
Unpredictably Zero

Join us in the adventures of Zero, a wandering soul of unknown age who was unaware of its origin. Each day he wakes up, he transfers from one body of an animal or person to another one. Meanwhile, on its voyage of traveling from places to places, it will meet Juana, the girl who will make it feel real and relevant and will complete its existence. Does the love of two unlike beings can work successfully? Will things work out even there are barriers! Join us in our journey to find the answer!

JamesLesterBraga · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 5: The End?

After several days of Jericho's body in a comatose state, today marks the end of his chance to be alive again permanently, or isn't it?

His body calmly rests on the hospital bed when suddenly the stationed doctor alerted the other nurses and doctors that his heart rate is going critical.

The doctors did their very best to save his life...


They did not give up...


But despite their efforts...


It still does not bear a fruit.


A high pitched tone of the life supporting machine marked Jericho's death.

"Time of death, 3:32 am"


Today, despite of its original body's loss of pulsating heart, Zero still woke up as a dog and saw Juana eating their breakfast with her family in the dining room.

Zero was not used to using four legs for running and walking and its vision is also grayscale to near black and white. Despite of this hindrances, Zero still did not gave up and hesitate to show its love for Juana.

Using its dog body, he jumped on the lap of Juana and licked her on her lips.

"Lucky! You are so sweet today? Are you hungry already, my baby boy?", she asked her dog, little did she know, what's inside is the person who loves her and she loves the most.

"BABY BOY?! I love it! Why did not she called me like that when I am a person?", Zero asked to himself as he loved the dog's alias than its own.

"JUANA! IT IS ME, ZERO! YOOHOO! JUANA! CAN YOU HEAR ME?", Zero tried to asked Juana but all that she heard were repetitive barks of his dog, Lucky.

"Okay, Lucky. Calm down. I will give you now your favorite treats! Okay?", she lifted the dog down and did put a bowl full of bone shaped dog foods then she already rushed to go to the campus.

"WAIT! JUANA, WAIT FOR ME!", Zero ran as fast as he can but he was shutter closed of the door which it cannot open because of its current form.

"Okay, challenge number one, eat foods for dogs. Challenge accepted!" Zero barked with anxiety.

"Ooohhhhh, I did not thought that it is as delicious as Juana's dishes she cook!", Zero jumped and jumped excitedly.

After eating, zero decided to sleep so that Juana is already there when it is already awake.

When he woke up, it was evening already and Juana just came in from outside and does her homeworks in her study table.

He went beside Juana and guarded her to ensure that she is safe.

Everything is fine until out of nowhere, Zero saw an image of a person but is glowing filled with dark light. Zero barked louder and louder to alert Juana but it failed and as the unfamiliar being moves closer to their position, Zero was surprised to see that it resembles its face when he first woke up with no memories.

"I am here for revenge. You killed me so I will kill the person you loved the most so you two would go together to hell!", the unfamiliar being exclaimed as it moved fastly and went inside Juana's body and possessed her.

Juana, now controlled by the revengeful soul, fastly went to the kitchen to open the cabinet and get a knife.


Juana's cold body lied down on the floor covered with blood as her heart's life was killed using the sharp and newly bought knife.

After a few moments, Juana's soul came out from his body and is seen by Zero. However, it was raptured and a tunnel of light captured her soul leading to a place nobody knows.


Zero was not able to save the life of the person it truly loves the most. And that factual statement led him to a mission of finding where did Juana go.

"I will make sure that we will be reunited again, and we will be resurrected again.", he assured himself.

Zero saw that the front door is left open so it took the opportunity to run outside and end his experience as Lucky.

"I am sorry, Lucky but I have to do this."

Zero ran through the road intersection did let himself be bumped by a car.


Zero gained consciousness again and found itself in the body of a prisoner inside a cell.

"I would not lose hope, I am willing to kill just to find you!", it desperately shouted and echoed in the neighbouring cells.

He found a knife and stabbed itself in its pulse.


Again, Zero gained consciousness and it found himself as an owner of a mansion with more than dozens of cars, a garden, fountain, and all luxurious things you could ever imagine in your whole life and existence.

"Great, I think this will be very useful for data gathering. I will make sure I would not waste this opportunity.", it gladly said to itself.

He started to prepare and pack essentials needed in travelling then suddenly when he blinked, an image of Juana's mother with a bump on her stomach, with a calendar turned to April 2022.

"That was it! A sign!"

The current date is March 14 of the year 2022 and with a few more days to go, April will come already. Zero obviously thought that Juana will be reincarnated or resurrected on her mother's new baby's body which will be her second permanent vessel.

"All I have to do is wait and make sure I will not wake up so far from Juana and her family's home or house.", Zero thought in the process.

All things were fine until Zero heard a sound of gunfire.

"YOU ARE NOT TOTALLY SURE ABOUT THAT! SURPRISE, SURPRISE!", a muscular man a police uniform with an armalite appeared in its mansion's gate out of nowhere.

As consecutive bullets fly everywhere in the atmosphere of the mansion, Zero went to the garage and entered the first car it was able to open.

As the car successfully came out the mansion, a loud sound of cars that crashed bombarded the whole village.

As the police came to settle the situation, they secured a crime scene of a car with a pregnant lady.