
unloved from day one

BelleRose · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Where it all started

Stacy's mother Dixie loved her husband Kenneth very much, she had one child already named Spencer who wasn't from Kenneth, Spencer was very excited to meet her sister in just a couple months. Although Kenny wasn't much of a kid person, he never really wanted Stacy, one night he was getting on Spencer and Dixie walked in when Kenneth was getting out his belt to hit the little girl, Spencer with her blonde hair blue eyes pale white skin was in a corner crying.

"Ken what the hell are you doing!?" Dixie screamed afraid of what he might do to Spencer her little girl who she would do anything to protect her.

"She was being bad, breaking things she needs a punishment. Now get out before you get one too." Kenneth said with rage in his brown eyes, as if there were fire in his eyes, gripping his belt in his muscular hands he was tall about 5ft 9in he towered over Dixie his dark hair at this moment made him look almost evil. She had never seen such anger before in his eyes, if she had maybe she would have left by now.

Dixie went to push him away from Spencer and Kenneth grabbed Dixie and hit her, even after he hit her, she stood between Kenneth and Spencer. Dixie with her brown hair down to her waist, and her green eyes filled with tears as a red hand appeared on her face, but she was not going to let him hurt her child. Instead of fear in her eyes there was rage in them how could he do that to his stepchild who only looked up to him Spencer was a child! She was her child and she would not let Kenneth hurt her. "You will not hurt her ever again!" Dixie yelled at him her green eyes burning with rage as she stood up to the tall man she once thought was her soul mate.

Ken grabbed Dixie's arms very hard making them turn purple and red around his fingers "I will not be talked to in that tone! No one disrespects me in my house!" he yelled at her and turned away her from Spencer and shoved her, she fell down the stairs. He didn't rush to her or call an ambulance, he simply put his black belt back on and walked away with his brown eyes, brown hair and a murky smile on his face almost as pure amazement he had just gotten rid of the problem he thought. After all he didn't really want to have another child, he already had two boys, both who lived with his parents since they were three, now they're nine and ten.

Dixie slowly got off the floor in pain clutching her stomach and got to the phone calling 911 for an ambulance. She grabbed Spencer to take her with, to get away from Ken. Dixie had known he was a bit abusive after they got married it got worse, but tonight was the worse she had ever seen him the anger that burnt so bright in his eyes. The ambulance arrived within a couple of minutes, taking them into the ambulance trying to find baby Stacy's heartbeat, the paramedics sat with Spencer keeping her calm, and gave her some chips to keep her mind off the situation. When they arrived at the Saint Luis Hospital in Luis South Dakota, they got Dixie in a room with toys for Sam, monitors to find the heartbeat of Stacy, first they did a ultrasound they found Stacy and a steady heart beat which was a relief to Dixie. She was only 24 weeks along and she was already having complications with the pregnancy, ovary cyst, pain and the doctors said that it could be her last child she can have.

Everything checked out qt the hospital, after 48 hours they let her go, Dixie called her parents to come pick her up, she had not heard from Ken he wasn't even worried about them he was sitting at home watching tv without a care in the world. Dixie's parents got to the hospital and her mother Diana and her father Steve took them to their home out in the country, there white two-story wooden home with blue shutters would be a perfect place for them to stay until Dixie got herself back together. They had already cared for Spencer when she was a baby since Dixie wanted to party all the time and was only sixteen when she got pregnant, Spencer loved her grandparents very much. Diana was a very small women with long brown hair, slim face and a very warming smile although she was a tough woman. Steve was a tall handsome brown-haired man that was very stern as well, he loved his three children and his grandchildren.

Out at the country home Spencer finally felt safe after everything she had recently been through with her stepfather; she had always been abused by him even when her mother wasn't around. She didn't want to go back to Ken's house she hated him, she hated his house, and she hated that he hurt her and her mother. Her grandmother taught her to bake cookies, her grandpa took her and taught her how to work on cars, and race cars as well even though she was so young she enjoyed it in a way they were like her parents to her a father didn't have. They would tuck her into bed, tell her stories, make her food, and give her hugs and kisses, she didn't want to leave that. Her mother was absent most times or busy with her pregnancy even if she was excited for her sister, she wished her mother had spent more time with her, and she barely seen her father if ever, and Ken hated her hated kids in general.

Dixie had seen this angry side of Ken, but she still believed he would change his ways and become the man and father she wanted him to be. When he came crying back to her over the phone after a week, she believed him when he said he wouldn't do it ever again, maybe it was because she was so in-love with him and blinded by it.

Dixie left her parents' house even against their advice, although Spencer didn't go with her, she had refused, so Diana and Steve took her in. Now that Spencer wasn't there Ken wasn't as frustrated and seemed to be doing better with his anger. Stacy was getting close to being born when Ken decided to hit Dixie again, she accepted his apologies, even though they were meaningless. The weeks had flown by and it was finally here Stacy was coming, Dixie was in labor, she had called Ken and no answer, she had an ambulance take her in, her parents were notified and they were at the hospital when she got there. Countless hours in painful labor went by until Stacy was finally here a beautiful baby girl born on October 26th, she had beautiful brown eyes, brown hair and was tiny. Ken didn't arrive until after she was born, which upset Diana and Steve they didn't like that when their daughter needed him, he was nowhere to be found, and wasn't there for his daughter's birth.

"Kenneth you cannot keep doing this to her! She needed you to be her for this and, where were you? There is no excuse for this! I should've never let my daughter marry such scum!" Steve shouted at Ken as soon as he got there. Rage had burned in Steve's blue eyes every time he seen Ken, but this pushed him to the edge he was outraged.

"She would leave if she didn't want to be with me! I was away on work I had no signal! Stop butting into our marriage you old man!" Kenneth said with rage in his eyes clinching his fist, he was lying he wasn't away on business he was away cheating with his boy's mother. He couldn't believe the assiduity of Dixie's father he never liked him anyways.

"Just go see your wife and child!" Steve said letting his comments go, all that mattered was the new grandchild and his daughter of course Spencer as well, but he didn't want Spencer to go back to that house with Ken.

Spwncer was so happy her little sister was finally here, she was proud to be the bigger sister that was going to take care of her little sister, she loved it so much she wanted to be with her mother and Ken again. She wanted to take care of her sister and hold her, help her mother with her, she was needed she thought, she knew Ken wasn't going to much help even though she was only three she still knew that her mother needed her.

Stacy was finally able to come home, Dixie fought with her father to let Spencer come back to Ken's house "She is my daughter dad I can decide what is good for her." Dixie told her father.

"If you knew what was best for your daughter's you wouldn't be going back to that abusive asshole, all he does is abuse Spencer she has told us! He's never going to change Dixie! He took all your money, abuses you, and Spencer and you still go back to him. You're not taking Spencer, and that's the end of it!" Steve told her firmly he knew what was best for the girls, but Dixie couldn't see it, so he took Spencer with him and left.

Dixie got home from the hospital, she was exhausted, so she laid down to take a nap while Stacy was sleeping, when she awoke Stacy was screaming and Ken was on the couch watching television. "What the hell are you doing? Stacy's screaming, you're supposed to be taking care of her while I got a little nap!" She screamed at him; she was about done with his shit she could only take it for so long. She was tired of it, tired of him, tired of always being the one he lashed out at.

"Do not talk to me in that tone! You can get her you're awake now!" He screamed at her fury burning in his eyes as if he had fire in them, he was tired of working and having a wife that does nothing but bitch.

"She isn't just my responsibility Ken! You're her father and need to take care of her as well!" she yelled back at him; she was terrified of him but wouldn't show it she had to be strong. She needed to show him that she was going to stand up for herself even as he towered over her.

When he got off the couch her eyes filled with terror, she had froze, he back handed her and then grabbed her by the throat, his eyes filled with anger as hers filled with tears and she finally was scared he was going to kill her. He slammed her back against the wooden wall holding her throat. "What did I tell you about your tone of voice women! I slave at work all day to come home and relax, while you stay home with the child!" he screamed at her squeezing her throat tighter. "You ungrateful bitch! All you do is complain and whine about stuff!" He screamed at her, throwing her down to the ground and went to pick up Stacy putting her into her car seat, while Dixie was crying on the floor. "I'm divorcing you!" He yelled as he walked out the door with Stacy. He was going to take the one thing she loved the most of course she loved Spencer, but her newborn child was also his so he could take her if he wanted. Dixie pushed him to far this time he thought, he was tired of her and her attitude problem. She would never see this child if he had anything to do with it, he thought.