
Urban Knight

In the vibrant streets of Cebu City, Reese Urban leads a double life as the enigmatic Urban Knight. When a wave of strange occurrences threatens the city, Reese must confront these evil beings, uncovering dark secrets that challenge his resolve. With the help of his friends, Reese embarks on a perilous journey to save his city from destruction, facing danger at every turn. Urban Knight is a thrilling tale of action and adventure, where courage and strength are put to the ultimate test in the fight against evil.

SoLaR89 · Urban
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91 Chs

Chapter 16: Testing

After hours of intense study and concentration, Reese finally opened his eyes, his mind buzzing with new understanding.


"So that's how it is. How complex," Reese said with awe in his voice.


When he scanned the memory fragments, he discovered that most of the memory fragments that his master bestowed were inaccessible to him. 'I wonder why Master did this. Is it because I'm still weak?'


The only memory fragments he was able to see were the basics, like how to circulate the Amethyst Aura to heal himself even faster and how to use soul power and spiritual sense. He was also able to study two martial arts techniques that each had their own power structure. With each technique he studied, Reese realized that they were organized into distinct levels. The techniques were divided into five levels, each named in a language unfamiliar to him; they were called Gyllene, Zelen, Lila, Zwart, and lastly Vermelho. 


Each level was further divided into three levels: Low, Middle, and High. The two techniques his master bestowed to him were all High-level Zelen techniques, called Shadow Dash, a movement technique, and Thunder Punch, a fist technique. 


Despite his eagerness to dive into the martial arts techniques his master had gifted him, Reese found himself at a loss for where to begin.


Glancing around his small room, Reese realized that he didn't have the space to practice the techniques effectively. The cramped quarters and lack of open space made it impossible for him to execute the intricate movements and speed of Shadow Dash and the power of Thunder Punch. 


Faced with the challenge of finding a suitable space to practice martial arts techniques, Reese decided to focus his efforts on developing his spiritual sense. He reasoned that honing this skill would not only be valuable in his martial arts training but also provide him with insights into his surroundings and potential training locations.


Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath and began to quiet his mind, allowing his consciousness to expand beyond the confines of his physical body. At first, Reese found it difficult to focus, with his thoughts racing and distractions pulling at his attention. But with each breath, he felt himself becoming more centered and more attuned to the subtle energies that surrounded him.


Slowly but surely, Reese began to sense the energy around him. He could feel the gentle hum of life pulsating through everything, from the walls of his room to the plants outside his window, even the ants that were crawling in the garden. He could even feel the emotions of his parents. It was as if a veil had been lifted, revealing a hidden layer of reality that had always been there, waiting to be discovered.


"This is incredible. This spiritual sense is fucking unbelievable. It's like a surveillance camera, but even better." Reese could not help but exclaim in amazement.


Reese continued to practice his spiritual sense, and he found himself becoming more adept at sensing the energy that flowed through their house. He could see his mother watering the flowers in the garden, feeling relaxed and content, and he could see his father reading the latest news on his phone in the living room, feeling concerned. 'The news must be bad.' Then he looked for his younger brother, but he could not sense him nearby. 'It seems that Ryan is not home.' Reese thought.


Then Reese tried to push his spiritual sense to its limits; he couldn't help but feel a twinge of disappointment when he realized its range was limited to just 50 meters. However, a sudden recollection of his master's teachings flooded his mind, prompting him to adjust his attitude.


Remembering his master's words about the rarity of spiritual senses in their universe, Reese realized the significance of even having this ability. He understood that only cultivators in higher realms possessed such a gift; he should be grateful for having Spiritual Sense even though he was still in the Nether Realm.


Next, Reese tried to use his soul power, but he did not want to test his soul power on his parents; it could damage their souls or, worse, he might kill them accidentally. As for now, he put the idea of testing his soul power in the back of his mind. Instead, he tests his other powers.


As Reese sat in his room, pondering the extent of his newfound abilities, an idea began to form in his mind. Curious about the changes his body had undergone after being tempered by the Amethyst Aura, he decided to conduct a simple experiment to test the hardness of his skin.


Then Reese went to the kitchen to look for a very sharp knife. After picking up the sharpest knife he could find in the kitchen, he went back to his room. Feeling nervous, I said, 'Ok, okay, I got this. Just take a deep breath,' Reese thought nervously. Taking a deep breath to steady his nerves. He slowly pressed the blade against his forearm, applying gentle pressure.


To his surprise, Reese felt nothing but a slight tingling sensation as the knife made contact with his skin. Intrigued by this discovery, he decided to increase the pressure, pressing harder against his arm. As the blade pressed against his skin, Reese watched in fascination as it failed to leave even the slightest mark. His skin seemed impenetrable to the sharp edge of the knife, as if it had been transformed into something harder and more resilient. 


With growing excitement, Reese continued to test the limits of his newfound strength, experimenting with different angles and levels of pressure. With each slice of the knife, he was stunned at the remarkable durability of his skin. Then the knife finally bent for too much pressure he was using. Feeling satisfied, Reese thought. 'I wonder if other weapons could harm me, like a machete, sledgehammer, or even bullets.' He wondered. But Reese knew that he must exercise caution and restraint. 


"Someday, someday," Reese said with excitement in his voice. 


After a long day of testing his incredible powers, Reese headed to the kitchen for a hearty dinner. However, as he sat down at the table, he couldn't help but notice the lingering stares of his parents and younger brother.


"What?" Reese asked them as he stuffed food in his mouth.


"I'm sorry, honey. It's just that your appearance. isn't easy to get used to," his mother said gently.


"Your mother is right, son. It's just so unbelievable," his dad added. 


Reese sighs as he hears his mother's gentle voice. Putting down the spoon and fork, Reese took a deep breath and decided to address the issue head-on.


"Mom, Dad," Reese began with a warm smile, trying to lighten the mood. "I know I look a little different now, but hey, think of it this way: I'm very good-looking now." 


His parents exchanged a surprised glance, but Reese could see a hint of amusement flicker in their eyes. His younger brother even chuckled, breaking the tension with a grin.


"Yeah, Kuya, you definitely stand out now," his brother teased, nudging him playfully. 


Reese laughed along with them, relieved to see his family responding positively to his attempt at humor. "Exactly!" he exclaimed, gesturing to his transformed appearance. "I mean, who wouldn't want to be this good-looking?" 


His parents couldn't help but chuckle at his lighthearted joke, their expressions softening as they realized that Reese was still the same person they knew and loved, regardless of his appearance. 


"You've always had a way with words, son," his father remarked, shaking his head with a fond smile. "But in all seriousness, we just want you to know that we love you, no matter what."


Reese's heart swelled with gratitude as he looked around the table at his family. Their love and acceptance remained the same, and for that, Reese was truly grateful. 


"Thanks, Mom, Dad," Reese replied, his voice filled with emotion. "I'll just keep dazzling you with my new look!"


With laughter and love filling the room, Reese and his family continued their meal. 'Now that issue is out of the way, I could finally focus properly on my other stuff.' he thought as he looked at his happy parents and brother.