
UnOrdinary: Chaos

(This is going to be an UnOrdinary fanfic, I hope you like it). This novel tells the story of Samael and his constant quest for power.

Daoist7SI7YI · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs


Slowly I began to open my eyes. Nobody was present next to me.

(Most likely like every morning she will be having breakfast. As they say ... humans are creatures of habit after all.)

I got out of bed and went to my room to change my clothes and get my backpack for school.

Upon entering the door I saw the complete chaos of the room.

(Yesterday a lot of things happened…. All in all, I managed to get away with it, it wasn't perfect and not even morally right but I reached my goal successfully).

Entering the room, I changed my clothes and took my backpack and then went downstairs to the kitchen. Like every day I saw my parents. Today they were a little worried even if they didn't show it.

The latest news has found a clue to the probable murderer on the loose. Authorities have not disclosed anything yet. We will update you if we find out more. ''

(A clue? Now I'm curious. Will they frame someone to lessen the terror in the city or maybe they are on my trail? Let's see how things will develop).

'' Samael, there you are. We thought your mom and I am not let you go to school for a while. What do you say?''

'' No, Mom. I want to go to school. I don't want to be left behind with the lessons. Don't worry I won't activate my ability under any circumstances. '' I said with a smile.

''Alright then. Speaking of your skill, a friend of mine is arriving this afternoon who is capable of detecting an individual's skill level. ''

'' Dad what is a skill level ''.

'' Ah, right. I never explained this to you because you weren't showing any case of the same awakening. It's a bit complicated, we'll talk about it this afternoon. When you finish school we will also see your training plan. ''

(Although I know how skill levels work. The individual whose body I cover does not. At least I'll have a good brushing up).

The three of us had breakfast and were then accompanied to school by both of my parents. We got on and headed to the school.

(They will both surely come to warn the school principal of my ability. I believe they will modify my file and pay more or less attention to it according to my potential and abilities. Now that they know that I have a skill I can no longer do the low level. Especially since I intend to enter Wellstone High school because there are two God Tiers. If I can absorb the dark aura from them I will surely become much stronger. But before I reap the fruits, I want them ripe. For now, I have to become the king of Bundy Elementary School to improve my chances and enter the prestigious Wellstone High School.)

''We have arrived. This time we will take you to school. The three of us will pay the school principal a visit for obvious reasons. ''

We entered the school building and headed to the secretariat to notify the principal of our arrival.

'' Hi, I'm Gabriel Angel, Samael Angel's father. I'd like to visit the principal for important information. ''

'' Sure, a moment of waiting please ''.

10 minutes went by ...

'' The principal is ready to welcome you. Marco, please accompany them. ''

''Of course''.

We were accompanied by the janitor. We entered the room and entered. Welcoming us was a white-haired man sitting in a chair with his elbows on a desk.

'' How can I help you? ''

Yes, my son activated his latent ability yesterday and seems to be dangerous to anything biological. We would like to warn you of this sudden development. ''

'' Oh, can I see the children? ''

'' Lord and here beside me. Can't you see it? ''

'' Ah, sorry but I've had vision problems lately. ''

(Fuckin 'sight problems. His skill will surely be involved.)

'Samael, get closer to the headmaster who doesn't see you well.'

(I have an idiot father ...)

I took a step forward.

'' A little closer dear. ''

(Damn you.)

I approached him, I was about 3 ft (a little less than 1 meter) from him.

He activated his ability and he looked me in the eye.

'' Of course, you are a beautiful baby. You want to slowly explain to me what happens when you activate your skill. ''

''Yup. My power destroys the things it touches. As if they were dying slowly. ''

'' I understand, you will have to be a careful little one. ''

"Can I go to class now?" I said in a shaky voice.

'' Yes, don't worry, go ahead. I'll talk to your parents a little longer. "

I immediately headed to class.

(Fuck, I knew I had to be careful. Luckily I told some of the truth to be safer. He must have used a mental skill perhaps similar to the lie detector. Damn, I can only be optimistic and hope he bought it. )

Arrived at the door of the classroom I went in and got ready to start teaching.

(To become the of this school I have to be the strongest of all in here. The transition from one king to another is complex if the king in this school is accepted. I do not intend to change the values ​​of society to make the weak equal. to the strong. This is a failure path and if not very difficult to follow. I have no intention of going down this path. The most effective and efficient way will be to amplify the rules already in place. I will increase discrimination to vent the high levels and establish a regime of fear to abide by the rules. The school will be my pig and I will be the one who holds the carrot and the stick. First I have to see and hear what opinions people have about the current high levels and then act later.)

After the lessons and at the time of the canteen, this time I didn't sit down as usual but I went around the tables in silence to hear some gossip.

'' You heard it, our King Christopher and the royals still lost the territorial battles. It is unfortunate to be in this school. We have powerless and incapable royals. ''

''You are right.''

Queen Emma is still going to be treating the low levels as much as we do the high levels lately. It's absurd, they are scum because they should be on the same level as us. ''

'' Does that mean we're scum too? How dare they treat us with this parity. ''

'' The infantryman Bernard defended a cripple again by going against even at the high levels. ''

''Are you sure? Why do they do such a thing? We are the ones they should protect. ''

(I just need to turn around just a little to understand the situation at this school. It will be easier than expected then. If they didn't have all this discontent I would have been forced to create it myself. It would have been hard work. At the moment I only listened to that. I can't wait to meet them.) I smiled involuntarily.

Dring… dring… dring…

(The bell has rung, I have to go back to class.)

'' Samaeeeeeeeeeeel, here you are hehehehe. Why didn't you show up yesterday? ''

'' I felt bad Red ''.

She was idiotic rhetoric. Why haven't you given me the money yet? ''

'' Yes, ​​here it is. ''

I gave him the money with interest.

'' Well well, you finally got it then. See you tomorrow, hehehehe. ''

(They will be key elements for my idea, I can't wait.)

Once back in class, I returned home accompanied by my father.

'' Samael, now a dear friend of mine will arrive. Please pay him the utmost respect because he is doing me a favour. ''

'' I understand dad, I can't wait. '' Saying it with a cheerful and sunny face.

When we get home we see a tall man with brown hair and brown eyes in the garden waiting for us.

'' Ah, there they are ''.

My father parked his car in the garage and drove me to him.

'' I'm sorry, I made you wait. ''

"Don't worry, this and more for an old friend, hahaha."

'' Yes, ​​you are right, hahaha. This is my son Nicholas, his name is Samael. Samael, say hello. ''

'' Hi Nicholas, thank you for all the help you offer us. ''

'' Don't worry Samael I do it with pleasure. '' He said it with a smile full of kindness.

'' We're not out here, please come inside. ''

We went inside the house and sat in the living room.

'' Well Gabriel, what did you want to talk to me about? ''

'' I would like you to see my son's skill level and, while we're at it, explain something to him about categorizing it ''

''I understand. Samael what exactly do you know about skills? ''

'' Skills make you a superhero and you boom you have villains. ''

'' I guess I have to start from the beginning then. Each skill is different and their potential varies from birth.

There may be Augmentation skills that alter physical aspects of the body. They can increase states or make the body invisible for example. The states are divided into categories named:

Power: is the raw offensive strength of ability. An example is the Augmentation skills;

Defense: is the ability can counter attacks and protect the user. An example is the barrier;

Speed: is how quickly the ability allows its user to move. An example is the Augmentation skills;

Recovery: is a stat that determines how well an ability can aid in recovering during or after the battle. One example is medical skills;

Trick: is the trait that shows how well a user can utilize their ability to surprise or outplay their opponent. One example is mental abilities. ''

'' Samael in general is a little more complicated than that, but that's essential. ''

'' Okay dad ''.

'' Now let's talk about skill levels. In all, they divide from the lowest point 1.0 to the highest point 10.0 and divide these points into 4 different categories plus a sub-category. We have the:

Low tier: included from 1.0 to 1.9;

Mid-tier: ranging from 2.0 to 3.4

Elite tier: ranging from 3.5 to 4.9

High tier: ranging from 5.0 to 5.9

Finally, we have the sub-category of the high tier which is the:

God tier: ranging from 6.0 to 10.0.

The skill level is determined by two factors. Its potential is a value given from birth and therefore cannot be increased and the mastery of the ability instead can be increased. The better you are at using a skill, the more the level of the skill increases. ''

'' Okay, Nicholas I think that's enough. Now please measure my son's skill level. ''

'' Okay, Gabriel. Samael please give me your hand. ''


I held out my hand to Nicholas and he took it and activated his ability.

'' Your child's capacity is 1.5. He is definitely a low-tier Gabriel. ''

"I get it, thank you so much for your help."

"I have to go now Gabriel, you hear that when we are both free."

"Ok, thanks a lot for everything."

''Do not mention it."

Nicholas got up on the sofa and then left the house.

'' Samael, you are the least gifted child in the family. Your mom's skill level is 4.7 while mine is 5.3. The highest known skill level in this family was 9.3 that your great grandfather. Not much is known about his ability, he has always been a mystery. But now is not the time to talk about him. Our family has always been in the upper echelons and you are the black sheep and the reason why you will never meet your other relatives. They are too ashamed of you. Even if you train, you will reach a maximum of 3.6 at the best chance. Knowing all this ... do you still want to train? "

"Yes, dad I want it."

'' Okay, now it's too late you can't train at this time. I'm sorry I wasn't able to keep my promise to train you today. I did it just to make you understand your possibilities and choose. Since you have chosen to train tomorrow you will have an intensive training program to maximize your abilities to get stronger. So get ready. ''

'' Yes, I will not give up. ''

'' Great, this is my son. So small and so determined. I'm proud of you. '' He said it with an extremely kind smile.

'' Yes, dad. I will not disappoint you. ''

'' Well, now go eat that your mother made dinner and then go to bed. Rest well, tomorrow will be a difficult day. ''

I got up from the sofa and had dinner and then went back to my parent's room to sleep.

(It would be desperate if I could not steal a portion of power from others. From the 1.1 minimum, I increased in one fell swoop to 1.5. So that dead woman earned me 0.4. This is great news. I will follow the path of power. even at the cost of being paved with corpses and blood.) I got a crazy smile by mistake and I quickly suppressed it.

I went into the bedroom and went to sleep.