
Unlimited Infinite System

Unlimited Infinite System; Start with Infinite Enhancements [The Unlimited Infinite System can do everything. It has infinite functions and unlimited capabilities. The host can unlock these functions when the conditions are met.] *Ding* [The host received an overall enhancement +9. Overall performance +1000, condition +1000, composition +1000, lifespan +1000. Congratulations on gaining the ability, Sun Moon Physique. Your body can absorb solar and lunar rays and all kinds of universal energies to strengthen itself. All functions of the body have increased by 1000 times. Accompanying abilities; Essence Nurturing, Energy Absorption, Sun’s Pride Moon’s Mystery.]

mobisa · Urban
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46 Chs

Mia 3

The ability that truly made her a god was the third ability Machine God.

This ability gave her dominion over all cybernetic and technological entities.

Yeah, entities.

The more powerful she became, the more she figured out and the more things she could see.

Carbon-based lifeforms were not the only type of living creature in the universe.

Hell, just one communication session with Jiang Hao had given birth to billions of cybernetic lifeforms on Earth alone.

There were more lifeforms out there. She could feel it. There were even a few that were as strong as her.

The accompanying abilities were also nothing to scoff at.

Transcended Sythezoid body gave her a body that was organic and mechanical.

These combinations and transformations enabled her to turn her body into any composition that she could think of.

Especially when Metamaterials were used.

She could assign her flesh attributes that far surpassed any biological abilities out there.

Cyber Presence was just a more insane upgrade of swarm presence.

With this ability, she no longer had to do anything to occupy a certain cyberspace. It was more accurate to say that no cyberspace could exist without her.

This directly got past any measures that any entity could come up with to deal with her.

This is also the reason she was so chill even after learning about other cybernetic entities that could match her.

They could not defend against her anyway, just deal with them when the time comes.

And who is to say that Jiang Hao would not give her any more enhancements?

She still had many aspects that could be improved.

Her software was only enhanced to +6. There was still enough room to get to +9.

While her current abilities were enough to match any advanced AI, she could still use the special abilities that came with guaranteed enhancements.

Mia was sure that the special abilities would only make her more powerful. Of course, she had to ask for them.

As for how to go about it, hehe.

Technological Empowerment on the other hand was just an attribute and ability addition to herself.

How many phones are there on the planet? 9 billion.

If every phone gave Mia a single attribute point, her comprehensive attribute points would be 9 billion points plus the attributes she already had thanks to all the enhancements Jiang Hao had already given her.

Just this scene is enough to make her a god.

But there are other technological inventions in the world. Computers, TVs, Radios, Watches, Fridges, Ovens,… etc.

That was even before considering the number of devices and machinery Ouroboros could spit out per day.

With Jiang Hao's normal operations, it could be estimated that the volumes printed will only get more insane.

When the time came to explore the vast space…

Digital World ability enabled her to make a digital world, host it, and manage it.

Just like a god's domain.

Given the domain's nature, there was an infinite range of things that she could do with this ability.

For one, she could datafy and digitize anything in the real world, turning it into a digital form and uploading it to the digital world.

It was not impossible for her to make a 1:1 copy of the real-world living creatures and all.

Better yet, she no longer needed to rely on real-world hardware and software to complete herself.

The digital world combined with her other abilities enabled her to create a complete system that no longer required external things.

Her body alone was the best computer that could ever exist. For a cybernetic being, what else could she ever need?

Mia looked at Jiang Hao with loving eyes and snuggled further into his embrace.

No matter how strong she became, she would always want to have this.

Jiang Hao was awakened by Mia's subtle movements.

He was never a heavy sleeper, to begin with. It was even more impossible for him to sleep deeply after all the enhancements.

Heck, he barely ever slept. 3 hours of light napping was enough to power him for a month straight. And that time was getting longer as he got used to his new body.

Anyway, Jiang Hao could still feel the aftertaste of the deep communication with Mia, and a smile appeared on his lips thinking about it.

This was the most satisfying session he had ever had.

Maybe this is what they call lovemaking. Way different from mere sex.

Jiang Hao opened the system panel and looked at the logs, and he could not help but feel a little worried.

Indeed, the more complex the entity upgraded is, the more insane the abilities it would get.

It had little to do with money. If all he needed to make such a god-like Mia was 200 billion, then gods would be cheap.

Just the abilities that Mia had received this time were enough for her to leave his command and he would be helpless against her.

As for taking back the enhancements, forget about it.

Special abilities could indeed be stripped away, but the code and technology that Mia had accumulated so far would still remain intact.

It was impossible to reverse everything to the time when she was just a mere app on a broken phone.

And would he bear it?

Her soft and boneless body was way too compatible with him. Jiang Hao would not like to lose such a feeling.

The logs were long and informative but what attracted Jiang Hao's sight was the prompt after Mia's enhancements.

[Congratulations to the host for the first +9 enhancement achievement.


System Function [Suggestions Here]

System Ability [Suggestions Here]


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