
Useless Now, Untoucable Later

What if you were given another shot in life? A life where you can get your every need and want with just one snap? A life far too different from your shitty one? Will you seize the chance? For Jiang Yizhi the answer is OF COURSE! Even if the new life means to pretend and take on somebody else's identity.

basabookk · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chu En Academy

After saying her thoughts about the twins' current situation, Yizhi suddenly became sleepy. This was also noticed by Shao and Shylala.

"Master, I know you still need sometime to recover. So, thank you for your time. Thank you for patiently listening to us. Again, I would like to apologize for misjudging you earlier. I still have lots to learn, so please continue to guide me well." Shao said sincerely as he bowed his head.

"Please rest well, Master. We shall take our leave now. Let's go Shao. " After saying their concerns, Shylala and Shao returned inside the brooch. However, Yizhi failed to see that for she was already fast asleep. The room of the youngest Jing Miss which was lively a moment ago was now on her way to dreamland.


Jing Zhao had just arrived to Chu En Academy. He appeared inside Jing Ren's room but it seemmed that their second brother was not around. Jing Zhao was disappointed nevertheless he was still excited to inform their second brother of the good news. He left the room and decided to look for Jing Ren.

Chu En Academy was a famous school for cultivators. Actually, only gifted people were accepted by the academy. Most of the powerful cultivators of the land owe their learning to this institution. Among the five siblings, Zhao, Ren, and Ying were gifted cultivators like their father. While Ning (eldest sister) and Junli (third brother) were honed to be assassins like their mother and aunt Mei.

Jing Zhao had already searched the entire school ground but Jing Ren was nowhere to be found. He furrowed his eyebrows. It's only 3pm in the afternoon and he was certain that their second brother will not go anywhere but sleep during this time. He had no choice but to exert extra effort. He started to look for his brother's Qi. Without fail he was able to locate it. However it seems like his brother was not alone. There were also other Qis surrounding Jing Ren. Zhao was alarmed. Was their second brother in trouble? Without delay, he immediately rushed to the location of the Qi. There he saw Jing Ren surrounded not by suspicious looking guys but by pretty girls. He almost tripped upon witnessing the situation but was still able to hide from them. What was happening?

"Jing Ren! How dare you not invite me to the Junior & Senior's dance night? The event is in two days and yet it seems like you have no plans of inviting me." The angry voice was from Yang Ling-Ling, Jing Ren's fiancée.

Jing Zhao almost fell down from the branch of the tree where he was hiding. He was worried about his brother earlier, thinking that he might be in trouble but here he was just getting scolded by his future wife.

Jing Ren stared at his fiancée's pair of lovely eyes. Yang Ling-Ling was a beautiful girl and her long curly brown hair perfectly suited her. He smiled at her and spoke.

"Ms. Yang, I did not invite you because I have no intentions of coming to the event. Do you have anything more to discuss? If there's none, I would like to excuse myself, it seems like my eldest brother needs to tell me an urgent matter." He then looked to the spot where his brother was hiding. It was like Jing Ren was begging for Jing Zhao to help him out of the situation.

"Greetings everyone! Pardon my intrusion. I just wanted to bring my younger brother the good news. After this you may continue your conversation. "

Jing Ren's eyes suddenly lose their shine as if he was betrayed by his savior. His facial expression was screaming 'Why brother? Why are you doing this to me?'

Greetings Brother Zhao! It's okay now, Jing Ren and I were done talking. Also, it seems like he doesn't want me to linger here for too long. I shall now take my leave. Please send my regards to Mother Xi and Father Ting." Yang Ling-Ling blushed upon saying the words 'Mother Xi and Father Ting'. She sounded like she was very much excited to become Jing Ren's wifey.

"Oh my sister-in-law is leaving so soon... Let's have a good chat next time. " Zhao said with a wide smile.

Yang Ling-Ling blushed again when Jing Zhao called her sister-in-law. However she thought that she would be happier if Jing Ren would call her his wifey! Anyway it was still a good thing that Jing Ren's eldest brother was on her side.

After Yang Ling-Ling and her four companions left, Zhao cannot contain his emotions anymore and started laughing hard.

"Bro! Can you please stop laughing at my miserable life? Nothing's funny at all." Ren scolded his eldest brother who was about to die from laughing too much.

"Kekeke... Sorry Bro! It's just that it never occurred to me not even in my wildest dreams that our Jing Ren would look so pitiful in front of a girl. "

Jing Ren shrugged his shoulders and shake his head in disbelief.

"Did I really look helpless earlier?"

"Kekeke... Yes Bro! You looked like you were cornered by a wild beast! " Zhao was still laughing like an idiot.

Well, Yang Ling-Ling was indeed a wild beast when it comes to strength level. She maybe one of the academy's beauties but at the same time she was also one of the deadliest geniuses. In the last acad tournament, Yang Ling-Ling landed on the 10th spot. It was Jing Ren who had defeated her. Unfortunately, defeating Yang Ling-Ling was not a good idea. This was because she promised herself that whoever defeats her will need to take responsibility and marry her!

Zhao's continuos laughing really irritated Ren. It seems like this eldest brother of his will not stop laughing anytime soon. So, when Zhao opened his mouth to give a big laugh, Ren stuffed a bun into his mouth.

"Gwackk! "

Jing Zhao almost choked to death by the bun Jing Ren stuffed in his mouth.

"Sorry little bro! I will stop laughing now, don't be angry, I am just teasing you. "

When Zhao saw the serious look on his brother's face he knew that it's time to stop fooling around.

"cough... cough... Looks like the idiot brother is gone and my honorable big brother had returned. " It's now Jing Ren's turn to tease his big brother.

Zhao chuckled, he really laughed hard like an idiot earlier. After gaining his composure, he remembered why he came into the academy.

"I almost forgot to tell you about the good news!" Zhao shake his head and was disappointed of himself. He got too carried away from teasing Jing Ren.

Jing Ren rolled his eyes and gave his brother a reply.

"You didn't forget bro, you were just too busy laughing. "