
Unparalleled Father

Before ascending to the throne of Hell before his father created mankind he harbors a special kind of hatred for his father for favoring his brothers more, he rebels and gets banished to the underworld. Making the place of Hell his home of many years, he feels loneliness, Lucifer descends to the Mortal Realm, only to fall in love with a Human. Bearing the child of an Angel gave grave consequences, God almighty, angry with lucifers interaction with Mortals, strips Lucifer of his wing and angelic powers, leaving the throne of hell open. Now he lives on earth with his child as he overcomes the trials of being a mortal and raising a child as a single parent, what could he possibly face... ------------------------------------------------ Hello, here are things to expect from this novel. 1. Im a Beginner like a total beginner, new to the concept of Light Novel, so don't expect much. 2. Im a Dumbass, and a slight loser, don't cringe at my work(Forget it, I won't force you to cringe all you want) 3. Im a bit stupid when it comes to writing a story, like I might have a lot of dialogues. Other than these Enjoy!!

IsRiss · Fantasy
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2 Chs


As they sit on the bench, Cassie's thoughts are lost in Lucifers' looks and excitement savoring a Lemon Tea. I mean Lucifer is a good-looking guy how could she not enjoy the show, coming back to reality, Lucifer snaps her out of her dazes as he asks her a question.

"So who was that guy, and what's his deal, such rude behavior towards a woman?" Lucifer asked not expecting an answer from her, he originally wanted to just start a conversation with her.

"Anyone informed you, that you're nosey" gazing at Lucifer.

Lucifer grinned awkwardly and scratch the back of his head, but surprisingly enough she actually answered.

"His name is Luke, a childhood friend and the son of my Fathers friend, Luke wasn't always like that he was a gentle person before he got mixed up in the affairs of the underground world. Now he has just become a greedy person who doesn't care about others but himself" she explains and lets out a deep sigh.

"Well how about you share a bit about yourself since I told you something about me," She said as she gave a cheeky grin.

"Hmm, I guess so" Lucifer older her the stories of his life but not all of it.

He has rebelled against his father God Almighty, and was exiled to Hell, knowing his father favored his brothers more than him, and always ignored him, Lucifer continues to cause trouble for his father.

Cassie listening to his story thinks that Lucifer is using metaphors to explain his story, and continues to listen

'So also he has problems with his father, to me, it seems like he is childish and trying to garner the attention of his father.' She found his life very interesting but seeing how late it getting she takes the opportunity to have a decent conversation and plans a meet up.

"Huh? sure but how would we meet?" Lucifer asked confusedly

"Do you have a Phone?" Cassie asks.

' Oh yeah I do, an item from my trip last time finally coming in handy '

Lucifer pulls out an object that looks like a huge brick, it is an old phone from the 1970s, he stole it from a man. Lucifer was quite pleased with the way communication was back then.

"What the hell is that?" Cassie asks.

"It's a phone" Lucifer replied.

"I know that idiot, I mean why do you have some antique" Cassie responds

"Hey don't say that I worked hard to attain this, Ill have you know"

'He can't be serious, and besides, they stopped making those types of phones decades ago'

"Forget it, follow me," Cassie said, as she gestures Lucifer to follow her.

She walks with Lucifer to her motel room, unlocks her door, and invites him in. Lucifer sits on the couch as she tells him she'll be back as she entered another room. Looking around Lucifer found the room strange with more weird stuff. Cassie comes back with a phone and hands it to Lucifer.

"Here is something to communicate with, I can't have you walking around with that, I don't even support the latest services"

Lucifer feels weird, its a feeling has never felt before. He nods and thanks to her for it.

"Don't worry it's my old phone didn't think I was gonna have any use for it either way" Cassie smiles, making Lucifer feel tingly inside.

They say their goodbyes and part ways for the night, Lucifer returns back to Hell, but for some reason, he can't stop thinking about her and found her even more interesting. It was a happy feeling he often got whenever he successfully makes his father mad. He was looking forward to the next day.



The streets are busy the sidewalks are filled with busy people, in an alley down the street a portal made of blazes of fire appears, Lucifer making his entrance into the Mortal Realm once again.

'After watching the time stone repeat history I finally have some grasp on this era's history, apparently, she sent me a message on the location well this is convenient '

The time stone is one of Lucifer's possessions he stole from his father, It always records any changes in Earth down to the slightest detail, but it takes a toll on any fragile mind, if a mortal used such an item, the human mind will just explode.

Asking around for direction, Lucifer finally found himself at his destination

"Broomtown café? what an ugly choice of words" Lucifer remarks entering the cafe

Looking around Lucifer cant find Cassie, thinking to himself he must be quite early.


Cassies POV

"Oh he messaged back, seems like he's already there" Putting her phone away she continues to walk.

On her way there a mysterious car follows behind slowly, noticing this, Cassie parts ways with the sidewalk and starts to take a shortcut through the alleys. Three men came out of the grey Royce. Increasing her pace she walks faster.

She finds them catching up to her she starts dashing, and they also speed up trying to catch her, she decides to run towards a crowd but before she could make it out she gets cut off from her route by another car. She slowly backs up preparing to run in the opposite direction but getting cornered by the 3 men from earlier.

"Who are you!" Cassie shouts

"Don't worry hon, we ain't gonna hurt you," a tall black man said with his intimidating looks

"Yeah, young miss, bossman just wants you for ransom, the easier this is the better for all of us, ain't that right?" Said a small man with an accent.

"Mahn shut the hell up Bon, we get the job done faster the faster we get paid fool," said a black young man with dreads.

"Grab her and throw her in the back" the tall man ordered them

"NOO Don't...Touch..Me!"

Grabbing Cassie they tied her and gaged her making it difficult for her to make a sound.

"Hey, yall better not make a scratch on her, after her father hired us, Now lets get the hell outta hea"

To Be Continued>