
Urban Knight

In the vibrant streets of Cebu City, Reese Urban leads a double life as the enigmatic Urban Knight. When a wave of strange occurrences threatens the city, Reese must confront these evil beings, uncovering dark secrets that challenge his resolve. With the help of his friends, Reese embarks on a perilous journey to save his city from destruction, facing danger at every turn. Urban Knight is a thrilling tale of action and adventure, where courage and strength are put to the ultimate test in the fight against evil.

SoLaR89 · Urban
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91 Chs

Chapter 21: Trouble

After discovering the time flow of the Amethyst Orb, Reese returned to his room and took a bath for 20 minutes, changed into presentable clothes that still covered the majority of his skin, and then went to the kitchen to eat his dinner and brush his teeth. 


As he was about to walk out the door, his parents reminded him to be careful and responsible if he drinks at their afterparty. 


Reese reassured his parents that he would; it was already 8:10 when he came out of his house. "Shit! Late again." Reese murmured into the night. 


As he walked, Reese took out his phone and quickly dialed Rey's number.



After a couple of rings, Rey picked up, but before he could ask him where he was, Rey bet him to it, "Dude, where are you? We have been waiting for you. I tried calling you earlier but you did not pick up." 


"My bad, my phone is in silence; I'm on my way there," Reese apologized. 


But before Rey could respond, Renz snatched his phone and said, "Bro! Hurry up; some of our classmates are also here, and guess what?" Renz paused.


"What?" Reese was curious. 


"Lian is also here. Hehe, you better man up tonight, bro; this is your last chance." Renz continued.


Reese didn't know what to think. A lot of things had changed in the past two weeks. Sure, his attitude was the same as before, but his appearance and ability had definitely changed for the better. But after all the changes, he was still nervous to talk to Lian. 


"Uhm, let's see," Reese said with uncertainty.


"Fine fine... Just get your ass here at Door Step. Will be waiting," Renz said impatiently as he hung up.


Pantalan buzzed with energy as neon signs flickered to life and illuminated the lively scene as music and karaoke reverberated through the air. Vibrant crowds meandered along the thoroughfare, their laughter and chatter mingling with the sounds of clinking glasses and sizzling street food.


On either side of the bustling street stretched a row of bars, each adorned with colorful banners and inviting lights. Patrons spilled out onto the sidewalks, mingling with street vendors hawking their wares. The scent of grilled meats and exotic spices wafted through the air, enticing hungry revelers to sample the local delicacies.


As the heart of Bogo City's nightlife, Pantalan was a magnet for partygoers, drawn to its vibrant atmosphere and entertainment options.


Excited to join his friends, Reese made his way through the bustling crowds of Pantalan towards the Door Step bar. As he approached the entrance, he could already hear the lively chatter and music emanating from inside.


Stepping through the doorway, he scanned the dimly lit interior in his spiritual sense until he spotted Renz, Rey, and their classmates gathered at a table near the back. 


With a quick wave, Reese made his way over to join them, but before he could sit, Renz made a joke about his ridiculous outfit again. 


"Finally, our very own K-pop celebrity undercover has arrived," Renz said jokingly as everyone laughed at his joke.


Reese just laughed at his friend's joke before he sat.


As Reese settled into his seat in the empty chair, the lively chatter of his friends filled the air around him. Renz, Rey, and the others bantered about random topics, their laughter mingling with the ambient noise of the bar.


They discussed everything, like their plans for the summer, which college they want to go to, what course to take, and what not. 


Amidst the conversation, Renz, ever the instigator, began to tell Reese about his plan to find a job for the summer in Cebu City.


"So, Bro, have you thought about what job you're going to apply for after graduation?" Renz asked, a mischievous glint in his eye.


Reese paused for a moment, considering his response. "I'm not entirely sure yet," he admitted. "I'm still weighing my options."


Renz raised an eyebrow. "Well, you better figure it out soon. You can't stay undecided forever, you know."


Reese chuckled, knowing Renz was only teasing. But Renz wasn't done yet.


"And what about Lian?" Renz added with a smirk. "You gonna make a move or what?"


Reese felt his cheeks flush slightly at the mention of Lian's name. "I don't know, Renz," he replied, trying to deflect the question. "We'll see what happens."


But Renz wasn't one to let things go easily. "Come on, man, you've been eyeing her for ages," he teased. "Just go talk to her. What's the worst that could happen?"


Reese rolled his eyes, knowing Renz wouldn't let it go until he gave in. "Fine, fine," he relented with a laugh. "I'll talk to her."


"My man, save my seat; I'll go find a rest room to take a leak," Renz said, smiling as he patted Reese on the shoulder. 


As Renz excused himself to find a restroom, Rey leaned in towards Reese with a supportive smile.


"You know, Reese, Renz is right," Rey began, his voice earnest. "You've been eyeing Lian for a while now. Maybe it's time to finally make a move."


Reese shifted uncomfortably in his seat, feeling the weight of his friends' encouragement. "I don't know, Rey," he replied, his voice hesitant. "What if she's not interested?"


Rey shrugged, his expression optimistic. "You'll never know unless you try, right? And who knows, maybe she's been waiting for you to make the first move."


Reese couldn't help but feel a flutter of nerves at the thought. What if Rey was right? What if Lian was waiting for him to take that step? Then he looked at Lian and his friend Rey and said, "Wish me luck." Then he stood up.


With a deep breath to steady his nerves, Reese mustered up the courage to approach Lian. He made his way through some of his classmates. weaving between tables until he stood before her.


'Now or never,' Reese thought nervously. 


"Li..Lian," he said, his voice a little shaky but determined. "Can I talk to you for a moment?"


With a deep breath, Reese was about to open up to Lian about his feelings when he hesitated. Instead, he decided to start with a safer topic.


"So, Lian, what are your plans for this summer?" Reese asked, trying to sound casual.


Lian smiled, seeming relieved by the change in topic. "Well, I'm thinking of taking a short trip with my family to the beach. After that, I'll probably spend some time volunteering at the local shelter."


"That sounds amazing," Reese replied, genuinely interested. "And what about college? Have you decided where you're going?"


Lian nodded. "Yes, I've been accepted to the University of San Carlos Main. I'm planning to pursue a degree in psychology."


Reese nodded, impressed. "That's fantastic. I'm still figuring out my plans for college," he admitted, feeling a bit insecure about his own uncertain future.


As Reese and Lian were engrossed in their conversation, Rey suddenly burst into the scene, his expression panicking.


"Reese, Lian, we need to go! Renz is in trouble!" Rey exclaimed, his voice urgent.


Concerned, Reese and Lian exchanged a quick glance before turning their attention back to Rey.


"What happened to Renz?" Reese asked, his heart racing with worry, then he spread his spiritual sense to check the situation. Reese heaved a sigh of relief, seeing that nothing had happened yet.


Rey took a moment to catch his breath before explaining, "I went to look for Renz, and I found him arguing with some guys near the entrance. Things got heated, and it looks like they're about to start a fight!"


Seeing that Rey was clearly panic-stricken, he patted Rey on the shoulder as he reassured him. "Don't worry, Renz, I will be alright."


Without wasting another moment, Reese sprang into action. Turning to Lian, he said, "I'm sorry, Lian. I'll catch up with you later. Right now, I need to make sure Renz is okay."


Lian nodded understandingly, her expression filled with concern. "Be careful, Reese," she said softly, her eyes following him as he hurried off with Rey to intervene in the escalating situation.


As Reese approached the scene, he noticed Renz engaged in a heated exchange with two thugs looking burly men. The tension was palpable. He scanned the crowd and spotted some of his classmates nearby, their eyes fixed on the unfolding confrontation.


Ignoring the curious stares of their classmates gathered around, Reese approached the scene cautiously, his eyes scanning the situation for signs of escalation. The two men were clearly intoxicated; their slurred words and aggressive gestures made it difficult to reason with them.


Without hesitation, Reese pushed through the crowd, determined to intervene before things escalated further. "Renz, what's going on?" he called out, trying to catch his friend's attention amidst the commotion.


The two men turned their attention to Reese, their expressions hard and defiant. One of them, a big thug figure with tattoos snaking up his arms, sneered at Reese. "Mind your own fucking business, kid. This doesn't fucking concern you."


Renz, though visibly agitated, shot Reese a grateful glance. "Reese, these guys are causing trouble."