
Unpaid Dues (BL)

Yejun sighed as he got bored in his office room. He turned his swiveling chair around so he could see Seoul in all its glory through his crystal-clear glass wall. He smirked to himself when he had thought that he has Seoul in the palm of his hands. His thoughts were soon interrupted by his right-hand man. "Sir.... The Kims have escaped..." he informed. Yejun clearly didn't like the thought of people running away with his father's money... or even his. "The good news?" he asked as he propped up his elbow on his armrest and had rested his chin on his hand while is free hand danced on his desk. "They left their son you see.... His name is Kim Eungoo..."

Aria_Black_00 · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
231 Chs

Before The Party

Eungoo sighed and closed his eyes. "Daddy, Eungie promises to be a good boy and receive his punishment first thing in the morning… I just can't… right now…" he trailed off and soon… got knocked out.

Yejun widened his eyes as the boy went limp on his bed. He blinked a couple of times to register the fact that Eungoo, being such a fucking tease, left the mafia boss with a raging boner. The man straddled his hips and grabbed the other's face and slapped him hard like how the sound was intense itself that bounced back from the walls. He's really out.

"Kim Fucking Eungoo! You fucking-!" Yejun gasped as he felt his pants had gotten too tight for his own liking. He whined childishly and laid his head on his pet's shoulder peeking at his sleeping face from a low angle. He furrowed his brows and quickly sat up straight. He then harshly grabbed the bedside lamp down to light on the other's face. Yejun frowned at the dark circles around his eyes and how deep it was. He brushed my fingertips across his cheeks and noticed that his jawline was sticking out too much. He sighed and slowly lifted my sweater up so he could get a full view of his body. This was his first time to inspect it not even when he had raped him earlier.


Yejun sighed as he got bored in his office room. He turned his swiveling chair around so he could see Seoul in all its glory through his crystal-clear glass wall. He smirked to himself when he had thought that he has Seoul in the palm of his hands.

His thoughts were soon interrupted by his right-hand man. "Sir…. The Kims have escaped…" he informed. Yejun clearly didn't like the thought of people running away with his father's money… or even his. "The good news?" he asked as propped up his elbow on his armrest letting his head rest on his hand while his freehand danced on his desk.

"They left their son you see…. His name is Kim Eungoo…"

Now, this caught Yejun's attention that made him lazily turn his chair around to face his men as he cocked his head to the side clicking his tongue. He took in a deep breath and thought. 'How in the world could such parents leave their children like that more or less with a mafia boss hot on their tail… unless…'

"File" He just said and then one of his guys handed him a brown folder. He always wanted his men to have a file on everyone before even mentioning them to him. Or else…. Let's just say that the worst scenario is not leaving with a box filled with your stuff by clearing your desk…. Far from it… It even depends on the mood of Yejun. He raised his eyebrows a bit as he saw it was a bit thick. He then used one hand and flicked the folder open revealing pictures of a cute boy with pink hair.


He then leaned forward and browsed the pictures. He saw the guy in pictures where he was buying coffee, buying food from convenience stores, sitting at the bench at the bus stop, but mostly engaging in quiz bees with tons of trophies at hand.

"So he's a smart ass…" Yejun scoffed.

"With an IQ of 148," One of them commented. He mentally squealed when Yejun's eyes met his. Beads of sweat started to run down across his forehead before staring down on the ground not wanting to see the very gaze of the man that could have his head in a platter… which seems too fancy… a head in the gutter perhaps… literally.

"You did well getting such information…" Yejun praised in which the guy commented earlier sighed in relief. It was a good thing that he did his job well or else… head in the gutter it is.

"I have a new assignment for you," Yejun said as he propped his feet on the table and scanned through the papers.

"I want you all to grab him as soon as he gets home. Bring him to the interrogation room in HQ" he simply said dismissing all of them and carefully read the file.

"Kim Eungoo" He let the name roll out of his tongue as if it was a familiar thing to do. He chuckled to himself as he brought up one recent picture where Eungoo has his hair dyed green. He sighed and smiled at the picture. He wondered what would it be like to have the man bend overtaking in his cock and moaning his name… He soon will find out…. Eventually….

The day passed by and he clutched his head from the pain. Today was a really awful day. He just had to meet with one of his stupid enemy Kim Kangdae, CEO of Blueberry Mint Corporations. The older easily gets under Yejun's skin by bringing up his past relationship with his brother. Yejun used to be a lovestruck puppy for Kangdae's brother ever since… but then all of that changed when he caught him being fucked by another man on their bed…. On the day of their 4th year anniversary.

"Boss!" one of his men yelled louder to get the attention of Yejun after 3 attempts.

"What!" Yejun hissed as he balled his fists and was conscious enough to not pull his hair.

"Kim Eungoo is in the interrogation room as you ordered." He bowed at a 90-degree angle in front of Yejun's desk as he explained.

'Finally… some stress reliever' He muttered to himself mentally

"Understood. Daniel… prepare my car" Yejun said as he went to the other corner of the room and took his blazer putting it on and fixed his suit. He smirked at his reflection as he brushed his hair back letting it fall in place on its own. He licked his lips as he fixed his cuff links. It was a habit of Yejun's when he's shaking in excitement…. That usually happens when he either kills or fucks the hell out of someone. And the moment couldn't even make him even more excited.

It was a 30-minute drive to the headquarters from Yejun's office. He walked past his men that bowed on his sides making a path towards his destination. He quietly opened the door and he mentally gasped at the sight in front of him. He smiled at his men when they tied Eungoo to a chair with a black bag covering his face and had his arms tied behind him and his legs tied at each side of the chair spreading his legs so openly just for Yejun. He wanted to scold his men for teasing him with such a pleasant sight but was thankful as well. Yejun couldn't even wait to see the face that will soon writhe underneath him.

"Boss" One of his men greeted in which he waved them off making them leave the room quietly locking the door as soon as they left while Yejun purposely clicked his shoes as he walked towards his next victim. He just stood a few inches away from Eungoo just in between his legs but was conscious to not even touch the older.

When Yejun heard the soft click of the door he smirked as he slowly backed away placing both of his hands in his pocket and encircled Eungoo curiously with his head to the side. He then stopped and stood with his pelvis sticking out a little right behind Eungoo.

Yejun smiled and yanked off the black bag tossing it somewhere across the room that was already forgotten. He bit his lips and grabbed a fist full of Eungoo's hair making him look forward as he slowly removed his tie and tied it around Eungoo's eyes tightly. He didn't want the other to be so… free. He wanted the other to experience some kind of pleasure with the same one he will be experiencing with his new toy.

Yejun crouched down and let his breath hit Eungoo's ear. "let's have some fun" He said making his voice lower and huskier. He smirked triumphantly when he saw Eungoo shiver.

"Please don't hurt me…" Yejun teethed his own bottom lip and felt his dick twitch in anticipation. Eungoo's voice was music to his ears. It sounded so vulnerable so submissive… perfect… Yejun thought.

So Yejun did the unexpected. He hushed him sweetly brushing his lips against his cheeks closing his eyes to savor the moment. He didn't know if the stress from work or lust he has is driving him but he couldn't care less…. He just wanted to taste his toy so bad…

Yejun chuckled himself at how hungry he was for this precious boy. He was furious when he got the news that the Kim couple fled with his money and left their son. How could such parents leave him alone? But with one look at the boy and he knew he had to have him no matter what it takes. He hasn't felt this much desire for someone in along time. He took his time as he ravaged the poor boy and being as gentle as possible. He was always taught to be gentle with his toys so they won't break so Eungoo wasn't that much different at all.

Eungoo panted hard as he watched Yejun reach out and massage his limp dick before bringing up his hand and observe his cum coated fingers before smiling wickedly. Yejun brushed the said fingers on his lips masking it with the white essence. He then leaned down and captured Eungoo's lips making the older taste himself. Yejun then discarded the tie soaked in tears and sweat. Yejun angled Eungoo's face so he could kiss him deeper locking their lips together as Yejun's tongue continued to ravish his mouth. He wasn't even paying attention to how weak Eungoo was until the guy went limp in his arms.

Yejun pulled back and chuckled at the cute gesture. He fixed his pants first before carrying the sleeping form of Eungoo in his arms and let his head rest on his chest. He walked out of his headquarters as he passed by his men that bowed in either his sides.

"Clean the mess up…" He ordered as he made his way to his limo. They bowed one more time before they scrammed.

The car door was opened for him so he went in at ease. He laid Eungoo on his lap and placed his head securely on his shoulder before fishing out his phone from his pack pocket and dialed a number.

"Hey…" He smiled as he let his free hand caress Eungoo's smooth thighs.

"Oh hi hyung! What do ya need?" his best friend asked

"I need a collar…" he said and kissed Eungoo's head.

At the other end of the line, his best friends smirked and thought that maybe Yejun got a new pet so he wanted to confirm it by asking under what name although he knew the answer anyway.

"Under what name?.... My name of course… Park Yejun…" He smirked as he rested his hand on Eungoo's stomach continually caressing his sides here and there loving the feeling of Eungoo's surprisingly smooth skin.

A few hours later Yejun sat on his bed with a book in his hand as he raked his fingers gently through Eungoo's hair. The older rested his head on Yejun's lap as his arm wrapped over Yejun attempting to snuggle him. Yejun wasn't one to complain especially when Wonshik came earlier for the specialized collar made from an elephant's skin with his name written in golden metal hangul characters. He peeked at the sleeping Eungoo from his bed as his lips curved into a smirk. He then bit his lips as his hand on Eungoo's neck slowly went down on Eungoo's chest causing his pet to moan in his slip and stir just a little. He chuckled silently as his hand traveled to Eungoo's back gently tracing his spine causing the latter to shiver and when he was about to caress his lower the door flung open revealing Wonshik starring at a picture.

"He looks nice…." He smiled with his attention still with the picture with his other hand in his pocket.

"He's mine…." Yejun snickered as he placed his book on the nightstand but not removing his other hand that rested on Eungoo's lower back.

"Not him!" Wonshik rolled his eyes and turned the picture. "The guy with him," He said as a matter of fact. Wonshik was holding a picture of Eungoo talking to a raven-haired boy with a cute gummy smile.

"Oh…" Yejun cleared his throat to prevent him from laughing. He knew that his dongsaeng is a sucker for cute guys… especially the ones that are shorter…

"Anyway… The guests have arrived and are asking for you… I don't know how long I could handle them for long…" Wonshik shrugged as he kept the photo in the inside of his jacket.

Yejun smirked and slowly placed Eungoo comfortably on a pillow. He then stood up from the bed and went to the other room to get changed seeing he has two walk-in closets because clearly… He never has enough clothes for such occasions.

Wonshik sighed and went out the door grabbing his phone from his pocket phoning a private investigator….

Yejun didn't take long to finish his outfit and smiled giving himself a reassuring nod as he closed the door behind him and began to fix his tie until his attention was soon captured with a familiar figure leaning towards my Siren statue.

"What are you doing?" Yejun cocked a brow as he finished his tie. He widened his eyes when Eungoo knocked over his statue when he turned around. He gasped as he watched it break into pieces. He heard Eungoo mutter apology after apology but he couldn't hear such words and only watch as Eungoo held the pieces that oddly broke in an instant.

Yejun gritted his teeth and slowly went to him with his hands in his pocket as he shook his head disapprovingly. He then stopped behind him and caressed Eungoo's collar and let caressed further down to his arm. He smirked as he watched Eungoo follow his hand's every movement. Yejun gripped his arm and grabbed a fist full of his hair of Eungoo and tugged it on the side placing his full lips on Eungoo's neck.

"How could you ever pay me back, kitten? You know… It would add up to your parents' debts… Do you also want to pay for this exotic collar on you? It costs a fortune… well to most people… but for me… it's a child's play…" Yejun huskily whispered and at the end of his sentence, he dragged his tongue on Eungoo's jaw as his other arm that was supposed to be on the older's arm snaked under it and stroked his chest and began tugging his nipples.

"Stop…" He weakly mumbled which only turned Yejun on causing him to bit his cheeks.

Yejun reluctantly released his hold of Eungoo and towered over him observing Eungoo quietly when he dropped his head and not meeting his gaze. Yejun smiled at the action. His new pet wouldn't be such a handful after all… probably.

Yejun chuckled. "how submissive… but you see kitten… I can't simply keep them to myself seeing how obedient and irresistible you are…" He smirked causing the other to stutter for some excuse as to why he just said that out loud. He only waved it off and extended his hand. "Park Yejun… CEO of Park Electronics Corporation and owner of Janson Enterprise."

Yejun slowly retracted his hand as he eyed Eungoo weirdly when he started laughing.

"Yah! Is this a joke? 'The Park Yejun'?" Eungoo scoffed which surprised Yejun. "From what I heard the guy is a sweetheart and not a rapist/kidnapper like you!" Eungoo boldly stated and took on the glaring contest with him.

The last part ticked Yejun off. How dare Eungoo called him such things although he knows very well that they were all true… but still… He just had the guts to talk back to him like that.

"Kim Eungoo, a 25-year-old male, studying at Seoul National University, a 3rd-year student under the Literature department, lives in a shitty old apartment; basically lives off from contests because he couldn't do anything right or his extreme clumsiness; so poor that his parents simply left him to the black scorpion, a famous mafia group just because they couldn't pay their debt," Yejun said nonchalantly as he hooked his hand in the pockets of his grey hoodie.

Yejun sighed when Eungoo fell silent. He knew he hit the right button... He always does… with everyone else and Kim Eungoo was no different.

"I don't know about you but… you see… I enjoy this fast life. The luxury, lifestyle, fame.." Yejun trailed off as he grabbed Eungoo's chin to face him. " And the fun that goes along with it…" He licked his lips sensually and had that look in his eyes, desire, and lust, nothing more. He huffed and rolled his eyes when Eungoo slapped his hand away

But what truly caught Yejun off guard when he noticed that Eungoo began silently crying so he bit his inner cheek and gently patted his head. "I hope you realize sooner or later that you belong to me.. your body, heart, mind and might as well give up your soul for me.. only me… I am your master and it's your job to tend to my needs… and I mean everything…" He emphasized. "Clean this shit up and go downstairs to your right, second door. You can grab one of my hoodies and that's it. I don't want you wearing anything underneath… You should know more than to disobey me…" and with that, he ran his hand through Eungoo's hair leaving him alone. He huffed and went got out the door and into the main dining room. He was about to showcase his pet to the world.

To be continued...

Aria_Black_00creators' thoughts