the power of life-steal. Every time I struck or killed a living creature, I could drain their life force, absorbing their HP, and replenishing my own. It was a unique and powerful ability that further separated me from the world of ordinary humans and monsters.

The revelation of this skill added a layer of complexity to my understanding of my newfound existence. I could sense that this power had the potential to be a double-edged sword, as I was slowly embracing my vampiric nature and its associated abilities.

My thirst for knowledge and my insatiable curiosity drove me to embark on a quest to explore every facet of this intriguing new world. I was determined to unravel its mysteries, understand its races, and discover the secrets it held.

My desire to explore wasn't limited to one particular area. I wanted to delve into every aspect of this realm, from the diverse races and their cultures to the creatures that roamed the land. Humans, monsters, and everything in between were on my list of things to encounter and learn from.

I yearned to understand the motivations of the various races, to discover their histories, and to appreciate the unique qualities that set each of them apart. It was a journey of discovery that would take me across landscapes, introduce me to a multitude of individuals, and challenge me in ways I couldn't yet comprehend.

Hello. This is my new Novel about Reincarnation of a Vampire. I don't really have anything to say, just enjoy this novel. Love and Peace ✌

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