
Unmatched Talent: The Deconstruction Algorithm

In a world where talent defines a person's status, 18-year-old, Levi Anderson on the day of his talent awakening faces the cruelty of life, blessed with the lowest level of talent "Deconstruction Algorithm", pushing him into the lowest rung of society. That was until he knew the true meaning behind his talent, to do something more than what the talent says. "I can deconstruct anything as long as I have enough ENERGY !!!" "Let's start with this forest full of monsters." Follow Levi as he fights through the obstacles and enemies in his journey to become the supreme one under the heavens.

Warlock_Leylin · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Chapter 12: Tier-2 Dark Eclipse Bear


Somewhere in the shadow woods.

"Snort" [Hmm. What's this bloody smell?]

A being woke up from the darkness surrounding it. Although it was still daytime the regions inside the forest were covered in darkness allowing only some light to pass through and see the forest.

Two glowing eyes shone through, the being walked out from the cave and proceeded towards the area of Tier 1 Advance Grade Dark Claw Bears. The being was slightly bigger than Caleb in its giant form. Its fur was soft but strong, and the limbs were even bigger than the torso of the Dark Claw bear. It made small tremors with every step it took. Occasionally the fur on its head would release flames making him look terrifying.


The humongous being shuddered at the bloody scent and the scattered corpses with unmeasured anger.

"ROOAAR!" [Who dares!!? I will tear them apart.]

The mighty being that looked like a big bear instantly bowed and started sniffing around wanting to find the foreign smell assimilated in its surroundings.

[Found you!! you shall not escape my grasp.]

The Bear roared for the last time its anger alone silenced the forest, and other monsters surrounding it. The flames it released from its head burned all the corpses, trees, and ground, nothing was left behind in its wake. The nearby animals were burned to ashes some quick animals instantly took action and retreated far away, looking at the bear with fear in their eyes.

STOMP! Thrash!

The bear stomped on the ground immediately accelerating its speed, like a mad bear it bulldozed through the forest not caring about any trees or creatures that appeared in its way. After the humongous bear went away the other animals, afraid of its presence, crawled out.

The Dark Claw Bear region of the forest resumed its usual business.


Slash! Slash!



Levi who was washed in blood managed to kill one of the shadow leopards by bursting its head with his bare fists.

Growl! Wail!

The leopard's partner was crying at his family's death. But Levi paid no heed to it. It was not like the Shadow leopards had not killed humans, nor was it that humans had not killed shadow leopards before. They had killed humans and Levi was not going to hesitate to kill them.

Besides this was only one region for shadow leopards guarded by one or many Tier 2 Shadow Leopards. There were many regions of shadow leopards same goes for the Dark Claw bears. Levi was not annihilating their race. And if one went deeper into the shadow woods there are even stronger existences residing.

The battle between Levi and the two veteran Leopards was almost at its end, the 2 shadow leopards were already very good at fighting Levi while he had activated 2 seeds, however after 3 seeds were activated they suddenly lost their advantages and were thrown around by Levi.

Levi knew he had spent more than enough time in one area he did not like the fact that he was immersed in the fight between him and the leopard.

"Alright time to end it!" Levi spoke.

Dark particles condensed from his surroundings forming a blade. He walked slowly towards his enemy, while his enemy had lost all confidence waiting for its death.


'What was that sound?' Levi stopped in his tracks at the unusual sound before continuing.




This time the voice was audible enough for Levi and the leopard. The leopard took the opportunity to run away, but Levi did not give it that chance, the second the leopard made the move Levi slit its throat while activating the 4th seed.


The blood spilled on Levi again, but he was not bothered by it. Levi did not activate the 4th seed because he wanted to kill the leopard, he was more curious to know what thing made that noise. He had a foreboding feeling.

Levi immediately activated Dark Domain, Dark Veil, and Dark Perception at its max. He could feel a massive accumulation of Dark Energy in the direction where the sound originated from. 


Levi felt his heartbeat fasten, he activated all the seeds till the 6th seed. His aura alone stood out after the massive boost he received, yet his strength did not manage to calm him down. He tried to hide himself more in the darkness by strengthening the Domain and Veil.


'It's Tier--' Levi knew the enemy he was facing by now.


'--2' Before Levi could finish his thought he was rammed into at an astonishing speed.

The being that crashed into him did not even hesitate to find out his position in the darkness as if he could sense him.


Levi was flung above the trees at a height of 15 meters. He could see the whole forest very well, but the pain in his left hand was vivid enough to keep him from viewing the beautiful scenery. Although Levi was not able to block properly he was fast enough to know who he was facing and used his left hand to protect his torso from being torn apart.

"GROAN!" Levi groaned he could feel sweet blood in his throat.

His blood and flesh were ripped apart from the bone on his left hand. He had never faced such injuries, he had been injured with cuts deep enough for his bones to show. But his bones were now out in the open and the blood kept flowing. There were fine cracks on his bones that kept mending itself thanks to his own strength and the 6 seeds he kept active before reinforcing and healing his bones at a rapid speed. Levi was not sane enough to know about this though.

After a few seconds in the air, he recovered his instincts and tried to land safely while constantly eating monster flesh at a rapid speed, and kept on healing himself by absorbing the blood and flesh and also took the help of the seeds while absorbing. His wounds were healing at a visible but slow pace, even though his skill was not regeneration to a certain extent the pure energy he used to heal his wounds along with the purity of the bones and blood generated he was able to regenerate his flesh slowly.

This was good news in the misfortune he was facing. He twisted his body to make his legs face the ground and landed but the sheer force of his landing made a trench on the earth about 4 meters in length. Fortunately, his bones while using 6 seeds were enough to withstand the shock of his landing.

Levi continuously ate the purified flesh at a rapid speed from his storage ring, which he had bought before coming here. Whenever he took a pause from killing he collected the corpses and used his talent to deconstruct the flesh and blood and cores of the monster. He was not able to use cores to heal himself, which was bad because he was running out of flesh and blood.

Soon he took out a corpse he had not deconstructed and used his talent on it, maybe because he was in a hurry or was using the talent with his instincts, he was able to deconstruct its blood and flesh normally but there was something else. He was also able to specify where he wanted the deconstructed materials to appear near him, this did not happen before.

Before when Levi used his talent he had to prepare storage bottles or something similar and needed to be cautious enough so that the blood or flesh does not fall on the ground. This time Levi was only deconstructing the flesh and blood and even made it appear directly in his mouth. The corpse looked like a deflated balloon with only its monster core inside it. He stored the corpses into his storage after taking a new one out. Levi was glad he had enough corpses, he was already 60% healed after emptying his stash.

He used the few seconds he had left to deconstruct more corpses and heal thoroughly at a rapid pace. He had never thought of using his talent while fighting this way. 

Levi was flung about 1-2 km away from the place he was before he was rammed into. It gave him enough time to prepare.

Soon the pain eased when his bones were covered with new growing flesh, he was 85% healed. But he was not given enough time.


'Tier 2 Dark Eclipse Bear and it seems it has mastered some kind of white flames. A variant monster what bad luck.'


"You think I am that weak to be flung around." Levi muttered. Before silently activating the 7th seed.

The reason why he did not activate the seeds after the 6th one was because the seeds of strength after the 3rd and the 6th one were different than those before them, they were formed while he broke through the Tier 1 Advance Grade though they only boosted his strength by 100% the other boosts it provided to his skeleton were enormous.

Levi felt his bones receive a huge boost even his injuries were healing with increased speed than before. The Aura he emitted made the monsters near him pull back in fear. He swung his fists in the air lightly, making the air whistle loudly. This was no longer the domain of Tier 1.

'Let's see if I am capable of handling Tier 2 strength now.'



The bear pounced towards Levi as soon as it appeared.



The bear used its head again, while Levi gave his right fist in return.

The wind screamed even before the two made contact.