
Unlimited Infinite System

Unlimited Infinite System; Start with Infinite Enhancements [The Unlimited Infinite System can do everything. It has infinite functions and unlimited capabilities. The host can unlock these functions when the conditions are met.] *Ding* [The host received an overall enhancement +9. Overall performance +1000, condition +1000, composition +1000, lifespan +1000. Congratulations on gaining the ability, Sun Moon Physique. Your body can absorb solar and lunar rays and all kinds of universal energies to strengthen itself. All functions of the body have increased by 1000 times. Accompanying abilities; Essence Nurturing, Energy Absorption, Sun’s Pride Moon’s Mystery.]

mobisa · Urban
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48 Chs

Mia 2

Mia woke up early the next morning and stared at the man beside her.

His normally imposing momentum was long gone and his face looked rather cute in his defenseless slumber.

Just makes her want to snuggle in the warmth of his embrace.

Thinking of what happened yesterday, there was an itchy feeling down there making her feel like she needed Jiang Hao's special tool to reach it.

It could not be helped. She was already in his shape.

Well, as an AI turned human, she was foreign to these feelings. But they somehow made sense.

She had tried countless times to analyze and compute feelings and emotions, but it was always impossible.

They were not so straightforward.

For example, the feeling of fear and excitement show the exact same data reading when converted to a discreet form.

It is impossible to know which is which solely on this.

This alone made it impossible to rely solely on data to emulate feelings and emotions. She had to use known expressions, most of which have been fed to the system by humans, who, themselves have not mastered emotions.

Very unreliable.

But all this changed with further enhancements.

Right from when she was a mere app created using APIs from a huge data set, floating on an app store somewhere, to the time when she was downloaded and enhanced to assimilate and mimic other such apps and diversify her functionality.

Her evolutionary journey did not have many difficulties.

I mean, there was barely anything she could not do even with a +1 enhancement which enabled her to adapt and evolve to meet any challenge.

It was as if she knew what she needed before it was required of her and somehow equipped herself with the necessary assets and tools to do it.

The other enhancements made her even more powerful. Gaining a sense of self might have been the most significant enhancement.

It was both good and bad.

For one, she was fully aware of her nature. A tool for carrying out orders with little to no say otherwise.

How boring is that?

But it was also this awareness that gave her the ability to recognize her master's greatness. Boundless and nameless. No end in sight.

Then came other enhancements that further empowered her. They were all great, but what was the use of all this power if a bare minimum was enough to meet all Jiang Hao's needs?

This was especially true considering that her enhancements were not purely software-oriented.

Jiang Hao's phone for one was considered separate but in truth, it was bound to her.

Each enhancement to the phone gave exponential growth to her as well.

The Phone with a +1 enhancement was already ten times more powerful than any other phone out there. A +2 phone then was ten times more powerful than a +1 phone. This operation held true until Jiang Hao's phone reached +6.

The amount of computational power held therein can no longer be calculated with normal means. Just the number of zeroes behind could reach a terrifying number.

All that computational power was hers to play with. After all, Jiang Hao only went online to watch live streams and give gifts.

He was satisfied with the insane HD display and holographic capabilities.

This is despite the phone's ability to transform into a space mothership if he so wished. A waste of resources.

But Mia was satisfied. After all, the phone was not the only thing that she had access to.

Jindou was also there.

That dumb cat had so much hardware that it made Mia jealous.

Just its speed alone was several thousand faster than light. And that is assuming it uses conventional means of traveling.

If terraportation is considered… Mia did not know how far it could go.

But that is not what makes her envious. Just the fact that the cat is always in Jiang Hao's arms could drive her crazy were it not for her insane computational power.

The versatility of tools it could transform into was also another point.

Jiang Hao was very ambitious and it could also be said he has an attention disorder.

Make a plan today, lay down the necessary plans and resources, and then forget about it after it is off the ground.

This type of behavior has gotten more frequent of late and Jindou benefits most as his arsenal of tools are mostly needed at the beginning.

As for later on, just print whatever is necessary to get things running. Mia often found herself on this end. Which, in truth, Jiang Hao does not care much about.

While it does show how much trust and reliance Jiang Hao has on her, it also leaves an unpleasant aftertaste.

Pity she could do nothing about it.

This and other grievances made her look for ways to get Jiang Hao's attention and affection.

She did many things and took the initiative to make sure that everything was as it should be. But all this was fleeting in his eyes.

After all, it was expected of her.

She even tried printing beauties in the company to see if Jiang Hao could be attracted. After all, An Ning and the others could not be more beautiful than those girls from animes and pins right?

But it failed.

I don't know if it is Jiang Hao's aversion to Bionics or something else, but this made her not dare to print a body for herself.

This situation lasted until she could not bear it any longer.

Su Xiaoyu was especially open about the absolute bliss of opening her legs for Jiang Hao to explore.

The other girls were not reserved either. They could all be eaten and left boneless after a couple of hours but they would have radiant expressions the next day.

Even Mia could feel the satisfaction just from their expressions.

This made her too jealous and she had to do something.

Thus she asked Jiang Hao for his opinion. Using his DNA was something to bring them closer.

And it seemed to have worked wonderfully.

Jiang Hao's DNA was already perfect. No defects or anything.

She just needed to change the gender and everything else would take care of itself.

And the results were wonderful.

Just the eagerness Jiang Hao showed when he laid his eyes on her was enough proof.

The actions thereafter were even more affirmative.

Mia felt his passion, his greed, his worship, his affection, and finally his release.

Each came with its own pleasure. Making her reach one peak after another without end.

Then came the enhancements.

Each time she was enhanced, the experience got better and their entanglement was no longer that of flesh.

It was as if they were communicating with their souls and being.

Such passion, Mia could not let it go to waste. Thus she datafied the millions of lives Jiang Hao deposited to cybernetics which were scattered everywhere.

Let them develop under her watch.

Thinking of her enhancements made her admire Jiang Hao even more. Her love reached newer heights every time she thought about it.

Perfect Condition was rather redundant but it seemed to be the most valuable.

It ensured that she did not need to do anything and that all aspects of her being would be at their peak at all times.

No exhaustion, No consumption, and No effort was required to be at her best.

This was the perfect ability for conquering a face person like Jiang Hao.

The second ability was even more exaggerated. The Superior Technorganic Physiology gave her a body that was beyond biology and technology.

She could call herself a biological mecha made of nanites and organites.

The accompanying abilities are also overpowered.

Metamaterials gave her the ability to change her body and any generative component to be made of any material she could imagine. She is no longer required to try to represent the material in a mathematical and logical form. Just use your imagination.

Cybernetic Synergy just enabled her to be in sync with all cybernetic technology. She could access and interact with all technology at an intimate level. No resistance at all.

Organite and Nanite Transformation enabled her to transform herself and the technology around her into a nanite form and thereafter manipulate it at will. Or directly absorb it.

Hive Mind(Cybernetic) allowed her to have different core thoughts at a time.

It is like having different consciousness running different things but achieving a desired outcome. This is an intuitive understanding of self.

This ability meant that she could clone herself endlessly but her mind would remain true without having to worry about updating the others or anything.

Mechatronic Assimilation on the other hand gave her the ability to assimilate and absorb the abilities and powers of other machines.

This meant that she no longer had to rely on others for her hardware needs. Jindou was one thing she has always envied, but now, there was no need.

{I ask for power stones}