
Uzumaki Touma

The story about a survivor from the main lineage of the Uzumaki Clan. Watch how his story unfolds and how his decisions changed some of the plot and journey of his first cousin Uzumaki Naruto. Uzumaki Medical and Sealing Nin, Taijutsu expert, Body Revival Technique, and 8 Gates. I don't own the art on the cover and I only took it from google.

Daoist_Exp_Gain · Others
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24 Chs

The Will of Fire

Sarutobi lead Touma towards Konoha's Cemetery. They stopped in front of a sculpture of flame.

"Why are we here Hokage-sama?" Touma asked with a confused face.

"Do you know what that flame is for Touma?" The Hokage asked while pointing at the sculpture.

"Minato-Niisan said the scuplture represents the will of fire." Touma asked with a curious face.

"That's right. Do you know what that is?"

The hokage asked.

"No Hokage-sama, what does that mean?" Touma asked the Hokage with a confused tone.

"The will of fire is the belief that love is the key to peace. It's what gives the Konoha shinobi the strength and willpower to fight against all odds no matter what circumstance they may face, to protect anything or anyone they hold dear. To protect their "King"." The hokage said full of convictions while looking at the sculpture.

Touma looked at him and asked: "Who is the King Hokage-sama? Is it you?"

Sarutobi laughs and ruffles Touma's hair.

"Every shinobi in the village has their own version of a "King", it's someone they love whether it's their family, friends, relatives, or even their dreams. Now every single one of these are inside the village. So everyone works hard and even uses their lives to peotect this village." The hokage tells Touma full of determination.

"What about you Touma? Who or What do you consider your king?" The Hokage smiles while asking Touma.

Touma looks up and tries to think about it.

"My Family. Minato-Niisan and Kushina-Neesan are my family so I guess they are my "King"." Touma said with a pondering look.

"Your family huh? Here everyone is a part of a family. When you arrived here you became a part of that family as well." He says while grinning at Touma.

"Really? I'm part of that too?" Touma said with an excited face.

"Yes, everyone in the village is your family."

"Even you Hokage-sama?" Touma said with gleaming eyes.

"Yes, even me." Sarutobi replied while laughing.

"Okay ! Everyone in this village is my "King" then!" Touma said proudly while pumping his fists.

Sarutobi looked at the red haired boy full of life. Someone who inherited the will of the village.

"Then since we're family can I call you grandpa hokage?" Touma asked with an expectant tone.

Sarutobi laughed and said "Alright you can call me that if you like to."

"Alright! Thanks Grandpa Hokage!" Touma hugged him.

Sarutobi smiles and remembers something.

"Oh right, let's go back to what you were requesting in my office earlier. You wanted to study in the hospital?" Sarutobi asked with a questioning tone.

"Yes! I want to learn how to heal people!" Touma separetes from the Hokage and yells with an excited tone.

"Why do you want to learn that?" Sarutobi asked the boy whilst smiling.

"My dad died due to his wounds and I wasn't able to help him. If I knew healing at that time I would've been able to save him." Touma said while trying to hold back his tears.

Sarutobi gently ruffled the boy's hair.

"Don't blame yourself Touma, you're still a child. It was just your father's time. You know the will of fire also symbolizes the hopes of the previous generation being passed to the next. Just because the people we care about are dead doesn't mean their dreams has to die too. The dreams of your father was inherited by you, his son. I'm sure you will become a great shinobi one day and you will make your father proud." Sarutobi smiles gently at Touma.

"Thank you Grandpa Hokage. I'm going to be strongest shinobi so that I can protect the village also the best medic so I can heal everyone that gets hurt." Touma smiles with slight tears in his eyes.

"You already satisfy the main requirement for a medic nin, which is precise chakra control. So I'll allow you to study in the Hospital but in one condition."

"Alright, what is it?! I'll do anything!" Touma said with an excited voice.

"You have to attend the academy for a year and graduate so you can become a gennin." Sarutobi said with a grin.

"That's it? Okay I'll do it! I'll join the academy." Touma said while jumping up and down.

Sarutobi looks at the overexcited boy and can help but to have expectations on what his future will bring. They began to talk about Touma's schedules for the academy and the hospital. Before leaving the they passed by his father's grave to pay respect and leave some flowers.

After their trip to the cemetery, Sarutobi and Touma parted ways. Touma went home to Kushina to tell her the news. When he got inside the door he saw kushina reading a scroll."

"Neesan! Neesan! Grandpa Hokage allowed me to study at the hospital!" Touma said excitedly.

Kushina smiled at the energy the boy is radiating. "Grandpa Hokage? He accepted your request?" Kushina asked in a confused tone as she was wondering why he was calling the Third grandpa.

Touma proceeds to tell Kushina what happened in their trip to the cemetery. Touma will study in the academy five times a week in the mornings to noon and will proceed to the hospital in the afternoon to learn about healing and medicine.

"Great! You were lucky the Hokage accepted your request. You better study diligently!" Kushina said while pumping her fist.

"Yeah, I'm gonna be the strongest medical nin!" Yelled Touma full of confidence.

"Strongest? Medical Nin? Aren't medical nin supposed to stay at the back lines?" Asked Kushina while giggling.

"I'm not like them I'm super strong! I can protect myself!" Touma declared proudly.

"Alright Mr.Tough guy, but you're also gonna start learning our clan's techniques during the weekends. I'm going to teach you everything I know." Kushina said while smiling at the boy.

"Okay! I'm gonna add the best sealing expert in my dreams too!" Touma declared excitedly.

Kushina can't help but to only shake her head at the kid's remarks.

Sarutobi used his hypnotize a child jutsu! It was super effective! He was successful in molding the mc into a fanboy soldier for konoha.

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