
Urban Knight

In the vibrant streets of Cebu City, Reese Urban leads a double life as the enigmatic Urban Knight. When a wave of strange occurrences threatens the city, Reese must confront these evil beings, uncovering dark secrets that challenge his resolve. With the help of his friends, Reese embarks on a perilous journey to save his city from destruction, facing danger at every turn. Urban Knight is a thrilling tale of action and adventure, where courage and strength are put to the ultimate test in the fight against evil.

SoLaR89 · Urban
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91 Chs

Chapter 31: Councilor Richard Ramirez

On a sunny Sunday evening, Reese found himself seated inside a colorful jeepney, a uniquely Filipino mode of transportation known for its vibrant decorations and communal seating. The jeepney rumbled along the bustling streets of Cebu City, its metal frame bouncing and jostling passengers as it navigated through the traffic.


As Reese enjoyed the sights and sounds of the city passing by, his mind wandered to his upcoming meeting with Renz. Despite Rey's absence, he was looking forward to catching up with his friend and enjoying some much-needed laughs.


Finally, the jeepney came to a stop, and Reese hopped out onto the sidewalk, scanning the crowd for Renz's familiar face. Spotting his friend waiting at their agreed-upon meeting spot, 'The Terraces in Ayala Center', Reese made his way over, a grin spreading across his face.


"Bro! What's up?" Reese greeted, giving Renz a playful punch on the arm as they exchanged greetings.


Renz flashed a mischievous grin in return. "Oh, you know, same old, same old. Let's go inside first and order some food; I'm starving." 


Inside Ayala Center Mall, the two best friends found themselves a spot inside one of the most popular food chains in the world, 'Mcdonalds'.


As they sat and waited for their food to arrive, they talked about some random stuff, and then Renz asked him about his job hunting.


Reese's smile faltered slightly as he considered his response. "Well, I've been exploring some... unconventional avenues," he began cautiously. "I actually have a few ideas up my sleeve."


Renz's eyes lit up with curiosity. "Oh yeah? Do tell!" 


Reese leaned in conspiratorially, excitement bubbling up within him. "Let's just say I've been thinking about how to market myself in a way that's... a little outside the box. You know, tapping into my unique skills and abilities." 


Renz's eyebrows shot up in interest. "Now that sounds intriguing! Got any hints for me?"


Before Reese could respond, Renz's mischievous grin widened into a full-blown smirk. "I bet you're going to become a call boy for older women, aren't you?" 


Reese's eyes widened in horror, and he sputtered, nearly choking on the water he had been drinking. "What? No! Dude, that's... that's not even remotely close to what I had in mind!"


Renz burst into laughter at Reese's reaction, doubling over with mirth. "I'm just messing with you, buddy! But hey, if you ever need a wingman, you know who to call." 


Despite his embarrassment, Reese couldn't help but join in on Renz's laughter, shaking his head in mock exasperation.


After finishing their meal at McDonald's, Reese and Renz made their way to the nearby cinema, eager to catch the latest blockbuster: "Godzilla vs. Kong." As they entered the theater, Reese couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement at the prospect of watching two legendary titans clash on the big screen.


Settling into their seats with popcorn and drinks in hand, Reese and Renz eagerly awaited the start of the movie. As the lights dimmed and the opening credits rolled, they found themselves transported into a world of epic battles and larger-than-life creatures.


Throughout the movie, Reese was captivated by the sheer power and ferocity of Godzilla and Kong as they duked it out on screen. His mind raced with thoughts of their incredible strength and abilities, wondering if he could ever possess such power himself.


As the credits began to roll and the lights came back on, Reese turned to Renz with a thoughtful expression. "Eh man! Do you think I could be more powerful than Godzilla and Kong?" he mused aloud. 


Renz chuckled, nudging his friend playfully. "Well, you're certainly a force to be reckoned with, buddy. But I think even you might have your work cut out for you against those two."


Renz actually did not know that Reese was asking a serious question. If Renz ever found out his real ability, he would definitely say yes. That's how the three best friends trust each other.


Reese laughed, shaking his head at Renz's jest. "Yeah, you're probably right. Guess I'll have to settle for being the third most powerful being in the universe." 


With a shared grin, Reese and Renz bid farewell to the theater, promising to catch up soon with Rey next time. 


-A week earlier-


In the quiet area of Beverly Hills, Cebu City, where the Ramirez family resides in a stately mansion nestled within the heart of an upscale neighborhood in Cebu City. Surrounded by lush greenery and manicured gardens, their home exudes an air of elegance and refinement.

The sprawling estate features a grand entrance adorned with intricately designed wrought iron gates, leading to a winding driveway lined with towering palm trees and vibrant flowering shrubs. As visitors approach the main house, they are greeted by the sight of a majestic fountain glistening in the sunlight, its cascading waters creating a tranquil oasis amidst the bustling city.

The Ramirez residence itself is a masterpiece of architectural beauty, boasting a blend of classic and modern design elements. Its imposing facade was adorned with ornate detailing and towering columns, while large windows flood the interior with natural light, casting a warm and inviting glow upon the spacious rooms within.


One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon and cast a warm glow over the Ramirez home, a medium-build man in his 50s was seated in his study. The usually affable Councilor Richard Ramirez wore a troubled expression, his brow furrowed with worry. The warm smile and approachable demeanor that typically graced his face were noticeably absent as his thoughts turned to the safety of his family.


As he stared at the stack of papers on his desk, Mr. Ramirez couldn't shake the nagging fear that loomed over him like a dark cloud. The prospect of running for governor in Cebu had brought with it a newfound sense of responsibility—one that weighed heavily on his shoulders.


With each passing day, Mr. Ramirez's anxiety grew, fueled by the countless "what ifs" that plagued his mind. What if his political opponents resorted to underhanded tactics to undermine his campaign? What if his family became targets of malicious intent?


The safety of his loved ones was paramount in Ramirez's mind, and the thought of putting them in harm's way filled him with a sense of dread. He couldn't bear the idea of something bad happening to them because of his ambitions in politics.


As he sat in his study, with the weight of worry heavy on his shoulders, Mr. Ramirez reached for the phone on his desk. With a heavy heart, he dialed the number of his trusty assistant, Josephine Ortega, hoping she could help alleviate the burden that weighed so heavily on him.


"Josephine," Mr. Ramirez's voice was tinged with solemnity, "please summon Mr. Lopez to my study. There's an urgent matter we need to discuss."


Josephine, Mr. Ramirez's efficient and dedicated assistant, acknowledged his request with a gentle tone. "Of course, sir. I'll inform Mr. Lopez right away," she replied, her voice reflecting the seriousness of the situation.


Moments later, there was a discreet knock on the door, and Mr. Lopez, the head of security, entered the room. He was a tall, imposing figure, with a stern expression that softened slightly upon seeing the concern etched on Mr. Ramirez's face.


"Sir, you summoned me?" Mr. Lopez's voice was respectful but tinged with concern as he took a seat opposite Mr. Ramirez's desk.


"Yes, Lopez. Please, have a seat," Mr. Ramirez gestured, his tone somber. "I'm afraid we're facing a delicate situation. With my decision to run for governor, I fear for the safety of my family." 


Mr. Lopez listened attentively as Mr. Ramirez outlined his worries, his brow furrowing with concern as he absorbed the gravity of the situation. "I understand, sir," he replied solemnly. "Rest assured, we'll do everything in our power to ensure the safety and security of your family." 


Mr. Ramirez leaned forward, his expression grave, as he shared his deepest concern with Mr. Lopez. "Lopez, I'm more worried about Jasper," Mr. Ramirez began, his voice tinged with apprehension. "We both know how hard he is to handle, especially with his carefree attitude." 


Mr. Lopez nodded solemnly, understanding the gravity of the situation. "Yes, sir. Jasper's independent nature could pose a challenge when it comes to ensuring his safety." 


Mr. Ramirez sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Exactly. I fear that if we assign a personal guard to Jasper without his consent, he may rebel against it. We must tread carefully and come up with a plan that ensures his safety without infringing too much on his freedom." 


Mr. Lopez nodded in agreement, his mind already racing with potential strategies. "I understand, sir. We'll need to approach this delicately, perhaps by assigning a personal guard who can blend in seamlessly with Jasper's daily activities without drawing too much attention," Mr. Lopez replied, his voice firm and resolute. "I'll contact my connections immediately to see if they know someone who can blend in seamlessly with Jasper's lifestyle." 


Mr. Ramirez's eyes bore into Mr. Lopez's, filled with determination. "Please, Lopez, do whatever it takes to find someone suitable. Jasper's safety is important."


Without hesitation, Mr. Lopez rose from his seat, his mind already racing with potential contacts and leads. "I'll get on it right away, sir," he assured Mr. Ramirez, his sense of urgency matching that of his employer.