
UpLeftDownRight Marvel

I dig Gamer fanfics, I can't help it. Giant Marvel fan too, so Imma just slap those together.

Drax152 · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Chapter 6

Logan decided to just go home. Today could fuck right off. He headed in the direction of the subway, very wary of his surroundings. He got a different ding in his head than he was used to, a small screen appearing in his peripheral vision.

{System Update, some functions may be unavailable for a few moments.}

He shrugged and kept walking. The subway ride home was uneventful, so he kept his guard up, since that he become strange to him now. He was right to do so.

{System Update completed! Combat Trials are now infused with your reality! Combat trial number 3 begins in 3...2...1...

Fight unarmed and don't use your magic!}

Logan then found himself surrounded by 15 or 20 thugs, all wearing assorted colors of hoodies and what looked like old-school alarm clocks around their necks. He took up a cautious stance, using 'Observe' while he still had the chance.

Clockwatcher Thug (Clockwatcher is an original villain that I made like 10 seconds ago)

Level: 3

HP: 35/35

Logan put himself in a karate stance and waited for one of the thugs to make the first move. His eyes darted to a thug who was coming at him with a crowbar. As the thug raised the crowbar above their head, Logan jumped forward at him, using that momentum to kick him in the chest, the thug dropped the crowbar, which Logan twirled around his foot until he let it go in another thug's face. 2 thugs down. They were unconscious but they didn't digitize. Which meant this was actually happening. Logan backed off a bit, goading the thugs into following him towards a fire escape. He leaped up and caught the lowest rung of the ladder, swinging forward to double-kick a thug in the face and then climbed up the ladder. He ran up the steps, but he didn't go too fast.

It wasn't long before the entire fire escape, from railings to the steps, had dents from twhere the skulls of thugs had been slammed. There were even a few spots of the wall that now had cracked bricks.

Logan took some deep breaths and cooled his adrenaline, unconscious thugs littering the fire escape.

{Combat Trial complete!}


+1 level in any ability or skill

+150 shop coins

Karate level 4! You are a competent combatant in this style of fighting. Not very many have this level, but that's not necessarily saying much.

Current rank: 1

Ranks Needed to Level: 25

Logan sighed, and left the roof that he was now on, noping out and going the hell home.

When he got home, he debated what the fuck he was going to do with 750 shop coins. The choice presented itself rather quickly though.

{System Sale! Pick any elemental magic ability, and get a random skill tome for 500 coins!}

His choice:

Elemental Spirit Lvl 1: Pick an affinity with a kind of animal. You summon a spirit of that animal that inflicts elemental damage of an element you have access to. Affinity chosen: Birds.

Shadow: Crow

Light: Eagle

{Skill Tome...loading...}

!NEW! Smithing Lvl 1:

You understand the basics of turning scrap metal or refined metal into usable tools, but execution of these basics will take time to master.

Current Rank: 1

Ranks Needed to Level: 10

{250 coins remaining}

Logan scoured back and forth through the shop for anything he could by for 250 coins, but there wasn't much luck. He left his coins alone for now, selecting an option to be notified when another sale was going on in the shop. He had some homework to do.

At about 2am, Logan was rudely awakened by a scuffle downstairs. Slapping his glasses onto his face, he left his room for the stairs, his inventory at the ready. He was greeted by his dad, rather drunk, arguing with a woman Logan had never seen before. He didn't get the idea that they had been out together, as it seemed they wanted nothing to do with each other. He narrowed his eyes at the platinum-haired woman, using 'Observe' quickly.

Lydia Hardy

Level: 6

HP: 120/125

Stats: Mediocre stats

{Note: Last name and relative appearance similar to a classmate of yours. You're welcome.}

Logan stood and thought for a second, recognizing the last name as the same last name as Felicia, a girl in one of his last classes of the day. He rubbed his chin for a second before he stepped in. "Dad! It's 2am! Go to bed!" He legitimately didn't care that they were arguing about.

Lydia noticed him, in his black tank top and red sweatpants, and turned to his dad. "I have no idea how a handsome young man like him came from a pig such as yourself! Choke on a bottle!" She turned to Logan. "Since he probably won't tell you what he did, he attempted to get my daughter Felicia drunk. He didn't even care how much younger she was than him!" She turned to leave, but paused when Logan straight-up punched his dad and knocked him out cold.

"He needs to sleep off the alcohol. Also, that's what he gets for trying that shit with one of my classmates. Take care. And let Felicia know that my dad's actions have zero influence on me." He dragged his dad to the couch and balled up a blanket on his chest. "Have a good day ma'am." He turned off the lights and stood at the door to watch them leave. His hair was very messy and his glasses were off, so he had no idea how he could be considered handsome, but he figured Lydia might have had a little liquor too. He shoved off to bed to see if he could function in the morning.

When he woke back up for school with bags under his eyes, he took a quick shower and left for school. His dad was gone, probably at the first job of the day. His dad worked two jobs to keep them afloat, but he never spent time off with Logan, so they had very parallel existences for the most part.

He got to school and paused at his locker, a small mark on his locker of a pink lipstick mark with a note under it.

"Thank you for putting your dad in place. I appreciate it. ~Felicia Hardy" He shrugged to himself before his system dinged.

{Felicia Hardy is moved by what you did. +2 to any interactions involving her.}

He rolled his eyes before he opened his locker, to see a slip of paper probably slipped through the slats of his locker. "1491892658 ~Text me Tiger. - MJ" (I totally made up that number, 10-key number pad on my laptop ftw) He groaned a bit again. Texting was easier than calling, but why the hell would he voluntarily get that drama going? Then again, they needed to finish their project, so it would probably be a good idea anyway to meet up for it. He then heard a ding.


{Stop being a fucking loser and go on a date with MJ, pussy.}

Rewards: The system stops calling you a pussy.

Failure to accept date: {Earn the "Pussy" title. You don't want it.}

He groaned and grabbed his shit before going to class, hating his life at the moment.

Clockwatcher will be a Jackal-esque character, but not in the sense of cloning.

More in the creepy stalker sense. Now you probably understand why he got jumped. If not, stay tuned to find out :)

Also, you guys are welcome for the double upload

Drax152creators' thoughts