
Unmatched Talent: The Deconstruction Algorithm

In a world where talent defines a person's status, 18-year-old, Levi Anderson on the day of his talent awakening faces the cruelty of life, blessed with the lowest level of talent "Deconstruction Algorithm", pushing him into the lowest rung of society. That was until he knew the true meaning behind his talent, to do something more than what the talent says. "I can deconstruct anything as long as I have enough ENERGY !!!" "Let's start with this forest full of monsters." Follow Levi as he fights through the obstacles and enemies in his journey to become the supreme one under the heavens.

Warlock_Leylin · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Chapter 13- Tier-2 Dark Eclipse Bear Corpse


The Dark Eclipse Bear's POV

About 1 minute earlier, before Levi and The Dark Eclipse Bear clashed.

"Sniff" ['Hmm I can smell him he is near.']

The bear charging while sniffing around increased his charging speed.



He did not let obstacles like rocks and trees interfere with his charge. His hide was enough to bear all the damage easily.

As the smell got near it got to an open patch of land where the shadow leopards were slaughtered mercilessly.

[Hmph as expected this was a human's doing.]

When it got near it saw a dense cloud of darkness but a Tier 2 had a very sharp vision. It broke through the cloud and found out the human hiding inside the darkness.

[You think you can hide from me with this puny trick. The only mercy you will receive from this lord is that I will end you without any pain.]

The bear without stopping increased his speed while changing its direction accordingly. It used the energy of Tier 2 to coat its head with a hard barrier and charged like a mad bull.



The human was flung up losing its cover of darkness.

"GROAN" The human groaned loudly before being thrown far away.

[HMM!? The human actually resisted that attack with his arm although I managed to injure him his bones were very strong for a Lowly human.]

"Snort" [There won't be a next time.]

[Fortunately, the human was thrown in the direction of Tier 1 monster regions. I will not let anyone interfere with this battle even if it is a Tier 2 or I would be laughed at by my own kind.]

The bear was preparing its own charge again before taking in a familiar scent. It turned its eyes towards the source of such scent, a corpse of Tier 1 Advance Grade Bear was lying there with its face crushed. The Bear's eyes turned bloodshot at the scene it swore to take revenge for the bear who had come all the way to avenge its brethren.

[This won't end until I burn your body. I was going to end you without any pain. But you forced my hand, now I will incinerate you using my flames.]

 The bear's fur started glowing white releasing bursts of flames occasionally. The Bear stomped its foot before charging in the direction where the human had landed.

The bear's flames made that region in the forest glow. The white in the dark was astonishing and even living beings outside and inside the forest could see the white fire burning the forest emanating from the direction of the bear.

An unusual phenomenon.

Nobody wanted to go near it, only Tier 2 existences would dare to investigate deep into it. Some monsters at Tier 2 had already caught the sight of the flames glowing in the dark and igniting the forest.

Dark Eclipse Bear's POV End.



Levi and Dark Eclipse Bear's Second Clash.


The clash created a White ball of light that blazed through the forest removing all life and earth within 15 meters of itself.

Swoosh! Swoosh!

Two shadows retreated from the Ball of light one was the Tier 2 Dark Eclipse Bear that no longer looked dark but its whole body was on fire. Another was a human whose right hand was on fire from the clash earlier, his whole body was charred and small chunks of flesh had disappeared from his body at different places.

The bear retreated about 5 meters, while the burned human, named Levi was thrown about 10 meters landing pathetically.

"DAMN IT! Argh."

Levi was not worried because his organs were safe, but the mass he lost gave him immense pain he had not felt before in his life. He still had not discarded the idea of eating the purified flesh and blood of corpses he had killed. He stood up and immediately took out another corpse and risked using his talent in front of the Tier 2 existence.

The corpse again deflated like a balloon with only its hide and monster core remaining. While storing it again in his storage ring.

All while the white flaming bear looked at the whole process with his widened red eyes.

"Growl" [This HUMAN survived again, what is he doing? Where is the flesh and blood of my brethren's corpse? And how the hell is he healing so fast? Even Tier-2 existences have trouble healing themselves when they have been afflicted with my flames. Is this the talent thing these humans possess? Whatever it is, this human is way too dangerous to be kept alive, not just for my kind but the whole shadow woods.]

The bear increased his ignition of white flames. The bear looked like a ball of flame, while he increased the caution of facing the human before him to the max.

Levi looked at the living ball of flames with fear in his eyes, still constantly absorbing the blood and flesh of the corpses he was deconstructing in real time. Levi was a genius alright, but he was just a Tier 1 human, he did not like pain either just like others. Levi swallowed his fear and chose to drag it out. After all, this was his punishment for playing around in the shadow woods.

The bear did not wait anymore it did not want to give Levi anymore chances, it rapidly accelerated towards Levi.

This movement did not escape Levi but he had already begun to unlock the next seed. He did not like to be flung around.

"I wonder how you will match this strength now, you big white bastard!!." Levi roared at the top of his lungs. And for the first time took the offensive, in the third clash this time he also coated his fists and legs with dark energy like he was wearing strong armor to shield himself from the unusual flames.

The air was vibrating around Levi as if it came alive, Levi struck the ground with force and propelled himself towards the bear reaching a speed he had not felt before.

The bear who had begun his charge was halted abruptly by Levi. The bear looked at Levi although he looked the same something definitely changed, the air itself was speaking about it. The increased speed of Levi was very sudden for the bear. It did not give him much time to think, about the source of this human's strength.



The bear's body lost all its momentum when Levi's leg landed on the bear's face. The upper body lost all its acceleration and the massive force behind Levi's fist threw his upper body in the opposite direction than the one his lower body was traveling in due to inertia.

The bear's body was thrown about 1 meter high before falling about 4 meters away.

Levi looked at this with wide eyes. He did not expect such a reaction from the force he put behind his leg. He looked at his legs and they were fine, he coated them with dark energy to protect them from the fire, he was currently using energy stored in the 8th seed the energy was very strong and was able to withstand the heat of those flames.

"GROWL" [What is wrong with this human? He is just Tier 1? How can he push me back? NOO I CAN'T LET THIS HAPPEN, I WILL KILL YOU, KILL!!]

The bear had its common sense turned upside down, he was a variant beast that was a genius with the prospect to turn into a Tier 3,

Yet some human kid who was thrown away by him at their first confrontation, was able to contend with him in their second confrontation, and in the third one he was the one who was thrown away.

The bear was angered and mad and started using all his energy he had stored, without caring about consumption. It stood up preparing to swing its claws, using its signature skill Dark Claw with its flames.

"ROA" [I will ki--] The bear roared for the last time, but Levi was not having any of it. He had already begun to move by the time the bear stood up.

Levi directly struck its jaw dislocating it. The sheer force behind it was enough to send the bear's small brain into shock. The bear was barely able to stand using its two lower legs, its body was swaying.

Levi now had the perfect chance, he took the little damage the flames were giving him, but unleashed all kinds of moves he had learned.

Kicks, punches, throwing the bear with sheer force and so on. He pummeled the bear for 2 minutes, making the bear look almost like a non-identifiable living mass if not for its hide and structure. The bear's bones were probably grinded to dust by Levi.

'Alright let's end this guy. I won't make the same mistake twice.' Levi knew that he was in this mess because he did not properly hunt and instead fooled around because he was strong. The whole fight took about 3-4 minutes more than enough time for other monsters to be aware of the commotion, and make their way here.

He had not planned on killing a Tier 2. If he did not have a perception skill that strengthened his senses or Dark Veil or Dark Domain which was constantly buffing him, he might have died.

Levi condensed a Dark dagger and made it as sharp as possible, so that he could pierce through the hide and mass of the Tier 2 beast little did he know that his energy when 8th seed was active was more than enough to condense a strong blade to slit the bears throat.


Blood spurted out from the bear's throat before it lost the shine in his eyes. It's face was screaming an unbelievable look, at the fact that he was hunted by a Tier 1 human.

Levi immediately stored the deformed corpse that for some reason was still on flames that did not destroy the corpse.

He looked around at the mess but he did not have the time to clear it and left immediately. A Tier 2 corpse, an unexpected gain, he was excited to deconstruct it.

What Levi didn't know was that his mess was causing headaches to some powerhouses inside and outside the shadow woods.