
Unlimited Wishes

Bob was a simple man with simple means, one day as he was walking down the street he was hit by a truck. (classic) After that he found himself face to face with a God and was granted Unlimited Wishes. ---------------------------------------------- So side note, this is gonna be a really short fanfic, I just wanted to actually do a story where the Mc actually got all the stupidly op wishes that everyone says they'd wish for, or that'd make the fanfics so "great", tbh this is meant to mostly display how boring or short a fanfic would be with this concept. (me realising that I am calling my own fanfic boring with this statement) Regardless though, I guess enjoy? (then again if this is an enjoyable read it would invalidate my previous points, sh*t)

DrunkenFever · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 10 Leaving AOT

Waking up the next day, Bob quickly flitted through the responses he received. One replied to each envelope would transmit a message to Bob via the system. 'Seems they've all accepted, meaning I'll take it as their allies likewise accepting.' Bob chuckled before activating his Rinnegan and The World.


Time stopped, and in the next second Bob traversed throughout the walls picking up all those he deemed necessary. 'Eren, check, Grish, Carla, Mikasa check. Armin and his Grandpa check. Kenny check. Erwin, Levi, and Hange check. Lastly, Annie, Bertolt and Reiner and their respective families.' Bob thought as he gathered all the necessary people.

He then looked at the world of Attack On Titan once again, and then realised something. 'How could I forget the monkey.' And with that Bob scoured the planet before finding Zeke and taking him with him. "So long Attack On Titan." With that Bob left the world appearing in his dimension.

Time began to move once again.

"Where are we!?" Grisha asked in shock. "Who are you people?" Erwin questioned before his eyes landed on Levi and Hange. "F-father?" Zeke said in a mix of rage and shock as he gazed upon Grisha. On the other hand Kenny simply watched everything amused before locking eyes with Levi.

"Calm down everyone I am the reason you're here." Bob said as he descended from the sky, naturally he had to have a dramatic opening. "So why are we here?" Armin's grandfather asked in bewilderment. Bob had forgotten to deactivate his Rinnegan.

"Ah my bad, I had these on to find you all. I sent some of you an envelope which you accepted, because of that I deemed it necessary to take your loved with you, along with some associated people." Bob replied.

"I asked Commander of Survey Corps Erwin Smith, if he wanted to know the true history of the world. I don't need to explain much, simply ask Grisha Yeager or Zeke Yeager they're probably the most literate of the bunch." Bob said as he locked eyes with the blonde haired man.

"Hmm?" Although on the surface Erwin was calm he was truly confused just as the rest were. "Ah this is going to take a while to explain. Simply put this is another place entirely. Neither is it Marley or Paradis, its not within the walls. The common sense of your world doesn't apply here. To begin with I wanted some residents from a weaker world to give some balance, over time more and more people will arrive here. People beyond the scope of your imagination, who even make titans look like ants." Bob simply replied.

"I promised 4 people 4 things. Erwin's can be fulfilled right now, Levi's and Kenny's will take time, while Eren's is subjective. For now you can just read this book it should explain everything you need to know." Bob said before chucking them each a book.

On one hand all those from within the walls and Zeke were confused, but Annie, Bertolt and Reiner's family weren't as confused. After all they had already been explained everything. In fact Zeke caught onto this. "Annie, Bertolt, Reiner, why are you so calm. Did you fail the mission?" Zeke questioned.

"The mission was pointless, we've solved the situation in a much better way, now I suggest you read that book or you might get left in the dust." Annie replied, she always found Zeke to be somewhat annoying.

Almost an hour later everyone had finished reading the books that were given. "So to put it in simple terms you just want us to live here and get stronger?" Grisha questioned. "Precisely, and at some point I'd like you to fight some people, but its all in good fun, you don't have to fight if you don't want to. Naturally no one will die from the fighting and I will give rewards to those who compete." Bob replied.

"For example, I can take off the 13 year curse. In fact I've already done it to those 3 for free so I don't mind doing it for you pair of father and son." With that Bob then tapped Grisha and Zeke lightly on the forehead taking off the curse and allowing them to live past the 13 years. Grisha's case was especially urgent since his time was almost up.

"13 year curse?" Erwin asked. "This has to do with the origin of the titans and a bunch of other shit. Frankly they can explain it much better cause I only know it on a surface level, sort things out amongst yourselves, ask me if you need anything that can't be found here." Bob then left them to their own devices.

The first thing that happened was naturally Zeke and Grisha having a long, emotional and loud argument, which oddly enough ended up with them hugging. They then explained to all those from Paradis the true history of the world and what was beyond the walls.

Naturally they were shocked to find out that titans were their own people and to learn about titan shifting. As a demonstration Zeke turned into a titan. Hange then realised the connection between the nape of a titan and killing it, correlating it with the fact that a titan shifter is found in the nape.

After this they then tried to communicate with those from Marley. And of course, at first they weren't very receptive. Luckily Reiner, Bertolt and Annie had managed to get through to them somewhat, and after talking to them for a while they realised they were decent people.

A week then passed.

Aight I had to get that out of the way quick or else it would take multiple chapters explaining things, and I don't find it all too interesting to write that. Either way now we can get into the meat and potatoes of this, finally.

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