
Urban Knight

In the vibrant streets of Cebu City, Reese Urban leads a double life as the enigmatic Urban Knight. When a wave of strange occurrences threatens the city, Reese must confront these evil beings, uncovering dark secrets that challenge his resolve. With the help of his friends, Reese embarks on a perilous journey to save his city from destruction, facing danger at every turn. Urban Knight is a thrilling tale of action and adventure, where courage and strength are put to the ultimate test in the fight against evil.

SoLaR89 · Urban
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91 Chs

Chapter 38: The Feeling of Foreboding

Early in the morning, after Reese took his bath and breakfast, his next step was to proceed with his plan for the event. He knew that he needed to blend in seamlessly with the crowd at Robinson Galleria, disguising himself as an ordinary civilian, and also be able to switch to the combat clothes he acquired from Mr. Lopez quickly if circumstances required it.


With a plan forming in his mind, Reese resolved to dress in casual attire for the event, opting for clothing that would allow him to move freely and discreetly. Ensuring that he would attract minimal attention while still maintaining a polished appearance.


As Reese checked himself in the mirror, satisfied with what he saw, he checked the time and found that it was already 10:00 a.m. "Time to go," Reese said as he went out of his rented home.


Arriving at Robinsons Galleria at 11:00 am, Reese wasted no time surveying the area, his senses alert for any signs of trouble. As he walked around the perimeter of the venue, he scanned the surroundings, noting the movements of the people passing by and keeping an eye out for any suspicious individuals lurking in the shadows.


The morning sun cast long shadows across the pavement, creating pockets of darkness that seemed to beckon trouble. Reese remained vigilant, his gaze sharp as he used his spiritual sense to scan the area for any signs of danger. He checked alleyways and behind dumpsters and peered into dimly lit corners, ensuring that every inch of the vicinity was clear of potential threats.


Despite his thorough inspection, Reese couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered in the air. The anticipation of the event, combined with the uncertainty of what lay ahead, kept him on edge; his spiritual senses heightened to every sound and movement around him.


Finally, as noon approached, Reese found a quiet spot nearby and settled down to eat his lunch, all the while keeping a watchful eye on the surroundings. He knew that Mr. Ramirez and his entourage would arrive soon, and he wanted to be ready when they did. As he ate, Reese remained vigilant, his senses attuned to any changes in the environment. He kept a close watch on the entrance to the venue, scanning the crowd for any signs of movement that might indicate Mr. Ramirez's arrival.


As the clock struck 12:45 p.m., Reese's watchful gaze fell upon the arrival of Mr. Ramirez and his entourage. With practiced precision, he observed their entrance, noting the presence of family members, political allies, photographers, and a formidable contingent of personal bodyguards. 


Reese observed from his position outside, ensuring that everything unfolded smoothly. He noted the strategic placement of security personnel and the meticulous organization of the event. Despite the bustling energy surrounding Mr. Ramirez's arrival, Reese remained focused, his senses sharp as he kept a watchful eye on the proceedings.


Minutes later, all the politicians and their supporters had gathered on the podium inside Robinsons Galleria. Reese surveyed the scene, taking note of the diverse array of faces in the crowd, each one representing a different aspect of the political landscape. 


As the event unfolded at Robinsons Galleria, the host took to the stage, commanding attention with his authoritative presence.


"Ladies and gentlemen," he began, his voice echoing throughout the venue, "welcome to this momentous occasion as we gather to introduce the esteemed individuals who have stepped forward to lead our community into the future."


He proceeded to introduce the various candidates, including councilors and the mayor candidate, each greeted with applause and cheers from their respective supporters.


Finally, it was time for the main event. The host's voice rose in excitement as he announced, "And now, without further ado, please join me in welcoming Councilor Richard Ramirez!"


The crowd erupted into thunderous applause as Mr. Ramirez stepped onto the stage, his demeanor exuding confidence and charisma. He greeted the audience with a warm smile before launching into his speech.


"My fellow citizens," he began, his voice projecting with authority, "today marks a pivotal moment in our community's history. As I stand before you, I am humbled by the opportunity to serve as your governor."


Mr. Ramirez's words resonated with the crowd, capturing their attention and igniting their enthusiasm.


"I stand here not as a politician seeking power but as a servant of the people, dedicated to improving the lives of every citizen in our great Cebu. If elected as your governor, I promise to uphold the values of integrity, transparency, and accountability."


His words were met with nods of agreement and murmurs of approval from the crowd.


"We face many challenges ahead, but I am confident that together, we can overcome them. With your support, we will invest in education, create jobs, and foster economic growth. We will strive for equality and justice for all, regardless of background or circumstance."


Mr. Ramirez's vision for the future sparked hope and optimism among his supporters, who listened intently to his promises of progress and prosperity.


"As we stand on the brink of a new era, let us unite behind a shared vision of a better tomorrow. Together, we can build a brighter future for generations to come. Thank you, and God bless our great Cebu!"


The crowd erupted into applause once more, their cheers echoing throughout Robinson's Galleria as they expressed their unwavering support for Mr. Ramirez's candidacy. 


As Reese stood among the crowd outside, listening intently to Mr. Ramirez's speech, a surge of mixed emotions welled up inside him.


"Wow," he whispered to himself, his eyes fixed on the stage where Mr. Ramirez stood. "He really knows how to rally the crowd." 


Despite his skepticism about politicians, Reese couldn't help but be impressed as he listened to Mr. Ramirez's promises of progress and change.


"I've heard some speeches in my time," he mused silently, "but there's something different about this one. Mr. Ramirez seems genuine, like he truly believes in what he's saying." 


Reese couldn't deny the impact of Mr. Ramirez's words on the audience. The atmosphere was charged with excitement and optimism.


"But words are just words," he reminded himself, his expression thoughtful. "Actions speak louder than speeches."


As the event came to a close, Reese discreetly slipped into Robinson's Galleria. But after he stepped into the entrance of the mall, an unexpected sensation washed over him, sending shivers down his spine. It was a feeling of unease, a foreboding presence that seemed to permeate the air around him. His heart rate quickened, and a cold sweat broke out on his brow.


'What the fuck is happening? What is this feeling? ' Reese thought in confusion and apprehension.


Confusion mingled with apprehension as Reese tried to make sense of this newfound sensation. It was unlike anything he had ever experienced before—a nagging feeling that something was amiss, lurking just beyond his perception.


To his surprise, Reese felt a subtle tremor emanating from within him, originating from the Amethyst Orb nestled safely within his possession. It was as if the orb itself was responding to this unsettling atmosphere, its vibrations resonating with an otherworldly energy.


Instinctively, Reese summoned the orb into his hand, seeking solace and guidance in its familiar presence. As he touched its smooth surface, the tremors intensified, pulsating with an urgency that he couldn't ignore.


'The orb... It's vibrating; what could it be? Is there a threat here? ' Reese thought as he scanned the surroundings with his spiritual sense, but he could not sense any problems around him.


In that moment, Reese felt a strange sense of clarity wash over him, as if the orb was trying to communicate something important, something he needed to pay attention to. "What is it?" Reese asked in confusion.


Then the Amethyst Orb went back inside him. Reese was confused at first about why it did that, but then it happened. From inside him, the Amethyst Orb was pushing him forward in a certain direction. Reese finally understood that the Amethyst Ord was leading him somewhere, and he stopped resisting and let the Amethyst Orb guide him.


His focus sharpened as he allowed the push of the Amethyst Orb, his instincts driving him forward with apprehension. 


'It's leading me. underground? What could be down there that's causing this sensation? The Amethyst Orb wouldn't react like this without reason. I need to find out.' Reese thought in determination.


With single-minded resolve, Reese followed the orb's guidance until he reached a door marked "Personnel Only." Before he could even take a step towards it, a stern voice called out, halting him in his tracks. 


"Hey, you! Where do you think you're going? That area is off-limits to the public." The guard shouted at Reese.


'Damn it!' Reese cursed inwardly.


Reese's heart sank as he realized he wouldn't be able to proceed without drawing unwanted attention. Reluctantly, he turned away from the door, his mind already racing with plans for his next move. 


'I can't risk getting caught now. But I won't give up. Tonight, I'll find my way back here. I need to uncover the secrets that lie beneath, no matter what it takes.' Reese thought in resolute.