
Useless Now, Untoucable Later

What if you were given another shot in life? A life where you can get your every need and want with just one snap? A life far too different from your shitty one? Will you seize the chance? For Jiang Yizhi the answer is OF COURSE! Even if the new life means to pretend and take on somebody else's identity.

basabookk · Fantasy
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8 Chs

The Blood Curse

"Master Yun Fei! Madam Jing has summoned you to the Manor. It seems like the youngest miss is already awake but something's off whilst the Jing family is still worried."

When Yun Fei heard what his servant said, he immediately put down the medical book he was reading and stood up.

"Qiao Li, fetch my things from the study room and bring them here. Also, don't forget to take three bottles of Level 10 energy elixir."

"Yes Master!"

Yun Fei was the Imperial's youngest outstanding physician. He was the pride of the Yun Clan and the leader of the Shenme Shitou Fusu Sect. Shenme Shitou Fusu Sect was the leading medical sect throughout the realm. Its medical products were of superior quality and their healing techniques were second to none, thus putting the sect in the pinnacle of medicine and healing. Though the sect was just around for five years, its wealth and power were already at par with the oldest medical sect, Crystal Gem. It's just that the majority of Yun Fei's sect members were female. Why? It was simply because aside from having a godly talent in medicine, Yun Fei was also blessed with charisma and good looks. Most importantly he was a bachelor! So, many single ladies throughout the realm joined the sect in the hopes of getting close to Yun Fei and possibly become his wife.

After a few moments Qiao Li was now back in the living room.

"Master, I have already finished preparing your things and I already informed Qing Yi of your departure. You can go anytime now. "

"Mmm. Okay, I'll head to Jing Manor. Please watch over the house for me."

"As you wish Master." Qiao Li said as he bowed down to his master.


"Sister Xi, Doctor Yun Fei is on his way now, the servants hurriedly informed him of the situation. Rest assured Little Ying's condition will become better. Please cheer up, if Little Ying sees you like this, wouldn't it break her heart? "

This time it was Mei Fang speaking. She said those words to lift her sister's spirit and help lighten her mood. Mei Fang was Jing Xi's youngest sister. Both sisters were blessed with heavenly beauty and overwhelming charm. Their gorgeous faces reflected a mix of elegance and innocence. However, one should be careful not to offend them, as for the Mei family was not just a bloodline of good looks but also a family of top tier assassins!

Upon hearing the words of her sister, Jing Xi tried to smile. Mei Fang was right, she must not show such emotions in front of her youngest daughter. What Jing Ying needed to see right now was a mother with a positive outlook, not a miserable one.

'Hmm, so the other woman I saw earlier when I woke up called the Madam of the house her sister. She must be the aunt of this body's owner. If I remembered it correctly, when I opened my eyes, there are four people around me and the good looking lad is "my sibling". How about the two remaining people?' Yizhi can't help but wonder about the other people's identity.

Her mind started to wander when she heard a voice.


Yizhi almost jump in surprise when she heard a laughter of a guy. But of course she contained herself since she was faking her faint. Any sudden movements might blow her cover.

The laughter did not seem to come from a distance. It sounded like the person was just beside her. Creepy! What made it even creepier is that the Madam, her sister, and her eldest son seemed like they didn't hear the laughter. Because if they did, they would have reacted as well right?

"Shh! What's funny? Don't startle our master like that. And please stop being disrespectful! Master, I apologize for being unable to discipline my idiot brother. I promise you this will never happen again."

Yizhi was dumbfounded, she was just starting to recover from hearing the guy's laughter, now she heard another voice. But this time it belonged to a young lady. She sounded polite and apologized for her brother's rudeness. She even addressed her as master. Wait... What?

'Huh?! Did she just call me master? " What the heck! Did I hear it right? Or is it due to my too much reading of webnovels? I think I am starting to fuse fantasy with reality! Well, wait I am currently inside a fantasy world!'

Yizhi was in the middle of discussing her thoughts to herself when she heard the guy spoke again.

"Stop calling that useless person master! She can't even see us, she can't even sense us! So why should I bother respecting someone like her? It would be a complete humiliation on my part if I were to call a trash like her master. We are just stuck with this big breast idiot because of the blood curse! Once the curse is undone we can finally be free!

"How conceited! Just wait and see how this big breast idiot will deal with your nasty mouth once my acting perfomance is done!" Yizhi silently cursed the guy in her head. Though the guy provided some useful information he also did not fail to annoy Yizhi.

"You! How dare you badmouth master in front of me? If it weren't for master's spirit and energy you and I will remain as tiny specs for eternity! It is through our master's grace that we were able to restore our original form. We are the useless trash! We feed on her energy and spirit to stay alive. What puts you in the position to slander the person who gives you life? Besides, master is just clueless of our existence."

'You are such a good girl young lady! You are now officially my favorite disciple.' Yizhi cant help but feel happy with the lady's words. Even though she knew in her heart that those words were not meant for her but for the real owner of the body she was using right now.

"If there is an idiot present here, I can guarantee that it is not master, it is you my twin brother Shao!"