
Unveiling the Divine Within

In a world where magic and technology are mixed, Planet Ertus is where all the action occurs. This story involves a lot of action, drama, and yeah so stay tuned for the story that is about to unfold.

ExposedMonkey · Urban
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4 Chs

Breaking Point

It became a common occurrence, David was seen jogging on the streets of Mion. Mion is a massive city in the country of the White Silver Republic. Its tall buildings and large roads attracted the merchants of the Northeastern continent. Trade was booming before the Great War started and still recovering after the loss. The Great War left every place in shambles and many people did not make it out. Looking upon the city, David remembered how the city looked like, it was just unexplainably beautiful. Then one unfortunate day, he was going out with his family to celebrate his birthday. The combatants came and ruined the show for him, he remembered it so vividly like it happened the day before. It was a complete bloodbath, he saw his parents die in front of him in the name of "love". Even since that day, he felt empty like he had no family. But ever since he met Marcus, he felt like he had a chance to make a change. Currently, the combatants are occupying the Western continent under a peace treaty made by the major countries. "I'll never forget what they did!" David cursed. He suddenly stopped jogging and looked around him, it was like everything was moving in slow-mo or rather time stopped for him.

"What's happening?!?"

"Don't worry, Werin, it's me Marcus and this is one of my skills, "TIme Inflintration" " Marcus said behind David.

However this time David did not flinch for a fraction of a second. Looking behind, Marcus wore a peculiar outfit...

"Why are you on beach shorts?"David got too curious and the man in front of him was missing a top.

"Can't I have fun with my wife, Werin? Is it too much for a deity like me?" Marcus immediately replied in a defensive tone.

"No problem at all, sir."

Since when did I start to respect or is it the lecture he gave

[I can still read your thoughts kiddo]

This went on for a few minutes. Marcus wanted to tell David about an important thing about the system. The Divine System came with a pre-installed skill, "Eyes of Heaven". This skill enabled David to see photoli and photoni which are two different things that determine if a person is strong or not, aside from that, the skill also enabled him to see what happens at a place he has been. [A.k.a live CCTV skill]. Also, the skills enable the user to copy and perfect a skill upon seeing it.

More on photoli and photoni is that photoli is white-colored particles in the air far while the latter is near you. So if a person has many photoni around them means the guy is dangerous and run away if you have no physique. Because that fight would be a bullying case.

After a while things went back to normal and people went on with their as if nothing happened. Not even the person that was next to David realized a thing. The funny thing, David also pretended as if nothing happened and continued jogging. But also he got too curious and enabled the skills to see how it works.

[ Eyes of Heaven: Photoni View]

[ -2% energy ]

[ Energy: 30% + 88% reserved energy]

At once he saw white particles floating around people's bodies but it did not his cloud view as the particles stuck to the people's clothes. Turning his head for a second he saw multiple people who were naked. Both male and female. 

What the hell was that but to be honest some girls had attractive bodies....wait what am I thinking urgghh!

He immediately disabled the skill and ran home as he prepared for martial arts training.

* * *

"Hello there, welcome...to..the...gym?" the receptionist was puzzled as she looked at him for a second. The way he looked at him and glanced at his body was that of a gymnastic critic.

"Weren't you like way bigger than this?" she asked


"But you look like you've lost 20 kilos!"

"It's no biggie,"

After that awkward encounter, David went in for some training and learned more skills from just looking which made others think he was an undercover martial artist. However, the trainer did not approve of that idea as David refused that assumption. This caused a minor inconvenience and some trainees did not like it because they focused on themselves.

Before leaving the dojo, he went to the receptionist again and conversed.

"What's your name again?"David asked

"It's Mei and you?"

"David, nice to meet you,"

For a second she blushed and this shocked David to the very core.

How though? Am I not unattractive to women or is it my golden eyes?

"Excuse me please," Mei said running to the restroom.

After the long day, he went home and took a rest before heading out to the city again. Jogging was then his favorite means of transport as he liked the scenery he viewed every time he jogged. But to interrupt his moment, he heard a cry from one of the alleyways

That isn't good. Let me check it out.

He did not move at a fast pace this time and sneakily moved to where he heard the cry. Turning left he saw four medium-sized men with tattoos all over surround a girl. To make it more specific it was Mei. It was a turning point for him since he wanted a real-life experience of fighting, but he didn't have a weapon. Looking up and down the alleyway, he found a metallic pipe that could break a skull or two.

"Hey boys, pick someone your size," he said which was a common phrase from the series he was watching when he was a kid.

The men flinched then one of them turned around to cut open David but for some reason, he avoided it and knocked out the guy by hitting the balls.


" I think I broke his balls..." he got cut off by another man who slashed off a piece of his shirt.

This action made him rage and knocked out both men in one strike.


The last one was running away pulling Mei with him. His pace was quick but David tried to catch up to him. 

Damn, I won't be able to catch him at this pace.

But he was in range for a luck-based attack; throwing the pipe with hopes of knocking him out.


The pipe went flying at a high speed nearing the enemy with every nearing second. The pipe eventually hit him which stunned him. David took a chance to catch up and do something dumb which may hurt him. Before the man got the ability to run again, he saw a huge boy coming at a high speed who was at arm's length before he found himself on the ground.



Landing on the concrete flow of the alley, the backbone of the enemy made a cracking sound. To David's surprise, he didn't get hurt a single bit. Not a single bruise or cut on his body.

"Thank you, I owe you my life!"Mei cried as she headed to hug David. He did not resist this and enjoyed the moment for his hard work.