
Uzumaki Fire God

There was an elderly man who had lived during the warring states period. He was a senior to Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama, but little did anyone know that he hailed from a planet called Earth. When the Uzumaki family was on the brink of extinction at the age of 100, he emerged to protect his family.

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Upon receiving instructions from Uzumaki Kagutsuchi, everyone began carrying out their assigned tasks as directed by him. Kagutsuchi proceeded towards the shoreline, where the three major villages were about to disembark.

At that moment, a young girl of approximately six years old, who was carrying a box, accidentally collided with him and fell to the ground.

"Ow ow ow!" exclaimed the young girl as she got back up, gently rubbing her butt to soothe the discomfort caused by the fall. When she looked up, she noticed an elderly man nearby and asked:

"Grandpa are you alright? You didn't get hurt did you?"

"Without a doubt, I am perfectly fine. I highly doubt that a petite and delicate young girl like yourself could inflict any harm upon my person," replied Uzumaki Kagutsuchi, his voice laced with a sense of reassurance and kindness, as a warm smile spread across his face, reflecting his amiable demeanor..

"Hmph! I am not a little girl anymore, can't you see that I'm carrying a large box?" retorted the girl, her expression a mixture of a pout and cuteness, as she tried to convey her point of view to Uzumaki Kagutsuchi.

Uzumaki Kagutsuchi chuckled heartily and said, "Hahaha! If you're carrying such a massive box that it obscures your vision, then you're still a little one in my eyes." His jovial tone conveyed a sense of playful teasing, and he flashed a warm smile at the young girl.

The young girl's face reddened with embarrassment, and she remained silent, choosing not to respond, and instead let out an indignant snort in response to Uzumaki Kagutsuchi's playful comment.

"May I ask what your name is, little girl?" inquired Kagutsuchi politely, showing a genuine interest in getting to know the young girl.

With a friendly smile on her face, the girl replied, "My name is Uzumaki Kushina."

As Uzumaki Kushina introduced herself, Kagutsuchi's heart skipped a beat as he realized that she was, in fact, Naruto's mother. He couldn't help but wonder if fate would play out the same way it did in his previous experiences. The thought raced through his mind as he gazed upon the young girl before him.

"May I ask what it is that you are carrying in such a large box?" inquired Kagutsuchi, his interest piqued by the sheer size of the container that Uzumaki Kushina was carrying.

"Oh no! I almost forgot. There are some essential supplies and food items in the box that I need to distribute to the people. I should get going now," exclaimed Kushina in a hurried tone, as she picked up the box and began to run off to her destination.

As he watched Kushina run off with the box, Uzumaki Kagutsuchi couldn't help but smile, calling out to her with a friendly reminder, "Be careful on your way, and make sure not to fall again!"

Following that brief incident, Kagutsuchi proceeded with his voyage towards the shore. However, as soon as he departed from the spellbinding aura that encircled the village, he abruptly came to a halt.

Kagutsuchi inquired, "System, if I engage in combat while wearing my current attire, wouldn't it be susceptible to burning? And if I employ Ryuujin Jakka, wouldn't the risk be even greater?"


{Congratulations to the host for obtaining a Shinigami outfit resembling that of Captain Yamamoto's.}

Kagutsuchi commanded, "Replace it with my current attire."

In accordance with Kagutsuchi's command, a series of swift and seamless alterations were set into motion, culminating in the transformation of his original garb into the distinctive uniform of a Shinigami, complete with all the accompanying details and nuances of Captain Yamamoto's signature style.

He persevered on his voyage until he was a considerable distance of three miles away from the shore.

Kagutsuchi couldn't help but let out a small chuckle as he pondered the staggering numbers of their opposition. "If I'm not mistaken," he mused to himself, "there must be close to 4500 highly skilled ninja assembled here, with roughly 1500 representing each of the three major villages. The team formation of each village seems to consist of 30 skilled Jonin, 500 skilled Chunin, and the remaining force comprised primarily of Genin. It's truly amusing to think of the reactions that the people of these villages would have upon learning that their entire contingent, dispatched with the sole purpose of eliminating the Uzumaki, had themselves been wiped out."

He employed the Mind's Eye of the Kagura, utilizing his heightened sensory perception to detect the presence of the numerous ninja, as he patiently bided his time with his eyes tightly shut.


In that moment, the fourth elder, a wise-looking gentleman of around fifty years of age, approached Kagutsuchi and addressed him directly: "Master Kagutsuchi, the team responsible for enchantment is fully prepared to commence their task at a moment's notice. All that is required is your command to initiate the process."

"Indeed," Kagutsuchi pondered for a moment before issuing his command, "when the full force of the ninja from the three major villages sets foot upon our Uzumaki land and I begin to engage them in combat, that will be the precise moment for you to activate the enchantment, ensnaring them all within its grasp."

With a simple acknowledgement, the fourth elder departed from Kagutsuchi's presence.

Having relayed the message to Kagutsuchi, the fourth elder returned to the gathering of elders and informed them of his interaction with the master: "I have duly informed Master Kagutsuchi of our readiness to activate the enchantment."

The second elder inquired, his tone betraying a hint of uncertainty: "Do you truly believe that he is capable of facing off against 4500 highly trained ninja by himself?"

The first elder responded, urging his colleagues to have faith in their leader: "We cannot afford to entertain any doubts at this juncture. Now is the time for us to place our complete trust in him."

With a collective sigh, the rest of the elders resigned themselves to the situation, recognizing that they had done all they could and the rest was simply a matter of fate.

(A/N: If you like the chapter you can vote power stones. And from next chapter battle will start.)