
Unscientific Scientist From Sunagakure

This story is also called "Naruto : Since My Village Is On The Verge Of Bankruptcy, I Dug Out Some Oil". "Gaara, come on!" "If you dig out oil, Sunagakure will prosper." Gaara was puzzled. He was indignant. "Teacher Mukaze, shouldn't hard work mean training hard as well? You always ask me to dig in the sand. What kind of oil is there to help me train?" "Scientifically speaking, digging in the sand is a very good exercise." "Just dig hard, everything will be fine." “Once oil is dug, everyone in our Sunagakure will be able to wear a clean white cloth on their heads, and I will be the richest person in the world." Translator site: readfanfic . com P atreon: p atreon.co m/MiraiWorld

nyawdao3 · Anime & Comics
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121 Chs

Factory Technique

Blood accounts for about 8% of the sandworm's body.

The blood flow in the body of a 100-ton sandworm weighs 8 tons, which is 8,000 kilograms.

Because the metal content in the blood of sandworms is much higher than that of human bodies.

The decapitation sword only consumes 20 kilograms of blood for 15 kilograms of iron.

Calculated, one hundred tons of sandworm blood can produce 6,000 kilograms of metal.

A kunai counts as 0.5 kilograms, and a ninja sword counts as 1.5 kilograms.

Calculated, it can produce twelve thousand kunai and four thousand ninja swords.

Of course, Mukaze would definitely not drain the lake and drain the blood of the sandworms.

There are now four sandworms in the nest, and they take turns bleeding every day, with one third of the blood being drained each time. The daily output of metal raw materials is about 2,000 kilograms.

That's 730 tons a year.

The output of 730 tons is certainly pitiful compared to the original world count of 10,000 tons, but it is definitely a top-ranked production capacity in the ninja world.

not to mention.

He can also expand his production capacity by continuing to catch sandworms.

As for Sunagakure, it was even more of a miracle.

Because Sunagakure does not have its own steel factory, all the steel raw materials it needs must be purchased from outside.

The most important thing is stability.

In the past, the steel and metal materials needed by the Faraday Ninja Tool Factory had to be purchased from outside sources or Mukaze refined them himself.

Deserts are also out of question.

Often a hundred miles of desert cannot extract even ten kilograms of metal.

Mukaze himself couldn't refine a ton in a day.

But now, he only need to invest in pigs, cattle and sheep to feed the sandworms. If the sandworms are fed, he can stably produce.

The input-output ratio based on cost conversion is definitely a huge profit.

Thinking of this.

Mukaze became more and more excited.

The sword kept thrusting in and out.

When it's long, break it off, break it and stuff it again.

Night falls.

The sandworm couldn't stand it anymore.

Three hours have been extracted

It's one third of the health. Even with anesthesia, sedation, and massive blood loss, it made it restless.

Ameno and Yoshiko quickly dissuaded him.

"Boss, the sandworm can't bear it anymore."

Only then did Mukaze, who was excited, stop.

The sandworms crawling underfoot are increasing in frequency.


"I know, boss."

Temari took off the huge folding fan from behind and fanned it towards the group of cattle and sheep behind her.

She whipped up strong winds and swept these poor cattle and sheep into the air and finally landed in front of the sandworms.

The sandworms are losing blood and need to supplement their nutrition.

It unceremoniously opened its big mouth with four fangs and sucked hundreds of cattle and sheep into its belly like noodles.

Mukaze took Ameno and Yoshiko back to the ground.

Gaara: "Teacher, the total is 2,300 kilograms of iron."

Half-cut knives were neatly stacked beside him.

As a craftsman in the factory, Kankuro is also familiar with metal raw materials.

"Boss, these irons are tougher than the raw materials we purchase. If we use them to make ninja tools, I believe the performance will be improved."

"But I just tried it in a blast furnace. They need a high temperature of more than 1,500 degree to melt into molten iron. Then they will slowly return to their original shape after cooling into molten iron. What can we do about this problem?"

Kankuro looked regretful.

If the molten iron cannot be forged and used, it will be in vain.

When Mukaze came into contact with the decapitating sword before, he had already figured out the characteristics of the decapitating sword through metal control.

No matter how the decapitation sword is broken, it can be restored to its original shape as long as it absorbs iron from the blood.

The reason is that one of the raw materials of the beheading sword is a metal with memory function.

Memory metal is combined with ninjutsu to transform its internal molecular structure during forging to create tiny iron-attracting ninjutsu to create a unique

Beheading sword. To be precise, this beheading sword is actually a scientific ninja tool.

However, I believe that the original ninja master who forged it did not know the scientific principles and just got it accidentally.

Mukaze already knew the molecular structure of the iron-absorbing recovery ninjutsu.

He will apply this technology to his puppets.

Now the most important role of the beheading sword for him is as a raw material.

Mukaze: "Then continue to heat up, destroy its internal structure, and let it melt more completely."

He is a black-hearted profiteer.

He won't sell any kunai that can be restored by sucking blood.

If everyone has a kunai like this, then who will buy from them in the future?

Not a joke.

A manufacturer went bankrupt.

The reason is that the quality of the products is so good that customers will use them for decades, but the factory will go out of business if it cannot sell its products.

Kankuro: "But currently our blast furnace can only reach about 1,500 degrees."

Mu Feng: "It doesn't matter. Now let's build a new factory, use new equipment, build a higher blast furnace, and build assembly lines."

With a stable supply of raw materials, Mukaze is in high spirits.

Ninjas certainly don't need to hire construction workers to build a new factory.

Mukaze chose to build a factory in the desert two kilometers away from the sandworm nest.

Gaara, Kankuro, Temari and the others looked up and hung in the air to enjoy the wind.

Mukaze looked at the flat ground under his feet, stretched out his hands, and shouted loudly.

"Earth Release: Factory Technique."

The ground shook.

The earth trembled.

A rectangular factory building 200 meters long, 40 meters wide and 30 meters high gradually grew out of the gravel.

"Electromagnetic Escape: The Art of Steel Bar."

Iron and other metal elements within the factory walls are gathered into steel bars to reinforce the factory building.

The desert wind roared past and carried away the dust from the factory building.

A completely yellow, brand-new factory building with an area of ​​8,000 square meters appeared in front of everyone.

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