

Name : Min Y/n

Siblings : None

Friends : None

Parents : Dead

Age : 25


You were walking to your job interview

* Aish better get this job Y/n fighting ! *

You look up and see your already here . You walk into the building

" Welcome to Kim industry "

Read the big sign up front the desk

Lady : Hello welcome to Kim industry what can I do for you today ma'am ?

Y/n : Yes um Im here for the job interview?

Lady : Oh yes Min Y/n ?

Y/n : Yes

Lady : Come this way please

You follow her into a office

Lady : Please wait Mr. Kim is in his lunch break he'll be back in 15 min .

Y/n : okay

—————————-she leaves —————————

You were on your phone until you heard the door open

????: Are you Miss Min ?

You turn around and see
