
UNMEI: The Path To Survival

In a world that’s about to collapse, four individuals with different goals are brought together to save humanity. They try to deal with their own problems, but they’re also forced to work together to fight against bigger danger. Dune, a boy with striking white hair and eyes, possessing exceptional intelligence. He was born in a continent called Sanatria, place where power is everything, but he lacked it himself. Despite this he refused to be limited by his circumstances. When Dune eventually gains power from the gods, he faces inner struggles about his purpose. Dune explores his newfound power, and amidst the chaos he’s trying to find his place and goals in a world where he is used by those who are more powerful than him. But One thing that never changes is Dune's desire to live and break free from the restrictions surrounding him.

G_Kik1 · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Fall Of Fein ( 2 )

Neba is the blessing of power, while Zeten is the curse that requires evil deeds and sacrifices to gain strength.

In Sanatria, the power of Neba is essential. This colored aura, which people can focus into specific parts of their body, enhancing their abilities.

For instance, they might channel Neba into their eyes for better vision or their legs for increased speed. Everyone from commoners to nobles uses Neba in various ways. Cadogan and other leaders have deep understanding of Neba, allowing them to constantly enhance their bodies and quickly replenish their Neba reserves.

When Cadogan spotted Ned's tattoo, it was because of his enhanced vision. After Ned unleashed his Zeten powers, it affected and manged to break Lina's concealment spell, making the tattoo visible.

Neba can also work with Zeten, boosting the abilities of those with Zeten powers. Ned's first wind attack against a wolf was not strong enough, but he then decided to combine his green Neba power with green Zeten, making attack much stronger.

Different colors of Neba and Zeten represent different power levels. Green, which is the weakest, followed by Yellow, Orange, Red, Blue and lastly Purple.

The stronger the Neba, the rarer it is, with only a select few individuals possessing the ability to harness its immense potential.

Only known purple Neba user in Sanatria is Cassius, the king's right-hand man.

Cadogan stood atop the city walls, his eyes scanning the horizon. Dense forests and distant mountains stretched out before him. Around him, knights and soldiers stood ready, their eyes alert for any sign of danger.

A messenger ran up to Cadogan, breathless. "Lord Cadogan, Knight Sir Dechi has captured the Zeten wielder and wants to execute him publicly."

Cadogan sighed, worry creasing his brow. "Tell Sir Dechi to delay the execution," he ordered. "We have bigger problems right now. Have him join me on the wall immediately."

The messenger nodded and hurried off. Cadogan remained lost in thought, the weight of their situation pressing down on him.

An anonymous person reported that the city would get destroyed soon. From the start i had a feeling something was wrong. If we're in danger, why hasn't the capital, Rendely, warned us? Even noble families leaving the city. This situation seems very troubling.

Cadogan's inner monologue was interrupted when something moved in the tall grass below. A deer stepped out, its movements slow and graceful. At first glance, it seemed harmless. But when its eyes locked onto Cadogan and his soldiers, an eerie silence fell. A chill spread through their ranks, an inexplicable fear taking hold.

Cadogan quickly called five soldiers. "Investigate," he ordered. The massive iron gates creaked open, revealing the bridge to the outside world. The soldiers moved cautiously toward the deer, tension thick in the air.

As they approached, the deer remained still, its gaze fixed ahead like it was in a trance. The air around them felt heavy, charged with an otherworldly energy.

One soldier stepped closer, his hand gripping his sword tightly. The deer slowly turned its head, revealing a grotesque sight. Its right side was torn away, exposing bone and sinew. Sharp teeth glinted in its gaping mouth, drool dripping down.

The soldier's fear overwhelmed him. His sword slipped from his trembling hand, clattering to the ground.

Panic spread among the soldiers. But Cadogan stayed calm, studying the deformed deer. Memories of a similar encounter with a wolf came flooding back, raising concerns about the city's safety.

The deer's mouth opened wider, revealing rows of sharp teeth. It let out an otherworldly scream, piercing the air. Soldiers clutched their ears in agony. The deer's neck elongated, and it lunged forward, biting off a soldier's head.

Horrified screams filled the air as the soldiers tried to fight back. The deer transformed into a towering black creature with a deer-like face, hundreds of shifting hands, and enveloped in the red Neba. It grabbed soldiers with its tentacles, crushing them until they exploded into sprays of flesh.

Watching from the wall, Cadogan met the creature's gaze. He leaped down, as he formed blue icy sword in his hand . As the creature charged, Cadogan raised his sword and brought it down in a decisive strike.

A massive shockwave of blue Neba surged from Cadogan's blade, cutting the creature into countless fragments. The soldiers watched in awe as the creature was destroyed.

Despite the victory, Cadogan felt uneasy. "This was too easy," he thought. Before he could think more, Dechi called out urgently from the wall. Cadogan jumped back up to meet him.

"Lord Cadogan, we have a problem," Dechi said gravely. "At the second entrance, many deformed animals are attacking. Some have breached the barrier. We need to act fast."

Cadogan's heart sank. The threat was far from over. He quickly issued commands for evacuation and to set up a direct link to their allies using Neba magic portals.

Cadogan jumped down from the wall and hurried through the streets towards the second entrance. He saw Amanda, her face full of concern.

"Amanda?" Cadogan called out, running to her. Amanda, with her black hair and eyes, had the power to activate the city's portal machine. But her news was grim.

"Lord Cadogan, none of the portals are working. They've all been destroyed, and those who knew how to activate them are also dead," she said.

Cadogan's heart sank further. "Someone inside the walls planned this," he realized. "They want us gone."

Cadogan's jaw tightened. "Then we fight," he declared. "We have no other choice. We'll face whatever foe seeks our demise."

Cadogan reached the second entrance, where chaos reigned. Thousands of soldiers fought monstrous beings, their forms twisted and grotesque. Some creatures were enormous, casting long shadows, while others were smaller but just as deadly.

Soldiers fought bravely, but for every creature they killed, two more seemed to take its place. Cadogan noticed some creatures had merged with local animals, using their bodies to bypass the city's defenses.

With a thunderous crash, Cadogan landed among his forces, his icy sword glowing. Soldiers rallied around him, their resolve renewed. With a nod from Cadogan, they surged forward, a wave of steel and magic against the darkness.

The battle was fierce. Cadogan fought with unmatched skill, his blade cutting through enemies. Beside him, warriors unleashed lightning and fire. Cadogan fought for Fein and all of Sanatria, determined to protect his people. As long as he breathed, he would never falter in his duty.