
UpLeftDownRight Marvel

I dig Gamer fanfics, I can't help it. Giant Marvel fan too, so Imma just slap those together.

Drax152 · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Chapter 10

A/N: YEET. I decided it wasn't time for a fully described sex scene, so ya'll gonna have to wait for just a liiiiiiittlllle bit.

Logan woke up in a complete daze. On the floor. With a...shower curtain over him? He tossed it off of him, seeing his stuff all over the bathroom. He was also very naked and soaked. He squinted his eyes through very foggy glasses at the mirror, seeing three different shades and colors of lipstick smeared on it. When his vision cleared, he crawled to his feet, or tried to anyway. He couldn't feel them, so he kinda just stumbled to the bathroom sink and read the mirror.

In a stark black lipstick, at the top was written: "Mmmmmm tasty~"

In hot pink lipstick, read: "I'm gonna be so lopsided tomorrow, oh my god."

In crimson red, the final message read: "We should do this again Tiger~ You're good at what you do."

He groaned as he stood up, very foggy memories surfacing in his head of the night before, only for most of the memories to get even foggier until it felt like a dream, even though the lipstick on the mirror begged to differ.

His system dinged, and He stared at the screen, squinting.

{Hey, welcome back to the land of the conscious! You didn't take any control there last night, huh? Welp, guess what you get for that? Ta-daaaaaa you don't get to remember! Of course, it still happened, but you get to piece it together now! You legit just kinda let them crawl over you bro. Not manly :( }

Logan groaned and dragged himself back to his feet, waiting for his legs to feel again. "Fucking, jackass fucking system. Goddammit..." He stumbled his way back into his room to find, again, that clothes and a bunch of other crap were all over the place. Giant wet spots were all over his carpet and his bed looked flooded. He kept walking with his dead leg, wadding up his bedsheets and chucking them into the washer. He was lucky it was Saturday, or he would've been really late for school.

He gimped himself to downstairs and took out the trash, barely able to lug the fucking thing to the dumpster. He turned back around and went inside again. This is when his phone started going off, endless notifications.

He stuck his glasses on his face and blew his messy-ass hair out of his face to read.his texts. 'Fuck. Felicia and Gwen got my number from MJ. Gonna have to make a new album in my phone's gallery soon...' The texts were kinda basic, just telling him they enjoyed, asking when they could go again, blahblahblah. He sent a blanket statement to the three of them, saying not for at LEAST 3 or 4 weeks to a month. He needed to process how he wanted to deal with the likely hoard of women wanting to jump his bones.

He flopped onto the couch and turned on the tv, completely ignoring the system's prompts to go do shit.

The news was on, as per usual, and Logan almost flipped the channel, except they were talking about one of the more recent vigilantes, Spider-Woman. She had the exact same powers as Spider-Man, except her suit looked completely different. She had a black and white suit, ending in a hood at the top, with dark pink on the inside of the hood, with teal ballet shoes on her feet. Apparently, she was spotted doing shit earlier this morning, but the newscasters are speculating on her rather obvious limp and her occasional stumbling.

Logan's face went red. He now knew who Spider-Woman was.

{DING! Observe data updated to fit with known data}

Spider-Woman/Gwen Stacy

Level: 6

Str: 8

Dex: 16

Con: 7

Int: 10

Wis: 7

Cha: 6

Luck: 4

Charisma bonuses: +8 = 20 Charisma when interacting with her! She is influenced by your Charismatic Aura.

He sighed a bit and got back up from the couch, hungry as fuck. He made himself a nice sandwhich, a spicy deli chicken with some mustard, pepper jack cheese, and some chips in the sandwich because he was an elite sandwich boy.

After his sandwich, he broke down and went out to do shit, walking a few blocks before disappearing into an alley and donning his trenchcoat. He melted into shadow, travelling up a building from within its shade and arriving behind a roof access stairwell. He went into the shop with 250 coins to spend. He stroked his stubbly chin before he spotted a sale. A list of items were on sale for half off. One was usually 500 but now it was 250.

Elemental Manifestation - Wings:

{While you can create wings using elements you have access to, these wings will not truly allow you to fly until further levels in that element's manipulation. Currently, you can glide from one building to another, given that the first building is taller.}

He grinned and bought it, manifesting shadow wings which looked like completely clear and transparent wings on his shoulderblades, but outlined in a blackish purple.

A few hours of testing this had granted him a singular level in this, allowing for a flap or two to increase altitude.

As he came to a stop on a higher roof than when he started, a sound behind him startled him. He spun around, staff at the ready and crows already flying around him. He calmed down though. It was just Spider-Gwen. To her eyes, his staff suddenly disappeared, along with the crows. She also went into a slight haze in her head upon getting closer to him, which she didn't understand.

He noticed this too, so he backed up a bit until she was just barely outside of his five-foot aura. "Can I help you?" Shadows gathered around the opening of his hood, filtering his voice through it into a hazy, willowy voice. Upon doing so, his Shadow manipulation levelled up due to his creative uses of it. Simultaneously, his black trenchcoat began to work as it should with the manipulation, his figure obscured by flame-like shadows. He shook his head a bit, and his trenchcoat returned to being a normal black coat.

Gwen's eye-visors widened, before she cleared her throat. "Just wanted to meet the vigilante I heard about. Nice work helping Spidey-" She was in the middle of talking when he interrupted.

"For helping Peter you mean? Yeah no prob." He crossed his arms and pretended to clean his nails.

Gwen stuttered for a second. "H-how did you know?" Obviously she did, since she and Peter both had spider powers it was only natural. Logan shrugged.

"It's not like he's the greatest spy ever. But I'm also really...observant...of people. But you know that, Miss Stacy." He watched, almost feeling bad about the defensive posture she took. He put his hands up. "Hey, I just make it a point to know who I might be working with. But that doesn't mean I'm gonna hand over my own identity, so forget about it. Don't worry, yours and Parker's identities are safe with me." He did a very flamboyant bow, which he thought about making his shadow persona do. His light persona would be a lot more tactful than he was currently. The light persona would also be less sarcastic. He grinned before flopping his hood back, shadows encasing his head in a primitive version of a full-head mask, with eyes gleaming with his light element plastered over it. "While I never asked for whatever powers I have now, being a vigilante or hero is much easier than the dirty work and planning it takes to be a successful villain." He gave her a sarcastic salute before his coat shifted to light, blackish purple eyes covering the bright gold mask where his formerly golden light eyes were. His robes stayed just as white-ish gold robes before turning into his actual light robes, practically making him vanish before he leaped off the roof, his wings catching his momentum and carrying him away.

Hey guys! So sorry for the wait. I had the idea about halfway through this to make his different elemental type forms have different quirks and behaviors to them, but by his own design and act for them. Stick around to meet the other personas he creates!

Drax152creators' thoughts