
UnOrdinary: Chaos

(This is going to be an UnOrdinary fanfic, I hope you like it). This novel tells the story of Samael and his constant quest for power.

Daoist7SI7YI · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs


'' Sama .... Samae .... ''

'' ... '' (What all this noise does).

'' Samael !! Samael !! "

'' ... '' (she is turning my head hard).

I opened my eyes and realized that I was lying on the floor. I noticed my father and mother who kept calling my name with a worried faces.

(Why am I on the ground?) I tried to get up.

'' Samael! What happened!''

In an attempt to get up I fell forward but was caught in time by my father.

'' Samael what happened in here !! "

''I do not remember''

'' How can you not remember ?! This room is in chaos, your bed is completely destroyed. As if it had rotted away. Why do you have this strand of white hair !! What's happening !! '' my mother said

At some point, all the memories of the previous evening came back to me. Like a tidal wave would suddenly do.

'' Darling, calm down. Screaming at him like this will only confuse him. Let's talk about it when it's fully recovered. Samael, when you feel better, go down to the kitchen and we'll talk ''.

'' Yes, ​​dad ''.

They left my room and then down the stairs.

(I lost consciousness last night. I shouldn't have exaggerated. It was a huge mistake. I had to foresee that this ability would have the ability to harm me. After all, it's toxic to living beings. It's like some kind of poison. No, it's imprecise to call it that. . In an Ordinary that I remember there is no skill you harm the more you use it. I let my guard down I had to pay more attention. I still can't understand how it works, but now I know it can harm me).

I got up from the ground and checked the state of the room and it was almost completely destroyed. The bed and its surroundings are completely degraded while in more distant points such as the entrance and the wardrobe they are strangely intact.

(Exactly what happened? I don't remember deactivating my ability. But I was unconscious ... could it be that it stayed active? No, it can't be. My parents would have noticed two portals in the middle of the room. they knew what had happened.

Did my power remain in circulation in my body even though it was deactivated as if it were incubated…?

I know practically nothing, it is useless to make these kinds of assumptions. It could also be that my power remained active for a while after I lost consciousness and was then deactivated. At the moment I can't waste time on this kind of thing. I have more immediate problems. What can I tell my parents? Should I lie and pretend I know nothing or should I tell the truth about my powers? These two options are not good. It means I'll mix the two choices to make the third one).

I start walking toward the kitchen and as I was walking down the stairs I heard my mom and dad talking.

'' Gabriel what is happening to our son !! Because the room is in those conditions !! Because we left it upstairs alone in the room !! We need to take him to the hospital and check if he's okay !! What is happening?!''

'' Calm down Maria, I know you feel the condition I feel too. I'm as clueless as you are. I think we should call the authorities to find out if anyone has entered the house. ''

'' Yes, we should call them to find out what happened. ''

(Fuck, I can't allow it. If the authorities get into this it'll screw it up. They might even find the correlation between the murder and my ability. I doubt that happens due to the fact that I burned the body. that is not based on the existence of an extravagant power capable of seeing the last moments of an individual's death. I cannot risk it. If there is a strange power like mine why shouldn't there be another one? If only they found out that I am a killer of 5 years with very versatile power and good growth potential ... surely they would brainwash me. They turned John Doe into a frightened bunny just because he dying in his class. Who knows what they would do to me. Sorry Mom, but I'd rather kill you than become a doll whose identity has been stripped). I started down the stairs as fast as possible.

Maria took her cell phone from the kitchen table and began dialling the number of the authorities.

'' AAAAAAAAAAA that bad mom. Please help me !!! '' I yelled in the most dramatic way possible.

(Now I also have to convince them that I am fine physically. I have not come up with another idea to stop her. If I had said stop, she would surely have asked me for an explanation. Some face I curse my lack of intelligence. There is nothing I can do about it. To avoid further problems. I have to make the most of this opportunity).

When she was about to click the call button she stopped my scream.

'' What is happening Samael!? Did something happen ?! ''

'' Mom ... I'm feeling bad. I have severe pain in my head. ''

'' Gabriel what's happening !! Samael how are you !! She threw the phone on the table and got up in her chair and ran toward me.

(I'm a sorry mother for this burnout but I need your mental defences to be as low as possible).

"I don't know dear!" He got up from his chair and ran in my direction.

'' What have you got Samael! ''

'' Dad ... mom ... I have severe pains in my head ''.

'' Maria calls the hospital and the authorities, I'm with Samael ''.

'' Wait! Do not call anyone, there is no need. It's just dizziness. Listen to me first. ''

'' Okay, Samael. ''

(Let's create a third possibility).

'' Mom I listened to you as I went down the stairs. It wasn't an assault by a thug who sneaked into the house. The culprit is my power. ''

'' Samael, what are you saying? We all three know that you haven't discovered your skill yet and that if you have it you will be just a little stronger than a cripple. ''

'' Shut up Gabriel let's let him talk! ''

'' You're right dad, but last night while I was petting my bunny and I activated my ability just to play. But suddenly dark energy came out of my body and enveloped the bunny. From there I began to lose consciousness. The last thing I remember is that the colour of the bunny went from black to white. ''

'' What does it mean?! Was it your ability to do all that damage to the room? How could this happen!?''

'' I don't know dad I don't know how I did it ''. I have begun to pour tears out of my eyes.

(I was good in my past life at this sort of thing. It's nice not to have lost my magic touch).

'' Gabriel enough with all these questions. You don't see how he's doing, how you can do this to them. ''

'' Dear I didn't want to. I simply asked to understand more. ''

"This is not the idiotic time."

'' Mom please don't send me to the hospital, I'm fine. I just want ... you to be by my side when I sleep. '' My eyes turned red from how much I cried and snot was hanging from my nose.

'' Yes ​​darling, wait a minute I'll take a napkin to wipe your face. '' We took a napkin and once we cleaned your face we headed to my parent's room.

'' Gabriel don't call anyone we wait tonight to talk at dinner. ''

'' Mom, please let's go upstairs. I feel I'm feeling weak. '' I made the puppy eyes with a beautiful tear coming out of my eyes.

'' Sure, honey don't worry. ''

We started climbing the stairs to the bedroom.

(With this I delayed the problem, I introduced the subject of my ability and I managed to introduce into their minds a tender scared child who does not know what is really going on to make it as effective as possible. Of course, persuade people when their mental defences are lowered….

The fascist who came up with this idea was quite a diabolical genius.) A little smile escaped my face which I quickly suppressed.

We entered the bedroom ho, we lay down on the bed and slowly I waited for Maria to fall asleep. At the time I had my eyes closed and I was thinking about how to fix the problem.

(First Maria said we had to wait tonight to talk, I saw the clock in the kitchen and it was 4:13 pm (4:13 pm). Surely it will now be afternoon unless the clock is working. Chance is minimal. But the real question is why didn't they wake me up to go to school? They were missing and if so ... exactly where were they? avoid the possibility, will they be part of Ember or Specter? It is really too forced a deduction but I instinctively believe this. Now, however, I have to think about how to think about the problem).

I opened my eyes a little to see if my mother was sleeping.

(She is sleeping like a sloth. I guess all this has put a lot of stress on her. In my defence I can say that it is always better to kill her. Even if the chance of succeeding is very low. I need to understand more about this power) .

I got out of bed and left the room. I stopped in front of the door before going down the stairs. I activated my ability and looked at my mom.

(The very dense and dark aura of that surrounds her is very peculiar. If I were to kill her ... how strong would I become? As far as I know in this world there are traditionally 2 ways to increase one's power.

The first is based on using one's ability very often and especially in conditions of extreme effort, risking life and death every time. This method takes a long time to achieve actual results and is much safer and more convenient than the second.

The second is the enhancers. Those drugs double your fighting power but put your body in a state of extreme stress due to the disproportionate increase in power. This route has never been considered because it would damage me too much even if the increase in power is extremely fast.

Finally, we have my third way. Making the victim in a state of extreme weakness and helplessness and stealing the dark energy that surrounds him. But this has a strong handicap, not for me but for others. Technically, by following this path I would kill the victim and this would bring me many problems. I can't be a serial killer on urban streets. If I did, a real manhunt would start. I don't know how much I can grow on this path. I just know it wouldn't give me a big boost like the boosters but it would be a lot faster than the first method for sure.

I find myself at a nice crossroads. But I think more or less about what to do. I have to join Ember to make my rise to power as effectively as possible. During the day I would train with the first method and at night I would use the second. I won't have any problems with the authorities either. Because even if defined by the same authorities as a '' gang '' to the public. Behind the scenes, they are funded by the same to kill the vigilantes.

But first, let's settle the question of my powers by talking to my father downstairs.)

I went downstairs and found my dad sitting on the sofa in the living room thinking with a completely white rabbit on his legs.

'' Samael, you woke up then. Is your mother still sleeping? ''

'' Yes ​​dad, mom is still sleeping ''.

''I understand. Come here, don't be afraid that we will talk. ''

'' Yes, ​​dad ''.

"So you have some kind of ability that degrades things?"

''Why do you say that?''

'' When you were sleeping in your room I checked your room and noticed that the wood looked rotten and your bunny completely white. He looked very puny. Here, here, I took care of him when you were not there ''.

'' Thanks, Dad! '' I gave a bright smile like a child in front of a Christmas present.

'' Speaking of your power ... I think it is very dangerous so it will take proper training to control it. This is an excellent opportunity to change your social status in school. Isn't that good news? ''

'' Yes, dad. I'm finally not getting beaten up by those bullies, hehehehe. ''

'' I want you so son. I tell you right away that you will not only be trained in the control of your power but also in martial arts. Because a skill cannot be active forever and especially the moment it is not active in your moment of extreme weakness. ''

Yes, I can't wait to get stronger. (There was no need to tell me. I already know how vulnerable you are with the disabled ability. If not, Seraphina would never have lost the ability.)

'' Great then tomorrow we will start. Now go have dinner and then go to sleep in bed with mom. I'll sleep on the sofa until we get you a new bed. ''

'' Okay, dad. ''

I went to have dinner and then went up to my room to sleep.

(I must be in top condition for training).

Once in bed, I closed my eyes and fell asleep.