
Vampiric Rebirth

In a mundane world, Kaito Fujimoto's life was a monotonous routine, until an unexpected twist of fate altered his destiny forever. One fateful day, as he was about to leave work, an elevator malfunction plunged him into an abyss of unknown depths. In that instant, Kaito's life met a tragic end. But instead of an eternal slumber, Tatsuya Ryota found himself reborn in a realm far beyond his wildest imagination. Awakening as a vampire in a world brimming with magic, he discovered that he possessed extraordinary powers he could never have dreamed of. Guided by a mysterious system, Tatsuya Ryota embarked on a thrilling journey of growth and discovery. With each level he gained, he unlocked new skills, becoming stronger and more formidable with every challenge he faced. As Tatsuya Ryota navigates this fantastical realm, he must adapt to the intricate web of vampire society, uncover secrets buried in ancient tomes, and confront formidable adversaries. With a world to explore and a thirst for power, Tatsuya Ryota's new existence is a tantalizing adventure that transcends the boundaries of life and death. ____________________ Every chapter will have 1500-2000 words. 7 chapters a week. I take breaks after Finalizing a volume, around 7-14 days break. Each volume I expect to be around 20-30 chapters.

GloryLife · Fantasy
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16 Chs

A New Goal

Time had swiftly passed, and I had grown into a seven-year-old with a world of discovery behind me. My exploration of this new world had been nothing short of thrilling, filled with encounters with various creatures, beasts, and monsters. I had honed my skills, leveled up, and embraced my identity as a vampire.

Today was a special day, one that my father, Takeshi, had eagerly awaited. He had told me that when I turned seven, I would be allowed to visit the nearest kingdom, the Kingdom of Hyogan. Its reputation had piqued my interest, as it was said to be a place filled with opportunity and adventure.

As I embarked on this journey, I was filled with excitement and anticipation. The Kingdom of Hyogan was known for its bustling city life and an array of attractions. It boasted an Adventurers Guild where quests were taken, taverns filled with tales of bravery, and various institutions where one could learn and grow. It was a place where I could truly immerse myself in the wonders of this world.

On this momentous day, I had reached level 42, a testament to my growth and progress in this world. My stats had seen significant improvements:

● [Title : Beast Killer] - 5% more Total HP

○ [Passive Skill : Vampirism]      

● [Race : Vampire

      [Level : 42] [EXP : 75/205]

• [STR : 166] - Strength

• [HP : 540/540 (5%+)] - Health Points

• [STM : 490/490] - Stamina

• [SP : 0] - Skill Points

• [MP : 50/50] - Mana Points

° [Skills : Trident Strike]

The title of "Beast Killer" had granted me a substantial boost, increasing my total health points by 5%. I was growing more formidable with each passing day, and I couldn't wait to see how this newfound power would serve me in the Kingdom of Hyogan.

With each step I took on the road to Hyogan, I knew that I was entering a new chapter in my life, one filled with endless possibilities and exciting adventures. I was eager to explore the kingdom, meet its inhabitants, and immerse myself in the vibrant world that lay before me.

As I ascended the mountain, the refreshing breeze ruffled my hair and clothes, and the warm sun cast its gentle embrace upon me. The view from this vantage point was nothing short of breathtaking, and I could see the Kingdom of Hyogan sprawling before me. It was a magnificent sight, surrounded by a beautiful landscape.

Descending the mountain, I began to encounter the first of many villages. I stopped in one of them to take in the scene, as I had never seen or been in a village before. My family, consisting of my father, mother, and sister, had lived in a secluded house with a field, which had been our entire world. So, this was a genuinely intriguing experience for me.

However, as I strolled through the village, I couldn't help but notice that the villagers regarded me with wary and fearful looks. Their cautious stares made me feel uncomfortable, and I was puzzled by their reaction.

Eavesdropping on a conversation, I overheard two villagers speaking quietly to each other. "Be careful, he's a vampire. They're known for destroying everything in their paths and killing people mercilessly without giving them a chance," one of them muttered, his voice filled with fear.

I stopped in my tracks, my heart racing. "Kill people?" I mumbled to myself in disbelief. Anxiety overtook me, and I began to sweat, my breath becoming heavy. I tried to approach someone in the village to inquire about their fears, but they all moved further away from me when I drew near.

In a last-ditch effort, I spoke in a slightly raised voice, "Why are you people afraid of me? I haven't done anything wrong. I was just here to check up on the village since I've never been to one! Why are you all afraid of me!?"

One of the villagers responded with fear in his voice, "Because you are a vampire, no vampire is a nice person." Another villager picked up a stone and threw it at me. I instinctively caught the stone behind my back, looked at it and my tears falling on it. I couldn't help but cry, my heart heavy with the weight of their judgment.

I dropped the stone, tears still in my eyes, and I addressed the villagers, "I will not harm a single one of you. I promise that I will only protect everyone from evil. I swear on my life."

The villagers looked at me with concern, but before anyone could say anything, chaos erupted as a horde of 32 goblins descended upon the village. It was clear that they intended to wreak havoc.

In that dire moment, I acted swiftly. I found a stick on the ground, as I had no weapons. Without hesitation, I ran toward one of the goblins, calculating their strength and health. They were around level 20-25 and had approximately 300 HP. I knew I could take them down in two strikes.

I jumped onto one of the goblins, plunged the stick into its body, and then tore it in half, successfully eliminating it. A notification appeared in my field of vision, and it read

[Successfully learned the passive skill: Predator].

With this newfound skill, my senses sharpened significantly. I could now see auras, even behind walls, and my sense of smell and hearing became more acute. I could track people, monsters, and beasts with precision.

As I continued to eliminate the goblins one after another, my experience grew. I gained 75 EXP from each kill, quickly accumulating a substantial amount.

It was a relentless battle, and my determination didn't waver. I moved through the goblins with speed and precision, slaying each one efficiently. The thrill of battle and the joy of progress fueled me.

In the midst of the chaotic battle, a notification popped up, announcing that I had reached Level 52 and unlocked a new feature. I was eager to see what it was:

[You have Reached Level: 52]

[New feature Unlocked]

I opened my stats to find the following changes:

● [Title : Beast Killer] - 5% more Total HP

○ [Passive Skill : Vampirism, Predator]      

● [Race : Vampire]

      [Level : 52] [EXP : 125/255]

• [STR : 206] - Strength

• [HP : 640/640 (5%+)] - Health Points

• [STM : 302/590] - Stamina

• [SP : 0] - Skill Points

• [MP : 50/50] - Mana Points

° [Skills : Trident Strike]

° [Inventory]

The new feature, "Inventory," caught my attention, and I was eager to explore its potential. As I stood among the defeated goblins, I couldn't help but feel that this encounter was just the beginning of a new chapter in my life, one filled with challenges and opportunities to prove that I was not the monster they believed me to be.

As I stood among the fallen goblins, a sense of curiosity and anticipation bubbled within me. The notification of my newfound feature, "Inventory," had piqued my interest, and I was eager to explore what this ability entailed.

I opened my Stats Tab once more and, with a simple touch of my finger, selected the "Inventory" text. The interface came to life, revealing three distinct options that would significantly impact my journey:

Weapons: The Weapons inventory was a fascinating storage space. It allowed me to store any type of weapon that I might come across in my adventures. What struck me was that there seemed to be no limit to how many weapons I could carry in this inventory. It was as if I had access to an endless arsenal, ready to be called upon when needed. The potential for versatility and preparedness in battles was remarkable.

Titles: The Titles option served as a repository for all the titles I had acquired during my adventures. It was a simple but important feature, as it allowed me to keep track of the various titles I had earned throughout my journey and also let me equip any title I earned. This was not only a matter of personal achievement but also a way to reflect on my growth and experiences in this new world.

Storage: The Storage inventory was an all-encompassing space that had no apparent limits. It served as a repository for anything I wished to keep. From items and resources to treasures and mementos, this feature allowed me to gather and store a wide array of objects without constraints. It was a treasure trove of possibilities, enabling me to amass a wealth of resources and knowledge from my adventures.

This newfound Inventory feature was a game-changer, opening up a world of possibilities for me. With these options at my disposal, I felt more prepared than ever to face the challenges and mysteries that lay ahead in the Kingdom of Hyogan and beyond.

As I made my way back to the village, my heart was heavy with the recent encounter with the villagers. I couldn't help but reflect on the prejudices and misconceptions that had clouded their perception of me.

But just as I approached the village, a touching moment unfolded that would restore my faith in the people of this world. A baby villager ran up to me, hugging my leg and whispering a heartfelt "Thank you."

I looked down, surprised and moved by the child's gesture. It was a simple yet profound display of gratitude that touched my heart.

The child's father, who I soon learned was Tart, the Chief of the village, approached and kneeled before me. His words were filled with sincerity as he said, "Thank you so much. I, Tart, the Chief of the village, thank you in the name of everyone here. We also apologize for what we said about you. We were wrong. I hope you accept our apologies."

I felt a swell of emotions as I gazed at Tart and the villagers who had gathered around. Their humility and willingness to admit their mistakes were truly humbling.

I spoke from the heart, "Stand up. I am no one for you to be kneeling down to. I accept your apologies, and I appreciate your willingness to see beyond the misconceptions. I am Tatsuya Ryota, and I want you to know that I will do everything in my power to protect everyone from evil. It doesn't matter whether I am a vampire or not; my commitment is to ensure the safety and well-being of all."

Tart and the villagers rose to their feet, their faces filled with gratitude and relief. It was a moment of reconciliation and understanding, a bridge mended between a misunderstood outsider and a community willing to embrace change.

With the villagers' heartfelt thanks and their acceptance of my presence, I felt a renewed sense of purpose and determination. It was a reminder that my actions and intentions in this world could make a difference, and that even as a vampire, I had the power to change hearts and protect the innocent.

As I continued on my path towards the Kingdom of Hyogan, I carried with me not only my newfound powers and inventory but also the knowledge that the bonds of understanding and compassion could transcend the prejudices of this world.

I hope you enjoyed this, keep waiting for new chapters to come out, Love and Peace ✌❤

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