
Urban Knight

In the vibrant streets of Cebu City, Reese Urban leads a double life as the enigmatic Urban Knight. When a wave of strange occurrences threatens the city, Reese must confront these evil beings, uncovering dark secrets that challenge his resolve. With the help of his friends, Reese embarks on a perilous journey to save his city from destruction, facing danger at every turn. Urban Knight is a thrilling tale of action and adventure, where courage and strength are put to the ultimate test in the fight against evil.

SoLaR89 · Urban
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91 Chs

Chapter 74: Try harder!

As the men prepared to begin their torture, Reese was thinking, 'Now that I'm at the very peak of the Nether Realm, let's see how tough my skin really is.'

The men started their gruesome work, using various tools to inflict pain. They tried to whip him, burn him, and even use electric shocks. But no matter what tools they employed, they couldn't break the skin of the boy in front of them. To make matters worse, Reese laughed at them, his voice mocking and taunting. "Come on, is that all you've got? Try harder!"

Chloe's heart pounded as she listened in disbelief. 'How can he be laughing?' She thought, her fear mingling with a strange sense of awe. 'He's not just enduring it; he's taunting them!'

Astounded and frustrated, Mr. Fernandez ordered the largest man to use a very sharp knife and slice Reese's skin. "Get that knife and push it harder," he commanded.

The large man took out a long, razor-sharp knife from his side. With a determined look, he started to slice Reese's skin. But again, the knife didn't even leave a scratch. Reese laughed louder this time, his voice filled with genuine amusement. "Are you trying to make me die from laughter?"

The men were horrified by the outcome. They did not expect this kid to be like this. It was beyond their understanding that a human being could have such tough skin. They started to back away from Reese, afraid that he might break free from his bounds.

Chloe's eyes filled with tears, not from fear but from an overwhelming sense of hope. 'He's incredible. How is this possible?' She wondered, her heart racing. 'Maybe he really can save me.'

Mr. Fernandez and the leader of the men spoke up, their voices tinged with desperation and anger. "Don't be afraid!" Fernandez shouted. "Use your guns and shoot him in the head. Now!"

Without hesitation, the men complied, though their faces showed disbelief. "There's no way this won't hurt him," one of them muttered as they aimed their guns at Reese.

Reese's eyes glinted with a mix of amusement and steely determination. He remained perfectly still, watching the men as they raised their weapons. He could sense Chloe's fear and confusion, but he also knew that his display of strength had given her a shred of hope.

The men hesitated for a moment, their fingers hovering over the triggers. "This kid... there's no way he can survive this. If he died, then what about the treasure?" one of them whispered, disbelief etched in his voice.

"Just do it! I doubt the bullet will harm him. I just want to see him in pain," Fernandez barked, his patience wearing thin.

The leader of the men nodded, and they opened fire, aiming for Reese's head. The sound of gunshots echoed through the warehouse, loud and deafening. Chloe screamed, her heart pounding in her chest as she listened in horror.

But as the smoke cleared, Reese sat there, completely unharmed. The bullets had bounced off his skin, leaving him unscathed—well, except for his shirt. He grinned at the men, his laughter echoing through the warehouse. "Is that the best you can do? Maybe next time, try a water gun!"

The men were utterly shocked; their faces paled with fear. They had never seen anything like this before. It was as if they were dealing with an indestructible force.

Chloe's tears turned to a mix of relief and amazement. 'He's invincible,' she thought, her fear slowly being replaced by a growing sense of awe. 'He really can save me.'

Mr. Fernandez's face contorted with rage and disbelief. "This is impossible! This is physically impossible!" he shouted. "What are you?"

Reese's smile faded, replaced by a steely glare. "I'm the one you should never have messed with," he said, his voice low and threatening.

Fernandez took a step back, his confidence shaken. "Men, don't just stand there! Do something!"

The men looked at each other, fear evident in their eyes. They were unsure of what to do next; their previous bravado was completely shattered.

Reese seized the moment. Using his immense strength, he broke free from his bindings with ease, the ropes snapping like threads. He stood up, his presence commanding and intimidating. "It's over, Fernandez," he said, his voice calm but filled with authority. "Let Chloe go, and maybe I'll go easy on you."

The men, now trembling, looked to Fernandez for guidance, but he was at a loss. Reese took a step forward, his gaze never leaving Fernandez. "You have one last chance. Let her go."

Mr. Fernandez was having a hard time deciding what to do. All his meticulous planning had been rendered futile by this unexpected turn of events. Who could have predicted that this kid would turn out to be such a monster? Regret washed over him. 'All I ever wanted was to wash away the shame of my ancestors and bring some glory to my family. But now, it seems like it's all for naught.'

Reese sighed as he watched Fernandez battle with his inner turmoil. "Fernandez," Reese began, "I can forget all of this as long as you agree to follow me from now on."

Fernandez's face contorted with a mix of anger and desperation. He looked at Reese, then at his men, who were waiting for his orders, and then back at Reese. "You want me to follow you?" he asked, incredulous. "Why should I trust you? What guarantee do I have that you won't just kill us all once I agree?"

Reese remained calm. "Because I don't need to kill you to prove my point. Think about it, Fernandez. You wanted to bring glory to your family. Following me could still allow you to achieve that, and more. You've seen what I can do. Do you really want to fight against that?"

Fernandez contemplated Reese's proposal carefully. If I follow him, I might actually survive this ordeal. And if he's as powerful as he seems, following him could bring benefits beyond my wildest dreams. The ups clearly outweigh the downs by a lot. Finally, he made his decision. "Alright, Reese. I promise to follow you. Just don't harm us."

Reese smiled in satisfaction. "Good decision, Fernandez. You'll be grateful for this." With that, Reese used his soul power to knock out the remaining men. One by one, they collapsed to the ground, unconscious. Fernandez watched in stunned silence, fear gripping him as he realized the true extent of Reese's power.

Chloe, still bound and blindfolded, could hear the sounds of bodies hitting the ground. Her mind raced with disbelief. 'What is happening?' When she was finally able to see again, she was stunned by the sight of all the men unconscious around her.

Reese turned to Fernandez, his expression calm and composed. "Now, release Chloe."

Fernandez, still in shock, quickly moved to untie Chloe. "I... I'm sorry for everything," he stammered, his voice shaky.

Chloe looked at Reese, her eyes wide with amazement. "Reese... how did you...?"

Reese smiled gently. "It's a long story, Chloe. But right now, let's get you out of here first."

Reese and Chloe made their way out of the warehouse, the moonlight casting a serene glow on their path. As they reached the entrance, Reese turned around and looked at Mr. Fernandez. "Bind the other men here, and I will contact you in the afternoon. Make sure none of these 15 men escape."

Fernandez nodded obediently; his earlier defiance was completely shattered. "Yes, I'll make sure they stay put."

Reese gave a satisfied nod and then watched as Fernandez started to bind his unconscious men. After binding, with a heavy sigh, Fernandez slumped to the ground, his thoughts a whirl of regret and submission.

Reese and Chloe walked towards one of the vans. Reese glanced at Chloe, his expression turning a bit sheepish. "Chloe, can you drive? I, uh, don't know how to drive," he admitted with a chuckle.

Chloe blinked in disbelief. "You've got to be kidding me. You're this powerful guy who can take down fifteen men without breaking a sweat, and you don't know how to drive?"

Reese scratched the back of his head, laughing softly. "Yeah, it's a bit embarrassing, isn't it?"

Despite her bewilderment, Chloe couldn't help but smile at Reese's humility. "Alright, get in. I'll drive us back to Barreto's Resort."

As they climbed into the van, Chloe took the driver's seat, while Reese settled in the passenger seat. She started the engine, the van rumbling to life. They began their journey back to the resort, the tension from the warehouse slowly fading away.

The drive was quiet; both of them were lost in their thoughts. Chloe occasionally glanced over at Reese, still trying to process everything that had happened. 'How can someone so powerful be so normal at the same time?' She wondered, her admiration for Reese growing even more.

As they neared Barreto's resort, Chloe finally broke the silence. "Thank you, Reese, for everything."

Reese smiled warmly. "Anytime, Chloe."