
Urban Knight

In the vibrant streets of Cebu City, Reese Urban leads a double life as the enigmatic Urban Knight. When a wave of strange occurrences threatens the city, Reese must confront these evil beings, uncovering dark secrets that challenge his resolve. With the help of his friends, Reese embarks on a perilous journey to save his city from destruction, facing danger at every turn. Urban Knight is a thrilling tale of action and adventure, where courage and strength are put to the ultimate test in the fight against evil.

SoLaR89 · Urban
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91 Chs

Chapter 83: Reese vs. The Ten Lieutenants

Back at the bridge over the Guadalupe River, Reyes was cursing under his breath, frustrated that he and his team had missed both the Black Mask Man and the League of Shadows. He pointed at a random man and asked him where the river led. The man was nervous because of the armed agents around him, but he had no choice but to answer. He told Reyes that the river flowed near the prison. Reyes thanked the man and then pulled out his phone to call his director, Alvarez. After three rings, Alvarez answered.

"What's the news from Cebu?" Alvarez asked.

Reyes quickly replied, "The League of Shadows and the Black Mask Man showed up. We were about to confront them, but the Black Mask Man ran and was chased by ten members of the League of Shadows."

Alvarez immediately ordered, "Follow them and assist if any civilians get caught in the crossfire. Also, make contact with the Black Mask Man if possible."

Reyes agreed and hung up the phone. He then ordered his agents to get back in the van so they could follow the Black Mask Man and the League of Shadows before it was too late. He emphasized the urgency of the situation, knowing they had to move quickly to prevent any innocent people from getting hurt.

Reyes turned to his earpiece and said to Santos, who had returned to his room at the Crown Regency, "We need eyes on the ground." . "We don't know where they're headed."

Santos nodded. "Got it, I'll provide surveillance from here and guide you."

Reyes and his team hurried back to the van, urgency clear in their movements. Reyes jumped into the driver's seat while the other agents quickly buckled in. The van roared to life, and they sped off in the direction the man had indicated, hoping to catch up with the chase.

"Stay alert," Reyes called back to his team. "We need to be ready for anything."

As they drove, Reyes contacted Santos through their secure communication channel. "Santos, we need your eyes. Can you track their movements from your vantage point at the Crown Regency?"

"Already on it," Santos replied. "I've got a visual on the river. Looks like they're moving fast. The League of Shadows is right on the Black Mask Man's tail."

"Keep us updated," Reyes instructed. "We can't afford to lose them."

The van weaved through the traffic, heading towards the prison as fast as they could. Reyes glanced at the map on his dashboard, calculating the fastest route while keeping an eye on Santos' updates.

"They're approaching the outskirts of the city," Santos reported. "If they keep this pace, they'll be in a less populated area soon."

"Perfect," Reyes said. "We'll engage them there. Let's hope we can reach them before anything goes wrong."

The team drove through the winding roads, following Santos' directions. As they neared the prison, the cityscape began to change, giving way to more open spaces and fewer civilians. Reyes felt a sense of relief, knowing the chances of collateral damage were decreasing.

'Looks like the Black Mask Man is leading the League of Shadows out of the city,' Reyes thought as they passed the prison.

"Santos, any updates?" Reyes asked over the radio.

"They're about half a mile ahead," Santos replied. "You should be able to catch up soon."

"Alright, team, get ready," Reyes said, his voice steady but intense. "We'll be there in a few minutes. Remember, our primary objective is to protect any civilians, make contact with the Black Mask Man, and kill all the members of the League of Shadows if possible. Let's move out." 


Reese stood poised at the foot of the mountain, facing the ten lieutenants of the League of Shadows. Each side sizing up the other, waiting for the right moment to strike.

Without warning, Reese made his first move. Utilizing his Shadow Dash to its fullest potential, he jumped with blinding speed, catching the League off guard. His first target was Anabel, whose expression turned from anger to shock as Reese closed in.

Anabel tried to dodge, her wings flapping desperately, but it was too late. In a frantic attempt to protect herself, she used her severed lower body as a shield. Reese's smile widened as he saw this futile gesture.

With a swift, decisive strike, Lumina, the Sword of Dawn, sliced through Anabel's lower body, the blade continuing its deadly arc straight through her neck. The force of the blow was so powerful that it left no room for resistance.

Reese landed gracefully on the ground, turning around to face the remaining lieutenants. He held his swords at the ready, his eyes burning with determination.

"One down, nine to go," he declared, his voice echoing through the night.

After slaying Anabel, Reese turned his attention to Gnash, the 11th Lieutenant, and Veil, the 12th Lieutenant. Both lieutenants were already on high alert, but Reese's speed and precision were unmatched.

Gnash, the ghoul-like creature with a decaying zombie appearance, lunged at Reese with a savage growl. Reese sidestepped effortlessly, swinging Lumina in a wide arc. The sword glowed with an ethereal light as it sliced through Gnash's outstretched arms, leaving the lieutenant momentarily stunned. Without missing a beat, Reese spun around and drove his blade through Gnash's chest, the light of Lumina searing through the ghoul's rotten flesh. Gnash let out a guttural scream before collapsing into a lifeless heap.

Veil, with his human body and bull's head, charged at Reese with a roar, the jewel in his ear glinting ominously. Reese anticipated the attack, waiting for the perfect moment. As Veil closed in, Reese darted to the side, evading the bull-headed lieutenant's horns. With a swift upward slash, he severed Veil's head from his body. The lieutenant's massive form toppled to the ground, the jewel in his ear losing its luster as life left his body.

Reese stood over the fallen lieutenants, a look of disdain on his face. "Is this the best the League of Shadows has to offer?" he mocked, his voice dripping with contempt. "You're weaker than I expected."

The remaining lieutenants were stunned, their confidence shattered by Reese's display of power. Fear flickered in their eyes as they realized the magnitude of the opponent they were facing, and for a moment, the forest was silent except for the sound of the wind rustling through the trees.

However, the 1st Lieutenant, Sigar, was seething with anger. His dark skin seemed to shimmer with rage, and the tobacco he often smoked was now clenched tightly in his teeth. His eyes burned with fury as he watched three of his comrades fall in less than a minute. Sigar's imposing figure radiated a palpable aura of wrath, and his clenched fists trembled with barely contained rage.

"You'll pay for this," Sigar growled, his voice low and menacing, as he stepped forward to confront Reese. His dark skin seemed to absorb the light, and a malevolent aura surrounded him. He glared at Reese, his eyes burning with fury. 

"You think you can defeat us so easily?" Sigar growled. "Let me show you the true power of the League of Shadows. Behold the Umbral Force!"

As Sigar raised his hand, a swirling mass of dark energy began to form. The air around them grew cold, and an oppressive darkness spread from Sigar, enveloping the area. The remaining lieutenants, bolstered by their leader's power, prepared to unleash their most potent attacks.

Reese watched in shock as the Mysterious Black Energy coalesced in Sigar's hand. 'This is the Mysterious Black Energy,' Reese thought, his mind racing. 'I've never thought it could be manipulated like this. Umbral Force?... So that's what is called.'

With a roar, Sigar hurled the Umbral Force at Reese. The dark energy surged forward, threatening to engulf him. At the same moment, the other lieutenants launched their attacks. Crag, the Tikbalang, created a whirlwind with his powerful legs, sending debris flying towards Reese. Stum, the Berberoka, summoned a torrent of water, aiming to drown Reese. Kumbra, the chupacabra-like creature, leapt at Reese with terrifying speed, claws extended. Hollow, the goblin-like duwende, cast a spell that caused the ground beneath Reese to crack and tremble.

Reese's mind raced as he dodged the incoming attacks. He leapt to the side, narrowly avoiding the Umbral Force, which slammed into the ground where he had stood, leaving a smoldering crater. He twisted in mid-air, using his agility to evade Crag's whirlwind, and landed on a piece of debris. With a swift movement, he deflected Stum's torrent with Tenebra, the water splashing harmlessly around him.

As Kumbra lunged at him, Reese spun and slashed with his sword, forcing the creature to retreat. He felt the ground shake beneath him from Hollow's spell but managed to keep his balance. The lieutenants attacked relentlessly, their combined assaults pushing Reese to his limits.

'This is intense,' Reese thought, his breath coming in heavy gasps. 'But I can't afford to lose focus now.'

Through the chaos, Reese's eyes locked onto Hag, the 13th Lieutenant, who was waiting for an opening to strike. In the flurry of attacks, Reese saw a slight gap in the coordination of the lieutenants. Seizing the opportunity, he dashed forward with blinding speed.

Hag, a vengeful spirit residing in trees, attempted to cast a spell to immobilize Reese, but he was too fast. With a swift, decisive stroke, Lumina cut through Hag's ethereal form. The spirit let out a wail before dissipating into the darkness.

Reese landed gracefully, his eyes burning with determination. He turned to face the remaining lieutenants, a confident smirk on his face. "Six to go," he declared, his voice steady.