
Chapter 5: Let's talk

Hawks POV

After leaving (y/n)'s home I sped quickly thru the sky knowing the burnt male waiting on me would be pissed on why I was late. "Why did she look like that...I never seen that face before...I hope she is ok.." I thought to myself before spotting the male I was looking for. I dove down to him smiling slightly. "Sup burnt chicken" A smiled gleamed across my face. I noticed him smiling as I stepped in front of him. "What's got you so happy? you rarely ever smile" I said curiously, my wings fluttered before relaxing.

He was silent before looking up to me causing me to stiffen up just a bit. "I met a little birdy and she reminded me of you" I looked at him completely confused. "A little birdy...." after thinking about it for a bit I gasped. "Your the one that scared her that bad! What the hell you do??" I yelled at him slightly angry. He looked at me and was silent for a bit. "I just started to walk towards her then she went all in panic mode...It was cute though the way she tried to hide it" I shivered a bit and moved away from him. "Dude I totally understand why she ran you crazy bastard" We both let out a laugh of agreement before heading to our destination.

I was still quiet curious on how she sparked his interest. "So how did she catch your eye? Because I know for a fact your ass is hard to get." Dabi let out a breathy chuckled. "I don't know really...I got the order to follow her so I did. I guess when she finally decided to confront me.." he said as we walked into a bar. Dabi wore a hoodie so no one would see who he was.

After we sat down I ordered us a few drinks. "So what's your plan on getting out of the league of villains?" I asked low enough for only him to hear. He sighed and groaned "I will just tell him I'm leaving if he tries to stop me I will burn him...that simple" He said quite confidently like he didn't have a worry bone in his body, that sometimes scared me but I knew he had them somewhere he was just good at hiding them with his straight faced expression he showed on his face most of the time. I mean I totally get why its there in the first place. I started to laugh just a bit hearing his response as he nodded. "Alright then since your leaving to work on your own you can stay in my penthouse as long as you don't burn it or anything" His turquoise eyes looked to me with appreciation though he didn't say anything. That alone caused me to smile and nod. "Now lets get out of her before people start to question why I'm here in a place like this...." I said and got up leaving the money on the table as I leave. Dabi didn't get up till I was out as he left thru the side door that led to the alley so he wouldn't be seen with me. We walked through the shadows in a comfortable peace while I looked up into the night sky filled with stars an a few clouds that blocked other stars shine. The crescent moon caused a small smile from me from how small it was and how bright it shined.

We got back to my place I flew up and he went through the elevator that went to my floor. Lazily taking off my shoes I made my way to the kitchen for some water to sober myself a bit from the alcohol he had earlier that night. Dabi went straight to the bed room once he made up to the floor. I wasn't quite tired yet so I didn't follow instead I went out the balcony. It didn't take long for Dabi to see I didn't follow. He turned peaking his head from the corner before the hallway. "You coming bird brain?" His voice graspy and low, you could tell he needed sleep. I looked over to the taller dark male, "Nahh not just yet.. you go ahead first...I will be there in a bit.." With out another word he dragged his body to the room and to sleep.

I left the penthouse wanting to fly and enjoy the night breeze. I planned on doing that till I spotted familiar orange wings flying towards me. I slowed down a bit to fly with you. "Shouldn't you be sleep at this time of night?" my cheeky smile rose on my face seeing the look of shock on your face. Your shocked face became serious as you realized who I was.

Reader's POV

Hearing Hawk's voice next to me caused a little shock since I came out to talk to him. I looked at him noticing his childish smile on his face. "We need to talk.." I told him my tone serious but calm not wanting him to go on edge. He nodded grabbing onto my hand as he started to fly in the other direction. I followed behind him and soon realized we were at his place. He landed on the balcony walking in his home and followed behind him taking in the new surroundings. "Oh so you don't have maids that's surprising.." He looked at me a small chuckle leaving him. "I don't really like others in my business....what is it you wanted to talk about" he got straight to the point walking over to the couch sitting back.

I looked at him soon sighing relaxing my wings a bit. "I have a question?" He nodded waiting for me to finish crossing his legs setting them down on the coffee table. " Do you personally know a guy name Dabi?" As I said his name the aura around him completely changed, it was a bit scary I didn't even know someone like him could. "Yes I do is that a problem.." he said as if he was warning me not to make the wrong choice. I shook my head and looked at him crossing my arms. "No I don't just was trying to see if you would tell me the truth.." A confused expression came across his face. " I saw you two earlier and just want to ask.." As I finished the sentence I heard steps coming from the hallway instinctively my wings spread covering me. Through two of my feather a saw the familiar turquoise eyes look up sleepily. "WTF he is sleeping here!?..." I relaxed my wing revealing myself . Our eyes met as a smirk formed across his lips. "We meet again so soon?.." I scoffed looking back at Hawks who seemed to be trying not to laugh. "What's so funny bird brain?" I said grumbling a bit. He looked at me his laughing slowly stopping. "Now I have two people calling me bird brain...wait no...three" There was a paused before Dabi coughed a bit looking to Hawks. "Mind telling me why she is here?" he asked yawning as he stretched walking over to the couch. The moonlight finally hitting his skin showing off his nice figure covered in burned skin. "Though he is burnt his body is a nice fit..." A light brush crept my face looking away from the burnt man and looked to Hawks and decided to sit down in one of the extra chairs that I slid in front of the two. Hawks finally answered the question quite simply. "I brought her here....you don't have a problem since earlier she had you-" he was cut of by the hand around hiss neck. "Say one more word and I will snap it.." Hawks wings fluttered a bit. "Damn ok fine I won't...." he said his face showing he was enjoying the choke. Dabi soon let go sitting back looking at his phone. "Dabi is the dominate one if they are together" I thought to myself and a smile was painted on my face.

Dabi noticed the smile as he looked over to Hawks and sighed. "So what were you two talking about before I walked in?" he asked. I coughed slightly shocked a bit by the question. "She was asking if I knew you. Also what the hell happened that you scared the fuck out of her?" I glared at him and slapped him with my wings. "Damn you talk to much" I grunted a bit. Dabi chuckled softly "I already knew you were scared little birdy you I could see it in your eyes.." he said softly leaning against the couch. I looked at the two and smiled. "Do you two know the organization Dark Wing?..."