
Unparalleled Father

Before ascending to the throne of Hell before his father created mankind he harbors a special kind of hatred for his father for favoring his brothers more, he rebels and gets banished to the underworld. Making the place of Hell his home of many years, he feels loneliness, Lucifer descends to the Mortal Realm, only to fall in love with a Human. Bearing the child of an Angel gave grave consequences, God almighty, angry with lucifers interaction with Mortals, strips Lucifer of his wing and angelic powers, leaving the throne of hell open. Now he lives on earth with his child as he overcomes the trials of being a mortal and raising a child as a single parent, what could he possibly face... ------------------------------------------------ Hello, here are things to expect from this novel. 1. Im a Beginner like a total beginner, new to the concept of Light Novel, so don't expect much. 2. Im a Dumbass, and a slight loser, don't cringe at my work(Forget it, I won't force you to cringe all you want) 3. Im a bit stupid when it comes to writing a story, like I might have a lot of dialogues. Other than these Enjoy!!

IsRiss · Fantasy
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2 Chs


"Lucy!, How many times have I told you not to interfere with the Mortal realm!" an old-looking man yelled

"Well, it's not my fault father if you spend all your time with your toys why can't I? huh?" a young man who looked to be around his 20s replied

The old man sighed and rubbed the temple on his face with his hand, the one and only God almighty and he is having a hard time with one of his sons, only someone would give him such a hard time, would be his only rebellious son Lucifer, the second child he is.

"I see you have not learned your lesson after banishing you here"

Lucifer mocks him by repeating what he said in a silly tone, he looks at Lucifer and sighs again

" What Im I going to do with you, Listen up boy I'm warning you do not interfere with the mortal realm anymore, don't test my patience" The old man fades into a light array.

Lucifer loved to bug his old man, playing around with his creations, his favorite was tricking Eve. He found amusement in his father's creation since his father blacklisted him from heaven, going down once in a while to earth he causes a bit of mischief. Cleaning up after him are his brothers, Lucifer always believed his father favored his brothers more than him, after Raphael and Gabriel's birth he's Father has been rather distant with him. After years and years of that Lucifer tried to prove his worth by starting a rebellion with heaven, upon failing Lucifer and his servants were exiled from heaven and he was sent to Hell, Making Hell his home, and he ascends as Hell's ruler.

"Tch, he thinks he can control me, I think not" Lucifer gives a mischievous smile.

Snaping his finger a circle made with a blaze, a portal to the mortal realm.


Upon entering it he finds himself in front of a motel parking lot.

"Hmm, what era is this is looking rather different than it was back then, a strange contraption" Lucifer stares at a vending machine in front of a motel observing the light from it.

"Strange, are these divine items on display, why do they illuminate, Wha"

BEEEEEP, a car honks pulling up in the motel parking lot, nearby the vending machine where Lucifer was at.

"This contaption dares to annoy me I shall remove it from existence" Said Lucifer surprised by the noise of the vehicle.

Lucifer summons a blue flare on his palm about to launch when he heard a woman's wail coming from the strange vehicle he has never seen before but looked familiar. The car door opens and a young woman with brown hair steps out of the car passenger area, and an arm grabs her before she leaves the car.

"Luke!, let me go now!" the young woman shouts as she pulls her arm.

"Come on, don't be like that Cassie your dad has already arranged our marriage why run from it, I mean how could you, we promised each other when we were little" the blond hair guy refutes as he continues to hold her arm.

"Listen to me, my life is for me to decide not you are anyone else for that matter, and you have changed a lot since you started that business of yours, to hell if I married you, now let go!" Cassie pulls harder but Luke's grip was firm.

"I didn't want to do this but, someone has to put you in your place" Luke pulls Cassie into the car as Cassie yells.

Stopping the attempt, Lucifer yanks Cassie in his arms as he pulls away Luke's grip and crushing his hand, the sound of bones in his hand breaking, Luke screams in pain as Cassie looks surprised.

"You might as very well know, I'm the embodiment of evil, but even I treat women with respect" Lucifer's eyes lit bright red.

Luke holds his crushed hand stares at Luficers eyes and feels coolness rolling down his body, it was a feeling he has never felt, not even from his father the most powerful man in the city and the organizer of the underworld where deals take place, and profits hit it highest. Feeling frightened he shifts his car into reverse not tending about the pain in his hand as he drives away.

Lucifer chuckles at how effective his eyes are, capable of frightening his targets.

"Thank you, but you didn't need to interfere I had it under control" Cassie paced away from Lucifer's hold.

'I see this woman is quite prideful, human women back then were rather rigid or straightforward, Interesting'

Lucifer wants to observe this woman a bit more and is intrigued by her

"Is that any way you treat a person who saved you?" Lucifer puts on an innocent act.

She stares at Lucifer

'I supposed he did help me the least I could do is buy him a drink'

Cassie opens her purse and takes out 20$ and hands it to Lucifer.

" What am I going to do with this?" Lucifer looks confused at the money handed to him.

Lucifer knows what he was holding but not how much he was holding, of course, Lucifer visited the Mortal Realm from 1700 to 1780, he was rather confused as to what the world's values on something were, he could only question Cassie's intentions.

'Does he not know what money is?'

"Give me that, I'll just buy the drinks" Cassie grabs the 20 and walks up to the vending machine.

Puzzled by her acts Lucifer looks curiously at her interaction with the Vending Machine. Cassie presses a bunch of buttons on the machine after inserting the bill, two drinks fall to the bottom startling Lucifer. She hands him a Lemon Tea drink as she chose Water.

"What this strange contraption is a beverage servant?" Lucifer looks at the machine in amazement

"I guess?" Cassie wonders even more if this strange man is from a different country.

They both sit down on a bench near the vending machine, Lucifer opens the drink and takes a sip, he is flushed with the sensation of astonishment on his taste bud, never has he ever tried this type of beverage. Back then tea was rather bitter and not much attention was on it. Cassie looked at Lucifer enjoying the drink, she smiled, as she has never seen anyone enjoy a drink so unaware of their facial expression.

To Be Continued>