
Useless Now, Untoucable Later

What if you were given another shot in life? A life where you can get your every need and want with just one snap? A life far too different from your shitty one? Will you seize the chance? For Jiang Yizhi the answer is OF COURSE! Even if the new life means to pretend and take on somebody else's identity.

basabookk · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Pure Blood

"What the heck, so you guys are weapons? Cool! You are like Soul and Maka from Souleater LOL! Things are getting more interesting." Yizhi giggled while saying those words.

"S-souleater? What's that Master? "

Shao cannot contained his urge and asked Yizhi about the unfamiliar word.

"Ermmm I'll discuss it later with you guys. Just focus on answering my questions first."

Yizhi quickly answered as if avoiding a conversation.

"As you wish, Master. I will now talk about our realm. Our realm is divided into five: Aka, Ao, Mido, Ki, and Kinzo. Each place is unique. Kinzo, where the Grand Skyline Empire is located, is famous for its human weapons. Aka is known as the land of oni and yōsei while Ki is the sanctuary of spellcasters and mythical beasts. Regarding Ao and Mido I am not sure about them. These two were rarely discussed in books."

Shylala just finished sharing the information about their realm.

"According to the elders, Ao is the place for the divine beings and Mido is a hidden kingdom. Unfortunately, outsiders cannot easily get an access to these places. They are extremely difficult to locate that's why the information about them is very limited." Shao added.

"Hmmm I see. It seems like you guys live in an interesting but dangerous world. Any idea how you ended up here? Blood curse?"

Yizhi once again asked about the blood curse.

"Blood curse is a forbidden practice that allows a person to send a target to another dimension in exchange of his life." Shao explained briefly.

"The two of you were the target? Who cursed you and why?" Yizhi asked while her eyes twinkle in excitement.

"Sorry Master, we are still clueless about those things. We only know that we were cursed but we dont know who the culprit was and why he did this to us." Shylala answered in a gloomy voice.

"Sad to hear that. Anyway, let's just focus on finding a way to break the curse." Yizhi said while trying to comfort the twins.

"Thank you for your kind words, Master. I really hope we can break this curse soon." Shao sounded hopeful but traces of sorrow can be heard from his voice.

Upon hearing Shao's words, Yizhi remembered that he also talked about a certain peace agreement which was supposed to last for only three years. She started asking again.

"I think Shao also mentioned about a peace agreement that was supposed to last for three years. Are you guys at war or something?"

Shao and Shylala stared at each other. The person in front of them was so keen to details. She was able to remember every bit of their conversation earlier. After few glances they nodded their heads.

"Yes, Master. We are at war with the oni tribe. The current Oni King became interested with our lineage. He believes that a powerful new class will be born if onis were to breed with human weapons. But the truth is, he himself wanted to become just like us. In our realm, the purity of the classes is a top priority. Marrying or breeding with another class is strictly forbidden. Our ancestors believe that when the purity of the classes is destroyed it would affect our realm's balance. A pure blooded oni is already powerful, I can't imagine how powerful it will become as a weapon."

Shylala gave out a long sigh after her explanation.

"To avoid things from blowing into proportions, the council of elders had devised a plan. They set a barrier to protect the citizens of Kinzo from a possible assault of the oni tribe. This was done after news about missing human weapons spread out. Everyone blamed the oni tribe for the incident which infuriated the oni king. According to him, he really has a strong interest with human weapons however he will not dare take risks and disrupt the balance of the realm. He challenged the council of elders and gave them three years to investigate and find the real culprit. When three years is up and the council failed to discover the truth, he will attack all regions and will start with Kinzo." Shao said bitterly as he finished sharing what he knew.

"Hmmm so that's when things started to get complicated. In my opinion, there is a possibility that someone is trying to frame the oni king. Onis are powerful beings, right? If they really wanted to do something bad they can just attack your kingdom. I think the person pulling the strings wants both onis and human weapons to fight each other first. And when both parties are exhausted, he will then take the opportunity to strike."

After hearing her words, the twins stared at Yizhi in amazement. They can't believe that the person they were talking to was just a year older than them. The way she analyzed things seemed like they were talking to a much older person.

(Err technically, you guys are talking to a 28 yr old woman trapped inside a body of 16 yr old lady.)

Before CPx, I created this story

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