
Urban Knight

In the vibrant streets of Cebu City, Reese Urban leads a double life as the enigmatic Urban Knight. When a wave of strange occurrences threatens the city, Reese must confront these evil beings, uncovering dark secrets that challenge his resolve. With the help of his friends, Reese embarks on a perilous journey to save his city from destruction, facing danger at every turn. Urban Knight is a thrilling tale of action and adventure, where courage and strength are put to the ultimate test in the fight against evil.

SoLaR89 · Urban
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91 Chs

Chapter 61: The Legend

As Reese and Dwight settled into their cozy cottage, they couldn't help but discuss Alex's cold demeanor.


"I really don't like that, Alex, since the first time I met him a year ago," Dwight said, shaking his head slightly.


"Yeah," Reese replied. "He definitely seems to think he's a cut above. But hey, some people are just like that. Nothing we can do about it."


Dwight chuckled. "Well, let's just hope he's not always like this. It might get tiring."


Reese nodded in agreement. "Let's just focus on our job and make sure Jasper and Chloe are safe. That's our priority."


Knowing that their cottage was just 50 meters away from the main house, Reese decided to use his spiritual sense to scan the area and check on Jasper and Chloe. He found them sitting in the living room with two middle-aged people—a man and a woman who were a splitting image of Alex. 'These must be Alex's parents.' Reese thought. The couple looked dignified and very respectable for their age.


Reese did not retract his spiritual sense as he listened to their conversation, just to be safe.


"We're so happy you're here to celebrate Alex's birthday with us," Alex's mother said warmly.


"It's been too long since we've all been together," Alex's father added, a smile lighting up his face.


Jasper and Chloe seemed genuinely happy. "Thank you for having us," Jasper replied. "We're really looking forward to it."


Chloe nodded in agreement. "Yes, it's wonderful to be here."


The conversation continued with the easy, comfortable flow of old friends reconnecting. Then, Alex's mother turned to her son with a playful glint in her eye. "So, Alex, when are you planning to court Chloe?"


Alex appeared humble on the outside, his expression modest. "Oh, Mom, we're just friends. Let's not rush things."


However, Reese, with his heightened perception, could sense a hint of arrogance beneath Alex's humble exterior. 'He sure thinks highly of himself,' Reese thought.


Alex's father laughed heartily. "Well, just know that we'd be thrilled to have Chloe as part of the family. You two have always been close."


Chloe blushed slightly, while Jasper laughed along with the older man. "I think we'll just let things happen naturally," Chloe said, trying to steer the conversation away from the teasing.


Reese continued to listen, satisfied that there were no immediate threats. The atmosphere in the main house was one of warmth and camaraderie, which put his mind somewhat at ease.




Reese retracted his spiritual sense, satisfied that there were no immediate threats. "I'm going to walk around the resort to get a feel for the place," he told Dwight.


"Sure thing. I'll stay here and keep an eye on things," Dwight replied, giving Reese a nod.


Reese stepped out of the cottage and began to explore the resort. The atmosphere was serene, with the gentle sound of waves crashing against the shore and the occasional chirping of birds. The lush greenery and well-maintained gardens added to the peacefulness of the place. Reese took a deep breath, enjoying the fresh, salty air and the tranquility of his surroundings.


As he wandered further, Reese came across a statue that caught his attention. It depicted a man holding a sword in each hand, poised in a battle stance. The craftsmanship was remarkable, and the figure exuded a sense of strength and determination.


Reese was casually admiring the statue when an old man suddenly appeared beside him, holding a broom. The man's sudden presence startled Reese, as he hadn't sensed him approaching. Despite not feeling any malice from the old man, Reese remained cautious and on guard.


The old man gave a gentle smile. "Ah, I see you've found the statue," he said, his voice soft and melodic.


Reese nodded. "It's quite impressive. What's the story behind it?"


The old man began to sweep the ground around the statue, speaking as he worked. "This statue represents an ancient warrior who once protected these lands. The legend says he fought against those who threatened the peace of our island."


Reese listened intently, intrigued by the story. "What happened to him?"


The old man paused, looking up at the statue with a distant expression. But the old man did not even respond to Reese, as he just stared at the statue.


Reese was confused by the old man's behavior. 'What an odd old man.' However, he remained outwardly calm and casual. "Anyway, thank you."


The old man smiled again. "You're welcome. Enjoy your stay at the resort." With that, he turned and continued his sweeping, leaving Reese to contemplate the mysterious legend.



After exploring the resort and finding nothing particularly noteworthy except for the statue, Reese returned to the cottage. As he entered, he noticed the workers delivering their lunch.


Dwight looked up from the table. "Hey, how was your walk around the resort?"


Reese shrugged, keeping his tone casual. "It was peaceful. Nothing much to report, though. Just enjoyed the scenery."


Dwight nodded, satisfied with the answer. "Good to hear. Let's dig in before the food gets cold."


They enjoyed their lunch, chatting about mundane topics and sharing a few laughs. After they finished eating, Reese noticed Jasper, Chloe, and Alex heading towards the beach.


Dwight glanced out the window and nudged Reese. "It looks like they're going to the beach. Want to join them?"


"Sure, why not?" Reese replied, getting up from his seat.


As they approached the group, Jasper turned and smiled. "Hey, do you guys want to join us at the beach?"


Reese sensed a subtle change in Jasper's demeanor toward him. It seemed friendlier and less cold than before. He thought it might be due to the incident with Luke on the ferry. "I already explored the area a bit, but I'd be happy to join you."


"Oh, how was it?" Jasper asked with genuine curiosity.


Reese smiled. "It's okay, but I did come across a pretty interesting statue."


As soon as Reese mentioned the statue, Alex's expression changed. As far as he knows, there's no statue at their private resort. 'Could it be? ' Alex looked stunned and quickly turned to Reese. "What statue?"


Reese was taken aback by Alex's reaction. "You know, it's near the edge of the resort. It looked pretty old; it was holding a sword in each hand while in battle stance."


Alex's face visibly paled, and his hands trembled slightly. "Excuse me, I just remembered something I need to take care of," he said hurriedly, turning to leave.


Reese watched as Alex walked away, his curiosity piqued. He decided to use his spiritual sense to track Alex. To his disappointment, Alex got into his car and drove off, making it impossible to follow him further with his spiritual sense.


Reese retracted his spiritual sense and continued to accompany Jasper and Chloe.




Alex drove hastily towards the center of Bantayan Island, his mind racing with thoughts of the statue and what it could mean. Soon, he arrived at a large, well-kept house that exuded an air of wealth and comfort without being overly extravagant. The garden was meticulously maintained, and the house itself was a blend of modern and traditional architecture, indicative of someone rich but not ostentatiously so.


Alex parked his car and hurried to the door, knocking firmly. A worker opened it and greeted him politely. "Good afternoon, Sir Alex. How can I help you?"


"Where's Luke?" Alex asked urgently.


The worker nodded and gestured for Alex to follow. "He's in the back, sir."


Alex walked through the house, noting the tasteful decor and expensive furnishings. As he reached the back of the house, he heard angry shouting. Luke was there with John, fuming and shouting at nobody in particular.


"If I ever find out where that guy lives, I promise I'll cripple him and make him wish he was dead!" Luke raged, his face red with anger.


Alex was momentarily taken aback. He knew Luke was a spoiled, narrow-minded, and womanizing man. 'Whoever offended Luke must have a death wish,' Alex thought, but he hadn't expected such fury. "Luke!" Alex called out.


Luke turned, surprised to see Alex. "What are you doing here?" he asked, his tone dripping with disdain.


Alex didn't let Luke's attitude bother him. "I have something important to tell you. It's about the statue."


Three years ago, Luke told him and their friends, while they were drinking, about the legend of the great warrior who ruled this island almost two thousand years ago. The legend says that whoever finds the statue of the warrior holds the key to finding his hidden treasure.


Years had passed, and nobody had located the statue.



Luke's expression shifted from anger to curiosity. "What statue?"



Alex took a deep breath. "You know the statue you told us about, the statue of the ruler countless years ago? Remember?" Alex paused for a moment and continued. "Well anyway, I heard from my friend's friend that he found the statue of the warrior with two swords. He described it in detail."



But Luke was still skeptical, so he pressed Alex. "Are you serious? Do not lie to me about this, Alex; you know what will happen to you if what you said is fake," he said with a threat.



"Why would I lie about this? Just trust me, it's very real," Alex said with a serious tone.



After seeing Alex say that he was serious, Luke was silent for a good minute, and then he burst out laughing. "Someone actually found it!" He said in between laughter. "My ancestor was right."



Without wasting another moment, Luke pulled out his phone, fumbling with it in his excitement. Finally, he managed to get a good grip and called his father.


"Hello, Dad? You need to come home immediately. It's important."


His father's voice crackled on the other end, filled with skepticism. "What is it, Luke? I'm busy."


"Dad, someone found the statue," Luke said, his voice urgent.


There was a moment of stunned silence before his father spoke again, his tone serious. "Are you sure?"


"Yes, Dad. Alex here confirmed it. This could be our chance to find the treasure."


His father took a deep breath. "Alright, I'm on my way. Don't do anything until I get there."


Luke hung up the phone, his eyes gleaming with excitement.