
Unscientific Scientist From Sunagakure

This story is also called "Naruto : Since My Village Is On The Verge Of Bankruptcy, I Dug Out Some Oil". "Gaara, come on!" "If you dig out oil, Sunagakure will prosper." Gaara was puzzled. He was indignant. "Teacher Mukaze, shouldn't hard work mean training hard as well? You always ask me to dig in the sand. What kind of oil is there to help me train?" "Scientifically speaking, digging in the sand is a very good exercise." "Just dig hard, everything will be fine." “Once oil is dug, everyone in our Sunagakure will be able to wear a clean white cloth on their heads, and I will be the richest person in the world." Translator site: readfanfic . com P atreon: p atreon.co m/MiraiWorld

nyawdao3 · Anime & Comics
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122 Chs

The Era of Industrial Production Has Arrived

Momochi Zabuza sighed.

"I used to be proud of my silent killing skills. Today, when I saw your killing skills, I realized that I am just a frog in the well."

Mukaze said lightly: "I'm overly praised. This hand is easy to use against ordinary people, but not so easy against ninjas."

Naruto was shocked and became extremely curious.

"Uncle, is this a ninjutsu?"

"Yes, this is one of the electromagnetic escape ninjutsus I developed."

Naruto eyes sparks: "Can uncle teach me?"

Mukaze: "If you want to learn, you need to master thunder escape, wind escape and electromagnetic science knowledge. Do you know it?"

The so-called iron flower bloom is to control iron ions in the human body through a magnetic field, and the iron ions aggregate in the brain and then explode.

Upon hearing that he was about to read, Naruto's star eyes turned into whirlpool eyes.

Mukaze got the beheading sword and was about to leave.

"Then the deal is done, I'll take my leave now."

Magnetic field control.

Mufkaze holds a decapitating sword, it automatically rises.

Naruto exclaimed loudly: "Wow! So cool!"

Mukaze waved to them.

"Then see you next time!"

Mufeng flew into the distance.

The bridge shook again.

Naruto looked at Mukaze's retreating figure, his eyes shining with envy.

"Kakashi-sensei, this ninjutsu is so cool, can you do it?"

Kakashi shrugged.

"I am a copy ninja, but i also need for opponent's ninjutsu to be seen through by the Sharingan.

I didn't see how he used it at all."

Mukaze's stunning appearance gave him a little fanboy.

Momochi Zabuza: "Naruto, lend me a kunai."

He rushed towards Gato with a kunai in his mouth.

One knife after another.

Gato was tortured to death by him.

Zabuza fell to the ground exhausted.

"Please bury me and Haku together."

Snowflakes are falling from the sky.

In front of Zabuza and Haku's tomb.

Naruto asked Kakashi: "Teacher Kakashi, that uncle Mukaze is so powerful, why haven't I heard of him before?"

Kakashi smiled bitterly: "Because he is just a genin, and at the same time he is a ninja master."

Naruto: "The ninjutsu is stronger than that of Grandpa Hokage?"

Kakashi smiled bitterly.

"Actually, ninjutsu is only one aspect. What he is stronger is the ninja tools."

Unscientific Ninja Master's Ninja Tools are just so unscientific.

Naruto's little mind was trying hard to think of what ninja tool was stronger than the ninjutsu just now.

After thinking about it for a long time, he couldn't figure it out.

Next time he see that uncle, he will ask him.


The sun sets in the desert.

The setting sun stains the yellow sand scarlet.

Faraday Ninja Factory.

Mukaze, Gaara, Temari, Kankuro and others stood on the sandworm nest.

Behind them were a hundred cattle and sheep penned.

Gaara and the others looked at Mukaze holding the beheading sword with anticipation.

Mukaze told them.

"The Faraday Ninja Tool Factory has entered the assembly line, and the era of industrial production has arrived."

"You will be honored to witness and participate in this great historical moment."

Assembly line, industrialization.

They don't understand.

They believe in Teacher Mukaze.

Teacher Mukaze's science will create miracles.

Mukaze: "Ameno, Yoshiko, are the medical scrolls ready?"

The two patted the scroll bag on their chests.

"Hemostasis, anesthesia, and treatment scrolls are all ready, boss."

Mukaze casually broke it open, and the beheading sword broke into two pieces.

He threw the handleless piece to Gaara.

"Get it."

Mukaze reached out to Ameno and patted Yoshiko on the shoulder.

Electric current flowed on the surface of the two people's bodies.

The magnetic field strengthens.

The magnetic field of their bodies and the magnetic field of Mukaze are connected.


Mukaze stretched out his hand.

The power grid above the nest revealed a hole three people wide.

Mukaze took Yoshiko and Amane float through the hole and landed in the middle of the sandworm's back.

This mature body

Three hundred meters long, more than sixty meters in diameter, and weighing one hundred tons, the sandworm has no feeling at all. Mukaze ordered: "If the sandworm moves violently later, you will inject it with anesthetic."

"Yeah, I know, boss."

Mukaze's hand touched the beheading sword.

Magnetically enhanced.

Magnetic chakra input in the palm of his hand.

There is a thin orange light shell on the blade.

It forms an electromagnetic field focused on the blade body to produce a magnetic field, eddy current, high-frequency magnetic field wave, which can produce high temperature.

In this way, the beheading sword becomes an electromagnetic knife.

The high-frequency and high-temperature electromagnetic knife can cut, cauterize or vaporize biological tissue in contact with it.

He took the decapitating sword and give it a slight stroke.

The sandworm's skin is harder than fine iron and cuts easily like cheese.

Muscle, fat, and nerve tissue under the skin are charred.

The gushing blood evaporated instantly.

The sandworm felt pain and wanted to turn over.

Yoshiko and Amane quickly prepared anesthetics and sedatives and injected them into the wound.

The sandworm finally settled down.

The wound on the back was burned at high temperature to form an opening, exposing the blood vessels, muscles and nerve tissue inside.

Mukaze faded away the magnetic field on the surface of the beheading sword.

He inserted the severed end of the blade into the severed blood vessel.

As soon as the broadsword touches the blood vessel, it seems to be spiritual, greedily absorbing the blood in the blood vessel.

The sandworm felt nothing and remained motionless.

Mukaze held the sword in his hand and could clearly feel it shaking and growing.

Not a moment.

The beheading sword that was broken into two parts was restored to 250 centimeters.

The weight has changed slightly.

Mu Feng weighed it.

It is 3 kilograms heavier than the original 30 kilograms.

This should mean that the blood of sandworms is richer in metal components than humans.

Mukaze raised his beheading sword and smiled with satisfaction.


He broke it in pieces again.

Throw the head half to Gaara.

Then insert the remaining broken blade into the sandworm's blood vessel.

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