
UNMEI: The Path To Survival

In a world that’s about to collapse, four individuals with different goals are brought together to save humanity. They try to deal with their own problems, but they’re also forced to work together to fight against bigger danger. Dune, a boy with striking white hair and eyes, possessing exceptional intelligence. He was born in a continent called Sanatria, place where power is everything, but he lacked it himself. Despite this he refused to be limited by his circumstances. When Dune eventually gains power from the gods, he faces inner struggles about his purpose. Dune explores his newfound power, and amidst the chaos he’s trying to find his place and goals in a world where he is used by those who are more powerful than him. But One thing that never changes is Dune's desire to live and break free from the restrictions surrounding him.

G_Kik1 · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Fall Of Fein ( 3 )

Dune held the metallic circle in his hand, feeling its weight and the responsibility it carried. As Aurore left, he understood her choice; she didn't have the power to face the coming danger.

Moving quickly through the chaotic city streets, Dune's heart pounded at the sight of the monstrous creatures. These humanoid beasts, three to four meters tall, moved on all fours with unsettling agility. Their long horns and sharp teeth glistened with blood, and their black bodies were marked with glowing purple lines, making them even more terrifying.

Confusion gripped Dune. The city's barrier and walls were supposed to protect them, yet these creatures roamed freely, destroying buildings and attacking civilians.

"So it started" As he searched for his brother Ned, he spotted a familiar figure in danger. It was Amanda, his teacher, struggling against one of the monsters. Without hesitation, Dune grabbed an axe from a fallen warrior and struck the creature down.

"Teacher Amanda, are you okay?" he asked, helping her up, his voice edged with urgency.

Amanda, just as confused, looked at him. "Dune? What are you doing here?" she asked, her voice shaking slightly.

"I need to find my brother.you know where he is right?" Dune asked, his eyes scanning the chaos around them.

Amanda knew Ned was marked for death as a Zeten wielder but decided to help. "Follow me," she said, determination hardening her features.

They navigated through the chaos and reached the execution grounds, searching for Ned. "Where is he?" Dune muttered in frustration. Amanda tried to stay hopeful. "Maybe he escaped?"

Suddenly, a massive explosion rocked the city, and they saw blue Neba in the shape of a dragon, one of Cadogan's powerful attacks. 

Feeling a surge of energy, Dune sensed his brother Ned's presence and ran toward the source, with Amanda following. Despite the chaos, they pressed on, determined to find Ned.

Dune's heart lifted when he spotted Ned amidst the battle. Ned wasn't alone; he was with Atlas, the leader of their group, and the twin brothers, Ezra and Liam. They fought fiercely, using both green Neba and Zeten to combat the monsters. Their synchronized movements showed their strong bond and determination to protect their city.

Dune jumped into the fight, joining his brother and friends. They welcomed him with jests and relief.

"Took you long enough, Dune!" Ezra and Liam said in unison, their laughter a brief respite from the battle.

Atlas smiled at Dune's arrival. "Glad to see you're still in one piece," he said, his voice a mix of amusement and relief.

Dune hugged his brother tightly. "I'm glad you're alive," he said, his voice thick with emotion.

But there was no time to talk. With Amanda now fighting alongside them, they worked as a team, each strike aimed at repelling the monsters.

Their moment of relief was short-lived. Exhaustion began to take its toll, and their Neba drained, leaving them vulnerable. The twins showed signs of fatigue, and even Amanda struggled to keep up her strength.

Atlas, always the strategist, considered using his strong purple Zeten to help. But before he could act, time seemed to freeze. The creatures around them turned into icy statues, it was Cadogan's doing.

Cadogan descended from the air, blood-stained and weary, yet still determined. "There is no end to them," he said with a bitter laugh. "Our only choice is to fight until we die."

The group nodded in grim agreement. But Atlas voiced his concern. "You're low on Neba. How do you plan to keep fighting?"

With a defiant smirk, Cadogan removed his shirt and cape, revealing a dark blue cross tattoo on his chest, the mark of a Zeten.

Cadogan's Zeten tattoo revelation shocked everyone. Dune's heart raced as he remembered the times Cadogan had shown them mercy. Now, he saw the depth of Cadogan's compassion.

With monsters surrounding them, the crew felt a mix of determination and fear. They were ready for the ultimate showdown, their senses heightened and adrenaline pumping.

Dune swung his weapon, gasping for breath. "We need to hold on a bit longer," he shouted. "My brother Daniel left hours ago. He'll alert the main city, Rendely."

Atlas fought desperately. "But if they see our Zeten marks, we're dead," he warned, his voice tight with worry.

The twins, Ezra and Liam, nodded grimly. "Even one elite warrior could take us out, especially Cassius, he's the worst one," Ezra said, scanning for threats.

Cadogan smirked, sending shivers down their spines. "Then we'll make sure they don't see them."

As the survivors caught their breath, the monsters suddenly scattered, fleeing from an unseen threat. Ned voiced the question on everyone's mind, "Did we win?"

But their hope was shattered when a figure in a black cloak and mask, adorned with a large red symbol, a rose with wings, emerged from the shadows.

"Who's this?" Dune asked, his voice shaking.

Cadogan narrowed his eyes. "I don't know, but he's trouble."

The masked figure stepped forward, radiating strength and authority. "Cadogan, huh?" he said. "Thirty years old, wielder of Blue Zeten and Blue Neba, one of Sanatria's strongest prodigies. Too old. Sadly, we don't need you."

Turning to Amanda, he added, "And we certainly don't need the woman next to you. Move aside, and I might let you leave."

Cadogan tightened his grip on his sword. The masked figure's presence cast a shadow of uncertainty over them.

Cadogan's mind raced with conflicting thoughts. Should he abandon them to save himself or stay and protect them? The weight of responsibility pressed down on him. With grim determination, he took up his battle stance, his Zeten glowing.

"You can take them if you kill me first," Cadogan said defiantly, his blue Zeten tattoo glowing brightly.

The masked man chuckled. "It's sad that talent like yours is wasted," he remarked. Cadogan addressed the others, "Go and escape. I'll buy us some time."

Dune questioned, "Are you sure? We can all fight him together."

Cadogan shook his head. "No, he's strong, and we're exhausted. Maybe your friend Atlas could help, he hasn't used his Neba or Zeten yet." He pointed at Atlas and laughed. "What? You thought I wouldn't notice? I knew about you guys for years. Now, go! Reach Rendely and alert them. Fein is lost…go!"