
Unpaid Dues (BL)

Yejun sighed as he got bored in his office room. He turned his swiveling chair around so he could see Seoul in all its glory through his crystal-clear glass wall. He smirked to himself when he had thought that he has Seoul in the palm of his hands. His thoughts were soon interrupted by his right-hand man. "Sir.... The Kims have escaped..." he informed. Yejun clearly didn't like the thought of people running away with his father's money... or even his. "The good news?" he asked as he propped up his elbow on his armrest and had rested his chin on his hand while is free hand danced on his desk. "They left their son you see.... His name is Kim Eungoo..."

Aria_Black_00 · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
229 Chs

Before the Party Pt. 2

Yejun smiled unimpressed at his guests. He had his glass wine on his right hand gracefully dangling in between in his fingers on his side while his other hand lazily played with his own hair. He wasn't fond of gatherings or parties, but he needed to do this to celebrate another success of his company. He chuckled at whatever the man was telling him nodding attentively as he listened to his childish story of how the other raised his empire and how golden it was back then. He sighed mentally as he grew impatient waiting for Eungoo to get in.

He turned his head when he noticed at the corner of his eye the door opened. His eyes were glued on his new pet's figure who seemed like a lost puppy at the door eyeing everyone in their glorious long evening gowns and million-dollar suits. He waved off the man and politely told him that he needed to attend to something. He licked his lips as his eyes traveled from Eungoo's head to toe. The boy was wearing one of his favorite sweaters. He smiled when Eungoo obeyed him to not wear anything down below.

'Finally' He mentally groaned and bit his lips as he eye raped the poor boy.

"Eungoo!" Yejun yelled when he noticed that Eungoo was slowly leaving the room. He wasn't having any of that.

His yell made a sudden change of atmosphere even the hired singer was slightly affected and sang lowly but was enough for everyone to hear. All eyes were on the door revealing Yejun's new pet in one of his favorite red sweaters. Yejun smirked.

"Where do you think you're going?" He asked as he made eye contact with Eungoo.

Yejun thought that Eungoo was so cute looking so scared like this. "Oh, Eungooooo~~~~" He called grabbing the other's attention. He then beckoned him closer since everyone started whispering to one another about how Eungoo looked right now and how on earth did he end up in the gathering room as Yejun would like to call it.

He watched as Eungoo brisk walked towards him and faced him while he turned his back to the crowd. He had his head hung low in shame as he gripped the hem of his shirt. Yejun bit his lips and grabbed Eungoo's waist with his free hand pulling him on his lap. He chuckled at how cute Eungoo whimpered and buried his face on his neck. He didn't mind even a single bit. In fact, he smiled and pulled down Eungoo's manhood since everyone was now practically taking a peek from it. Yejun is not one to share.

"I see you have a new pet. I didn't know you were into that sort of thing, my dear." A woman said. Yejun moved with his eyes as he stared at the owner of the voice. He mentally snickered at how the woman casually judged Eungoo. But as a high-class person, he would want to handle it in a civilized way… well…. In front of the guests that is.

"Well… Aunt Han, I bagged myself an exquisite sub." He answered. Yejun smiled and slowly slid his hand on Eungoo's butt giving it a squeeze. "Embarrass me and I'll punish you on this table… for everyone to see…" He quietly warned. He then slowly moved his hand that held his wine arching it around Eungoo bringing the glass on his lips. He watched the other drink the wine never breaking eye contact. He was pleased to see how Eungoo obediently obeyed him even through his gestures. He grinned approvingly as he drank till the last drop earning gasps and a few snickers from the crowd. An obedient sub indeed. He thought.

He watched Eungoo had a fit of coughs here and there as he took refuge on his neck once more. He mentally squealed in delight at how the older clutched on his expensive dress shirt. He wanted to reward him so he began to cut a piece of steak from the table picking it up with a fork and brought them to Eungoo's lips.

Yejun caught Eungoo's attention. He chuckled at how Eungoo eyed the foreign food and looked into his eyes for permission. Yejun didn't budge silently allowing Eungoo to eat it in which the latter enveloped his lips around the piece. Yejun's breathing hitched and actually imagined Eungoo wrapping his lips around something bigger.

"you like that?" Yejun whispered in his ear purposely brushing his lips on the flesh. He smiled when he felt the boy shiver and watched him slowly nod and starred on his lap.

'Eungoo is such a natural submissive.' He thought. He couldn't be even more pleased, so he wrapped his arms around him ordering him to eat. He then watched him gobble the food without hesitation. And after what seemed like five minutes Eungoo turned to him and asked how come Yejun wasn't having anything. His heart swelled a little when Eungoo asked that question. Only his closest friends were paying attention to his appetite and how Eungoo noticed that Yejun wasn't eating anything that surprised him.

He then smiled and noticed the sauce on Eungoo's corner on the lips so he leaned down and licked them giving the people a show. "I already did… earlier than expected…" He smirked and playfully winked at him as the other gulped down his food before resuming to eat. He then rested his chin on Eungoo's shoulder and rose his eyes to look at the crowd seeing that they caught everyone's attention he raised his brow. That alone was enough to have everyone resume their conversations and to the gathering itself.

Eungoo shifted on his seat as he continued to eat the food that Yejun had prepared for him. Yejun mentally groaned Eungoo's ass kept shifting on his crouch seeing he was seated in between his legs. It was mere torture for him but he tried to hold it in as he talked to the man from earlier continuing about the subject before Eungoo had his grand entrance.

Yejun smiled as he tightened his hold a bit when Eungoo moaned whenever he kept swallowing different kinds of food. Yejun had a difficult time managing his boner. It was a miracle that Eungoo didn't even notice it. The poor guy was completely distracted from the food. Yejun gulped dryly but was still able to give a good smile even when the man was called by some other people at the party.

And as on cue, the waiters noticed that Eungoo was done with all his nine plates that were neatly emptied so they carried them away for him. Yejun felt Eungoo lean on his chest and rested his head on his beloved master's shoulder. Yejun turned his head a little and noticed that his pet was beginning to doze off.

'Oh No you won't' Yejun thought and quietly slapped his hands on Eungoo's knees dragging them slowly up to his hips before letting them rest in between his inner thighs. Eungoo turned his head to glare at him but Yejun gazed at his eyes in a deadly manner. He then circles his thumbs in Eungoo's inner thighs when Eungoo tried to squirm making him hold him in his place. He smirked and entered a finger in his pet's quivering hole.

"Behave…. Not unless you want to give the people a night to remember…." Yejun huskily whispered.

Eungoo let out a nervous shaky breathe. He gasped in shock when his manhood was peaking out from the supposedly oversized sweater. He then quickly pulled them down to cover Yejun's hands and his lower half. He then quickly fixed the long dangling cloth from the table to lessen the suspicion.

"Afraid to get caught now are we?.... cute" Yejun chuckled in amusement and when his pet wanted to lash him out a voice interrupted them both.

"Mind if we sit beside you, Mr. Park?" The woman in a gorgeous plain long evening gown said which was the owner of the voice. Yejun clicked his tongue at how such an elderly woman had to dress in such a manner. If this woman thinks she could be attractive by pretending to be young is really scaring off potential bachelors who could have asked for her hand.

"yes you may…"

Yejun swore to himself since he already knew what was going down. The woman's companion wore such a daring pink gown that showed much of her cleavage and her back and had too many sparkles on it. Yejun heard his Eungoo scoff so he pushed in another finger to shut him up. Yes. His Eungoo as it was written on Eungoo's collar.

"Be nice…" He whispered making him hung my head low and grip the sheets.

"So Mr. Park…. This is my daughter Nina.." The woman introduced her so-called daughter to him. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Mr. Park." She said.

"Hello, Nina…" Yejun put on a face as he purposely caressed Eungoo's dick. He seriously didn't want to be in this situation and he was too turned on from Eungoo's moans from earlier.

"Yejun-ssi. It's a pleasure to finally meet you." Nina began. "What a lovely party you have. By the way congratulations on your Company's success." The women chuckled. And when Yejun was about to say something the girl continued.

"But I'm sure this wouldn't be a surprise since Park Electronics is like the biggest company out there…" She purred making sure to lean down to give Yejun a full view of her huge plastic-looking boobs not that he didn't mind since he is bisexual but he wasn't in the mood to bang some chics. What he wanted was an innocent tall pet for a meal that was just seated in between in legs to devour.

"Ah... Ms. Nina, I see you have a good eye on the apple." He smirked when He could hear the faint pants coming from Eungoo's lips as he felt his pet's dick harden from his touch and how his other hand was busy thrusting its fingers in and out of his hole.

Yejun felt Eungoo crouch down and covered his face with an arm. The poor guy probably needed to cover his reddened face. Yejun smirked triumphantly when he felt his hand getting wet so he used Eungoo's precum to coat his dick completely as he scissored his hole for later planning to fuck him real soon. He was just waiting for Eungoo to beg and was curious about how he will do it.

"I just have my eyes on an exquisite treat." Nina purred making her mother close her eyes in delight and was once proud of how her daughter's flirting skills were being put to good use as she was finally going through the great Park Yejun.. or so she thought.

Yejun watched in the corner of his eyes when Eungoo's shoulders were rising and falling in a heavy manner. He then noticed that Eungoo was about to cum so he did what he had to do he gripped Eungoo's head preventing him to cum.

"So Mr. Park… This is such a lovely party, more of a bachelorette seeing you with some of your friends and how single you are gracing yourselves to have this place be so… vibrant…" The older woman giggled in such an old manner. The said woman scolded herself but how could she not? Yejun is just very attractive.

"Well… I know for a fact that we are so busy with the work that we needed this to unwind by getting together with some of the people who are dear to us, may it be from the company, friends, or family. They are most welcomed." He calmly said.

Nina giggled and responded. "I hope we could be on good terms in the near future… and maybe past the level of just being friends?" Yejun smiled and cocked his head to the side pretending to think hard as he pursed his lips but then he was taken in by a surprise

Eungoo slowly leaned back and covered his face on Yejun's neck. He panted shamelessly and covered his mouth with shaky hands to the side and whispered something that really took Yejun off guard.

"Daddy please… please let your baby boy cum."

And with just that Yejun's voice was caught in his throat releasing his hold of Eungoo making the latter cum all over some parts of the table cloth.

"I'm sorry… My pet isn't feeling too well right now. Although it was nice seeing you again Mrs. Han, Nina… I sincerely apologize but I have to attend to my pet at the moment…" Yejun apologized as he discretely wiped off the cum with the already tainted sheets to prevent it from dripping too much.

The woman scoffed at Yejun. "How rude of your pet… Does he have no shame? He could have just went out by himself…" She leaned back and rolled her eyes as she crossed her arms over her chest in annoyance

"Excuse me… I don't think you understand but.. he is certainly ill since he was showing signs of discomfort throughout our conversation. So ladies…" he trailed off. He then swiftly carried Eungoo in his arms and got up from his seat. It was actually annoying at how many girls blocked the exit door trying to make him stay.

Yejun turned his head towards Wonshik who was watching with amusement the whole time. He gestured towards the girls to help him out. His dongsaeng smirked and mouthed 'You owe me'. Before attending to the half-drunken girls almost forgetting about Yejun that gave him a way out.

It was a quiet walk back to Yejun's room and he dared not to speak since he was gathering all his energy to not fuck Eungoo against the walls in the hallway. He didn't even mind when Eungoo traced his fingers on Yejun's jawline. It was an intimate gesture but for the first time, he actually didn't mind since the poor guy wasn't even aware himself that he was doing it.

When Yejun entered the room with Eungoo he then tossed the latter on the bed. He then took off his blazer and unbuttoned his dress shirt a little and crawled towards the boy causing the other to move backward till he hit his back against the headboard. Yejun then grabbed Eungoo's wrists with ease and pinned them above his head

"So you think you can get away huh little slut?" Yejun growled

"I don't know what you're talking about… you started it…" Eungoo mumbled and averted his eyes not meeting his predator's

"How can I when you kept moaning every now and then as you took a bit from your food…. And now you just had the audacity to call me daddy… what a natural slut…" he smirked.

"You're gonna get your punishment baby boy and let's just see how much you'd scream daddy for me…" Yejun licked his lips as he slowly lifted his sweater revealing the body that he craved so so much

Eungoo sighed and said "Daddy, Eungie promises to be a good boy and receive his punishment first thing in the morning… I just can't… right now..." he trailed off and soon… got knocked out.



Yejun just took a good shower and dried himself off in front of his sleeping Eungoo. He then also made a mental note to pay attention to his health more seeing that he didn't to risk to have a sick pet. He scoffed at the thought and threw his towel on the chair before crawling in the covers naked. I then pulled Eungoo towards my body and smiled.

"Make sure you fucking sleep tight 'Eungie' make it as tight as your fucking hole" Yejun whispered before falling asleep.


Thank you guys so so much for the thousands of views! I hope you enjoyed reading this second part. I know I did!

See you on the next update, my lovelies!!

Aria_Black_00creators' thoughts