
unloved from day one

BelleRose · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Living Hell

Stacy had been with her father since he had taken her that night, for five years her mother didn't know where she was, and when she signed the divorce papers her lawyer tricked her into signing custody over to Ken. Over the five years she hadn't seen her mom her dad had gotten re-married to Kelly a blonde permed blue-eyed woman with two kids of her own Brandon and Shelby which were about three and four years older than Stacy, and they didn't really like Stacy. Shelby and Stacy had to share a room which made it hell for Stacy since she was older, so Stacy had to listen to her, and she liked to pick on Stacy. She wanted to be the youngest and the favorite, there was no way that Stacy was taking that away from her, plus she wanted her own room.

Kelly hated Stacy when Stacy would miss behave, she would make Stacy eat hot peppers, and would make her go back to the room and lay in bed. Sometimes she did it just for fun, or because her kids told her Stacy had done something. She didn't want a stepchild, nor did she want Ken to love anyone besides her and her kids. She didn't realize that Ken was just keeping Stacy around to keep her away from her mother.

"Stacy come out here and clean up!" Kelly yelled at her!

Stacy got down off the bed bunk and came out to the living room looking at the mess, she sighed and nodded picking up the mess, even though it wasn't her mess, she didn't want to get punished, it didn't matter what she did she seemed to always get into trouble. She was living in hell she thought, she always had chores to do while her step siblings played and got new things, she got hand downs, and to clean the house.

"Stacy don't forget to wash the dishes after dinner tonight!" Kelly yelled at her! She was always making Stacy do her dirty work. She never cleaned, because she had someone to do it for her.

For dinner they had fried chicken, and potatoes, which is almost always what they had take out and unhealthy foods. Stacy had washed the dishes on a chair while Brandon and Shelby got to play games and watch tv, Stacy hated that she was always the one to clean. While doing dishes the chair had gotten wet without Stacy realizing it, while she was washing a cup she slipped and fell breaking the cup, slicing her hand, and hurting her back.

Kelly came in yelling "What did you do? How do you mess up washing dishes?! I work to put food on the table for you little girl you have to earn you're keep around here! Go take a bath and go to bed!" she demanded.

Stacy went to the bathroom and picked the glass out of her hand, she mumbled "I don't like her, I don't like her, I wish she would go away!" she lifted up her shirt to look at her back in the mirror, moving her long dark brown curly hair so she could see, she realized there was a big red circle, that started to darken it was going to bruise. "Great." she sighed and took her bath; it was still daylight how was she going to go to bed right now?

She went into the room and got up on her bed noticing Shelby was watching tv she peaked her head to watch being she wasn't tired. She wanted to watch even if it wasn't a show she liked, Shelby got up and Stacy had to turn away or her stepsister would tell on her and add to her punishment. Little did she know that this punishment would be the worst punishment yet. She broke a cup and she knew Kelly was furious with her, she was tired of being here she wished she knew where her mother was, she wished she knew if her mother wanted her.

"Brat! I seen you watching the tv now don't do it again or ill tell my mother. That's right my mother, you don't have anyone that wants you, we don't want you here, your mom doesn't want you, and hell your father doesn't even want you!" Shelby spat at her; she knew it would hurt Stacy she would do anything to make her go away if only she could get rid of her.

Tears welted Stacy's eyes she knew no one wanted her maybe She would've been better off running away, maybe that's why she had depression; little did she know her mother missed her more than anything.

She just didn't understand why she was so unwanted. What had she done wrong? Why did everyone always seem so mad at her? Why was she always the one pushed aside?