
Chapter 4: Stop following me.

After the encounter with Hawks he started to come to the café/ bar more often becoming a regular. It was a bit tiring since every time he came I would have to make sure the crowd that was there would stay calm. But it helped with our ratings since more people came since they knew the Number 2 Pro-hero was there. We even had to start getting more employees which didn't take long. I did appreciate that he helped raise our ratings.

Putting all that aside there has also been something bothering me. It would only happen when I'm out on my own. I could feel a presence near me especially at night, I didn't know if it was just me or someone was following me. I didn't want to cause a scene so I chose not to confront them.

It was Friday and Yuki said I could take the day off so I decided to go shopping for some more clothes since they were starting to fit tight on me. I shopped for hours to make sure I had enough and big enough to last at least two years. Stretching my wings once out the store as I started to head back home. "they're here again...." I thought to myself since I sensed the presence behind me again. "Why do they keep following me...what should I do?...." I looked around as I found a alley way "Got it" I turned into the alley seeing it leads to a dead end as I turned seeing a shadow in front of me. I soon sighed opening my third eye to see them. "Why are you following me and who are you?" I asked stern and a slight growl coming from my throat. The person didn't say anything for a while. I soon noticed blue fire coming from there hand and it moved up to the tips of their hair. The fire so bright I was able to see his features, the burned skin on the verge of falling off stuck up with piercings. A deep grasp voice came from him sounding as if he was horse. "So you knew I was following you the whole time.."

His voice caused a slightly shiver down my spine I could tell if I got on his bad side it might end bad both ways. I didn't need him thinking I was scared so I cleared my throat and crossed my arms. "Yea I knew I just didn't want to cause I scene. Mind telling me why the fuck your following me?" He let out a slight laugh "And if I don't? What, your gonna cause a scene just for me to burn you to ashes...what a kinky girl you are" He started walking towards me a smile that almost reminded me of Kuhung causing me to shutter with every step. I closed my eyes to take a deep breath to calm myself down from those memories. When I opened them they all came rushing back as I stared deep into his bright turquoise eyes. "F-fuck he is too damn close" I could feel my body quiver under his gaze. "Is this what prey feel like when they are about to be caught and eaten?!!" There was only one thought going through my mind when he stared at me so intensely. "run...run....RUN!...Wait! No stay calm don't show him your weaknesses" I sighed a bit pushing him away. I swallowed every quiver in my body starting stand up straight. "I didn't come here for you to flirt with me. I just came to tell you to stop following me! Burnt bitch!!" As soon as I said those words I spread my wings as fast as I could and got out of that alley before anything crazy happened. He smiled watching me fly up "Its Dabi don't fucking forget it!" His bright flames soon became dim then nothing at all.

I flew over the buildings thoughts racing through my head. "Fuck! I can't believe I almost fucking panicked...I thought I was stronger...I'm supposed to be-" Right as my thoughts filled my head I felt warmth fill me. It was familiar like I felt it before and calming. My once racing heart slowed down to its regular speed. "You ok now? You looked like you just seen death a few seconds ago.." a soft voice said to me snapping me back to reality. "H-hawks when did you get here?..." He let out a chuckle. "I was going to meet someone and I saw you and you looked terrified and in your head so I came to see if I could help.." My body felt better now he was holding me with his gentle touch. "Y-yea you did help...thank you. Sorry to worry you" He suddenly pulled me closer not saying a word. I wasn't going to resist him instead I wrapped my arms around him. "C-can you take me home?" I asked and without even answering he started to fly never once loosening his grip around me.

After a few minutes we were there, he landed his grip still tight around me. I smiled slightly chuckling. "I'm ok now...you can let me go" I could see a blush fill his cheeks as he did so. "S-sorry. Well now that you here I have to get going they are going to be pissed at me. Have a good night (Y/N)" The way my name rolled of his tongue so smoothly like he was meant to say it caused my heart to jump. "Wait! Did my....no way in hell...I need to rest is all...." I thought to myself walking in.

I could fill arm wrap tightly around me as Yuki hugged me tightly. "You had me worried sick! I'm glad your ok...Why didn't you call so I could know?" She asked a worried expression painted onto her beautiful features. I hugged her back as I sighed. "Sorry I will next time" Yuki nodded soon letting go "Well how was shopping.?" I smiled a bit as I realized I left them in the alley. groaning I turned to walk back out. "I will be back I have to get them so I can show you" She laughed at me as I walked out.

I got there within 10 minutes as I went to the alley getting bags. I noticed the male and again "fuck I'm screwed..." I thought to myself as I went and tried to fly off before seeing blonde locks next to him. "Is that Hawks with him!? Why is he with him!?"