
Unlimited Wishes

Bob was a simple man with simple means, one day as he was walking down the street he was hit by a truck. (classic) After that he found himself face to face with a God and was granted Unlimited Wishes. ---------------------------------------------- So side note, this is gonna be a really short fanfic, I just wanted to actually do a story where the Mc actually got all the stupidly op wishes that everyone says they'd wish for, or that'd make the fanfics so "great", tbh this is meant to mostly display how boring or short a fanfic would be with this concept. (me realising that I am calling my own fanfic boring with this statement) Regardless though, I guess enjoy? (then again if this is an enjoyable read it would invalidate my previous points, sh*t)

DrunkenFever · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 9 Envelope




As Reiner's body entered into the room from the window, the Tybur family were immediately alarmed, but before they could even react two figures bolted around the room quickly knocking out the children present before attacking the adults within the room.

In an instant a woman dressed in a maid's attire withdrew a knife before attempting to stab herself. Unfortunately for her Bertolt rushed towards her and clasped her hand, stopping herself from stabbing herself in the hand and therefore transforming.

"W-Who are you people?" She asked in shock, her hand couldn't even budge under Bertolt's immense strength.

"Colossal Titan Shifter, Bertolt Hoover."

"Female Titan Shifter, Annie Leonhart."

"Armored Titan Shifter, Reiner Braun."

They each introduced themselves one by one. "Impossible! They're on a mission right now to reclaim the Founding Titan." A young man within the room said. But less than a second later he shut his mouth as they took of their hoods showing their faces.

Immediately he knew they were telling the truth. "....Have you betrayed Marley?" The young man asked distraught. Three titan shifters rebelling was no trivial matter. Not to mention that the Jaw Titan was also probably amongst them.

"Yes an no." Annie replied while taking out a paper. This was naturally the soul contract, upon which various conditions were detailed. "Rather than betray Marley we just wish for the Eldians to live peacefully." Annie continued before placing the paper and a pen in front of the young man.

He was naturally Willy Tybur, the current head of the Tybur Family, and could be considered the King of Marley, at least from the shadows. "Oh, and how are you going to achieve that?" Willy chuckled, before reading the contract.

"Obviously with the contract!" Reiner replied matter of factly. But Willy didn't buy it, after all a contract was hardly binding in such a situation. "That's great, so if I sign you'll let us all go?" Willy inquired while grabbing the pen.

"Mhm we will, but you should know the contract is binding." Bertolt warned, after all even if Willy wouldn't believe him, he wanted to tell him so that he could have some peace of mind. "Mhm definitely." Willy said before signing. "Do-"

Before Willy could even finish his next sentence he felt a sudden sharp pain deep in his being, or rather in his soul. "What..... what have you done!?" Willy asked in shock falling to his knees, his blonde hair disheveled.

"That is the power of the contract. I hope you read the terms clearly, if you or anyone who is closely affiliated with you defies them the corresponding punishments will be dealt." Annie explained before turning around.

Likewise Bertolt let go of the maid, also known as Lara Tybur. Just as he did so she attempted to stab herself to begin transforming. But almost immediately the ground rumbled and out of no where a rock crashed through a window slamming against Willy's right shoulder shattering it.

"STOP!" Willy screamed in fear. Lara was extremely confused, but she simply obeyed Willy. 'T-This..... is this how fearsome titans truly are!? But why isn't Lara as powerful is it because she's a traitor!?' Willy couldn't wrap his head around it.

The trio then escaped from the mansion and found themselves back at the inn with Bob. "So I assume the mission is complete?" Bob asked as he gazed at them. "Yes." They replied in unison. "Great, then gather your families, tomorrow at noon we depart, I've grown tired of this world." Bob yawned before disappearing.

Seeing this they weren't all that shocked, but rather they were excited. After all Bob's mystical powers were beyond the scope of their imagination so they were curious as to what he'd do next.

'Obviously if I am coming to Attack On Titan, then I should gather some strong participants. Eren Jaeger, Levi Ackermann, Erwin Smith, even Kenny Ackermann are all must haves.' Bob mused as appeared atop Wall Maria.

He then placed his hand into the air before materializing various envelopes. The envelopes hovered in the air briefly before flying disappearing into the void and reappearing in front of their respective recipients.

Within a bar, a red envelope suddenly appeared within Kenny Ackermann's view. 'The fuck is this?' He thought trying to hit it away, but his hand simply phased through it. 'I must be hallucinating.' Kenny pondered before trying to open the envelope out of curiosity. "Do you desire power?" Was written.

Simultaneously just as Eren was about to head to bed a similar envelope appeared in front of him. "Yo Mikasa do you see this?" Eren asked in amazement. "See what?" She replied in confusion. But Eren didn't hear her reply, he was too enraptured by the envelope. "Do you want freedom?" Was written.

A similar envelope appeared in front of Erwin Smith. "Do you want to know the history of this world?" Was written on his envelope. This question stunned Erwin to his very core. While Levi's simply had. "Do you want the power to save your comrades."

An envelope had appeared in front of each and every one of them, and if they accepted Bob would take them with him to his dimension. Naturally he wasn't going to force anyone, as after all they wouldn't cooperate with him and would simply be dead weight. On the other hand if they accepted he'd take the liberty of bringing other relevant people along.

'I mean what's Armin going to do without Eren? And Hange would naturally follow Erwin and Levi.' Bob mused. After all he needed people, while the world of Attack On Titan would have a head start over the "others" if they didn't have sufficient people they'd have no chance at competing with the true elites he was planning to recruit.

"Well I'll check it in the morning." Bob sighed before falling asleep.