
Uzumaki Fire God

There was an elderly man who had lived during the warring states period. He was a senior to Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama, but little did anyone know that he hailed from a planet called Earth. When the Uzumaki family was on the brink of extinction at the age of 100, he emerged to protect his family.

Hkj · Anime & Comics
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80 Chs

Ch-66 Why are you all happy?

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"I find myself struggling even to maintain a standing position, what is happening to me?" gasped one of the Iwagakure ninjas, a tone of bewilderment in his voice.

A sense of desperation filled the air as another Kirigakure ninja spoke up, "We are unable to withstand the sheer pressure emanating from his aura! How can we possibly hope to defeat him?"

The overwhelming Reitsu emitted by Kagutsuchi had an astonishing effect on those who managed to remain on their feet, leaving them in a state of panic, as if their very souls were being commanded to surrender. The sensation was akin to a voice resonating within, compelling them to acknowledge the futility of their efforts.

In the midst of the chaos, Nara Shinichi observed the situation calmly, unfazed by the turn of events. This had occurred before in their homeland, Konoha, and he had already taken precautions, surrounding himself with members of the Yamanaka clan. Their exceptional mental strength provided some immunity to Kagutsuchi's formidable aura.

Understanding the gravity of the situation, Shinichi gave clear instructions to the Yamanaka Clan ninjas, "Gather all the Nara clan members immediately. This might be our best chance to turn the tide in our favor. Let us not miss this golden opportunity, for it may not come again."

The Yamanaka clan ninja responded with a solemn nod, understanding the urgency of the situation. With swift determination, they left to carry out their mission, knowing that time was of the essence.

Disappointment tinged Kagutsuchi's voice as he remarked, "Is this truly the best you can do? Despite planning for an entire week and aligning your efforts, the outcome is underwhelming."

A heavy sigh escaped Kagutsuchi, his regret evident as he continued, "I had hoped for better. I thought that with ample time, you would devise ingenious plans that could catch me off guard."

Upon hearing Kagutsuchi's words, the faces of each Kage turned somber, realizing that their combined efforts were not enough to harm him. His formidable aura alone shattered their attempts to restrain him.

In that crucial moment, the Yamanaka clan ninja returned, accompanied by the rest of the Nara clan. Strategically stationed miles away from the battlefield, the Nara clan had anticipated Kagutsuchi's aura's impact, which caused some unfortunate ninjas to faint. They couldn't afford to lose even one ninja's support, as their combined strength was paramount to containing Kagutsuchi.

Addressing the other Nara clan members, Nara Shinichi spoke with conviction, "This is a golden opportunity for our clan to become heroes not just in our village, but in the whole world. Let us show the world the indomitable might of the Nara clan. Together, we can rise above this challenge and emerge victorious." With a unified sense of purpose, the Nara clan prepared to face Kagutsuchi once more, driven by their determination to safeguard their village and prove their prowess to the world.

"Yes!" said the Nara clan, and some of them even started imagining themselves as heroes. Whenever they passed by the streets, the people bowed towards them with respect.

Nara Shinichi shattered their imaginations, saying, "Now, let's assemble and remember what we have practiced."

As soon as Nara Shinichi's voice fell, every member of the Nara Clan started assembling in the planned formation.

After everything was ready, Nara Shinichi said, "Now go!"

As soon as Nara Shinichi's voice fell, the shadows of every Nara clan member extended and started moving in the direction of Kagutsuchi. They touched Kagutsuchi's shadow completely, and many shadows, like thin needles, attached themselves to Kagutsuchi.

The Nara clan members used mainly two techniques: the Shadow Imitation Technique to stop Kagutsuchi from moving and the Shadow Sewing Technique to bind Kagutsuchi from different sides and sew him to the ground, stopping Kagutsuchi.

It wasn't like Kagutsuchi didn't observe the Nara clan coming and their movements, but he let them do what they wanted because he wanted to see them try their best and destroy them at their best. He needed proper obedience after the war, and that could only come when they felt despair.

The best way was to let them do their best and fail again and again, and when he showed them his real strength, they would realize how childish they were even to think of fighting him.

Kagutsuchi used half of his strength to move his hand, but it was very hard. He was able to move his hand slowly.

"Tsuchikage, now is the time. Do it. We can't hold him off for too long," shouted Nara Shinichi.

Onoki nodded, flew up in the air, and used Dust Release: Detachment of the Primitive World Technique. A massive cube was formed, trapping Kagutsuchi. Every Kage waited in anticipation, and then the sphere inside the cube blasted with a BOOM. After the dust settled, the cube was empty, with nothing inside but blank space.

"No one? Is it over just like this?" said Raikage with a sluggish and unbelievable face.

A few minutes ago, when they were unable to defeat Kagutsuchi, they were in despair, thinking they were going to lose. But now that Kagutsuchi was no more, it felt kind of unbelievable.

"HAHA, we won," said one of the ninjas.

"Yay, we won," another shouted.

And like this, a wave of happiness ran through the Shinobi alliance.

"We won! The Nara clan contributed the most," said one of the Nara clan members. The other members of the Nara clan also started cheering, with happy smiles on their faces. Nara Shinichi also nodded and had a proud smile on his face.

Hiruzen also smiled because it was due to their Konoha contribution and strategy that they were able to win this war.

"What made you all laugh? Please tell me the reason so that I can also become happy."

As soon as this voice fell, the smiles on everyone's faces became stiff, and they looked stiffly towards the source of the voice.

When everyone looked towards the sky, Kagutsuchi was standing there with his crutch, without even a scratch, and with a calm face.

(A/N: If you like the story please vote power stones.)