
Unlimited Blade Works

"Before I was sent here, I dreamt of a hill of swords. " Dying, a boy wish that his life full of strife would lay to rest, and he can finally see the light. But fate have other plans, now in an another reality similar to, his before, he plans to live a comfortable life. Though there's something more in this world.

Pale_man · Others
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3 Chs

Chapter 1: Thug in School


In my opinion, I have a keen eye when it comes to judging people. My past warrants a good observation when trying to read an individual. If they're good, or bad, an asshole, or just boring I use this skill to weave safely in this competitive environment, that is school.

For you see, due to my intellect I have been ostracized by kids my age. Throwing words, that meant to belittle me. As if me being smart is an attack on them. Bullying, and plain exploitation of my skill in academics, started at late elementary; when I was in Grade 6. When I sat down in that classroom, I had no worries, I predicted that due to my good performance in previous grades that I would be put in a section with like minded people.

Instead, I am met by thugs; who somehow move up to grade 6. To this day that baffles me, how in the hell did those guys manage to get into grade 6? Their academic performance was below average, none – aside from me – manage to even border on being a challenger; where your grades are A- or B+ – well most of my "classmates" have joined extracurricular activities, mainly sports and other physical activities. But, it doesn't make sense why I'm put in the same classroom with morons.

 Of course, with them being idiots, they opted to rely on me. First I thought, they will be reasonable, so in my naive past self mind: I could just say no, oh how wrong I was. When I said no to that girl, she at first went away, but the next day I was punched and threatened, by who I assume was her boyfriend. Now I cannot fight, but even if I did I would lose. That barbarian was twice my height, and had a better physique than me, it is a losing battle.

I was humiliated and embarrassed, my rage was unbound, but what can a 5 '6 boy do? So I endured, agreeing to they're every demand. I was left with no choice, due to teachers not doing anything other than putting them in detention – which just angers them – my best course action was just to comply.

That was a dark time, where I was treated like a servant.

I shook my head, I flipped my paper to the back. My eyes surveyed around my classroom, here nothing of the treatment I experienced back then ever happened. When I graduated from middle school, my heart was full of fear. To the point, I tried to persuade my mother to homeschool me. But of course, she disagreed, she said that missing in-person school can be a huge detriment to me. I don't understand where she's coming from, I was treated like trash and she thinks I could just move past that.

But my fears were proven unnecessary, as the section I was put in had none of the same people of my old school. Meaning a bunch of unknown individuals that know nothing of me, I saw this as a good opportunity, so I took the chance and planned to refrain from associating with students that have extremely high social standing. I avoided talking to people like I used to, avoiding answering the teachers question unless they specifically called me. And the plan was a success for most of the semester I have not once been targeted. And I am ecstatic! I realize the power of just minding your own business, and laying low.

The difference between elementary and highschool, is that while the elementary will be cruel with their bullying, opting to use violence, high school students are a lot more insidious in the way they deal with the people they don't like. They plan, they scheme, like for example: In the first semester, there's this girl with average looks but she was smart. She always acted like the leader of the section, and appointed herself as the president. The majority of the class agreed, myself included. 

She was a good leader.

But her personality and her bossy attitude did not sit right with one of the popular girls in this room. Her name is Casy, and she's a bad bitch. She's pretty, she's not a genius but she knows her way around people. Apparently Casy does not like the girl. I often overhear her little circle, talking mad shit about the girl. Calling her a stack-up slut, an annoying whore, along those lines.

Seamingly the girl has struck a huge nerve in Casy, because she was brutal with how she treated her. In plain daylight, she harassed her, tormented the poor girl, and she was not able to do anything. Casy has a group of friends that strangely follow everything the bitch says. Like the way they bullied the girl was something else, it's like they studied her then used everything they learned to psychologically torture the chick. 

That was hard to watch back then, but none intervened – myself included – Casy was the daughter of the mayor of the town, and her old man has close ties with the principal so nothing really could be done. All the girl could do was to transfer school, and transfer school she did. After she left, it thankfully quiets the room, and Casy has cemented herself as the boss of the room, so none remotely dared to oppose her.

From that one story, I know if I associate with her nothing but bad luck.

I look at the side where she sat. The same confident and un-worry attitude remains in her, I shook my head. Thankfully I was not dumb enough to try to be different.

I noticed her talking to a guy next to her. With keen hearing, I hear her asked the guy for an answer. I cringed on what he said, he plainly refused and went back to answering the test.

"That was a bad move," I muttered. Worst case scenario, he'll become a target.

Casy of course was angry, saying he's useless and muttered, the local punching bag nerd: Clark, I assume she was not able to get her help, due to Clark being sick, and not able to go to school. I grimaced, I know the guy will be punished once he returns. 

I returned my gaze to the guy she was talking to, Jacob was his name. Now I don't know much about this guy, but I assume he's somewhat like me. But his record placed him in the average section. With acceptable grades, and no bad records in school. Everything about him is average, his looks, well he just looks like the average white student with brown hair, black-eyes; though his physique is quite well toned. Having a conditioned forearm, and fairly sized chest.

I watched as Jacob gave Casy the stank-eye, luckily for him she did not notice. But for some reason goddamn reason, he laughed at her, and I could tell it was mocking one. Of course, with Casy being close to him, she heard him laugh, and with the most blank expression she said.

"What are you laughing at, Weirdo?"

Damn this guy is fucked. I continue to watch as the two stare down at each other, with Jacob not backing down, and seemingly having no intention of apologizing. I saw some of my classmates had taken notice of the incoming problem. I could tell what they were thinking right now, "What kind of idiot would cross pass with Casy?' And I thought the same, Jacob is in one hell of a ride if he doesn't back down.

Jacob, not seeing the possible consequences, chuckles again making Casy's face look even uglier.

"Nothing, just thought of something," Jacob said.

Oh shit.

Casy face distorted into a pissed look, she narrowed her eyes at the unflinching Jacob and said.

"Thought of what?" her tone cold, "Are you making fun of me?"

"Hey, your words not mine," Jacob said, not even looking at Casy anymore, "Think of it what you will." 

This guy is either strong and has connections, or plain ignorant of Casy. I chose the ladder. Now Jacob has fully attracted the attention of the cheerleader, and not in a good way. Casy looks like she's about to explode, but surprisingly she took a deep breath and smiled.

"Ok, Jacob~" She playfully said.

Oh god, the guy is in deep shit now.

My bet will be, the tormenting will begin tomorrow. I offer my peace to you Jacob. 

The bell rang, and the tension that was caused by Casy evaporated, and without much hesitation most of the students; mainly nerds and outcast – dipped out of the classroom. And surprisingly Jacob did not immediately leave, instead still sitting on his chair thinking of something.

Does he not know what he had just done? He crossed paths, with Casy of all people; I don't know if he is just dumb, or ignorant.

Well not my problem, you reap what you sow I guess.


That chick was weird.

I don't know if it's just me, but I feel like I did something, like I shouldn't have done what I just did. Like it is a weird feeling, not that dissimilar with going inside a rival gang's territory or receiving a threat from them. It is not fear, just an uneasy feeling. I think it's coming from the girl I talk to… 

'Eh,' It is nothing, this is a school after all. What kind of threat could students pose? Aside from spreading dumbass rumors.

Okay, I have more pressing matters. Like how the hell am I still alive? And why am I inside a school? Questions after questions, and it all comes back to that place… that dessert of countless swords and the ornate sheath. I am not that religious, I believe there's a God; just not from any specific beliefs but that place feels like a domain of some kind of deity. I don't know if it's just me watching a bunch of fantasy movies before I die. But that dessert just feels so otherworldly.

I mean it kinda is. I died and I woke up there, so it must be some sort or transitional – or purgatorial place. I'm into the occult, but due to Pat being quite religious some of his superstitions rubbed off me.

The lad was always so concerned over these things, warning us about curses or or-shit. Of course the gang, and I never really believe it. But it's Pat! The guy was just watching us over, in his weird way. Sigh, I wonder how his doing; probably molding from my death – I can hear him calling me a moron. I smiled

Looking out the window, I noticed the sky was pretty cloudy. Gray paints the clouds, and it darkens the ground. It is chilly too, probably gonna rain anytime soon. I turned at the room, and saw half of the students not there; leaving for lunch. The weird girl was gone too, leaving only 6 students, who I assume brought lunch. 


Thinking about food makes my stomach growl, I haven't eaten it. There must be food in my bag, I ramage the worn looking backpack – jeez, I know time is tough, couldn't I at least take care of this bag – and unfortunately there was nothing there.

"Bloody hell…" I search every nook and cranny to find cash. I must have lunch anyway, If I didn't bring any food. 

There was none, so I searched my pocket. And I felt paper, and I exhaled in relief. Taking it out, I come face-to-face with the iconic dollar, with the face of America's founding father. "I'm in the states, Tch- bloody fuck, here of all places? At Least put me inside of europe!" I silently muttered

But nothing could be done, the transitioning of me dying and being here is, I presume, Instenous. If I count that desert some-sort of dream, then it must not have taken long. So I'm dealing with some-sort deity or demon, probably a demon – considering what kind person I am.

And hey, even if I have my qualms with the US, mainly due to British culture. But I could see the opportunity of what the "Land of the free' could offer. I've heard they have good food, beautiful women, and pretty places. But before, I do anything related to that I have to deal with this hunger, and this bloody school

Damn is this cafeteria crowded, now I see why the other students eat in the classroom. This place is jam packed with people, each table is filled to the brim with students eating with each other. And man, this pla is loud as fuck, a ruthless cacophony of ear-piercing gossips and chatters. 

"Yeah, I am not eating here." I muttered, I am in a line for the food counter. A bunch of students, who didn't bring lunch, have taken the struggle of waiting in a line inside a loud cafeteria. 

I couldn't see past the line, because of the absolute unit that is big-guy in front of me. A fucking flesh tank! What did you feed your big-bro? Other students? Of course I didn't say it out loud, I don't want any problems. I'm just here for food. 

After a long minute, I finally got something to eat. The menu was lack-luster, but not unexpected. I've read online about the absolute calamity that is American school food. LIke I've seen pictures, videos with food that straight looks like the meat of some-sort of mutated animal. And I heard of a story, about a school using monkey meat as I substituted for chicken meat, that was a wild-ass story. Disgusting, but intriguing. 

I just got a burger with fries along with water, to wash it down. When I was about to go outside, I saw the weird chick that I was talking to, she was talking with a bunch of guys; that fits the archetype of jocks, and a bunch of girls, "Well, ain't she popular." The girl checks all the boxes of a Alpha-bitch, aside from bullying nerdy girls. Outside of that, she's literally HER.

As I was staring, she noticed me and an unreadable glint flashes on her eyes. She smiled and waves, friendly? Surprisingly, I thought she would frown. Hmm, maybe I was too fast to judge. I shook my head and left. I have no plans in associating with her, or any students here for that matter.

Seeing that I died, a literally once in a lifetime opportunity is given to me. I could start a new, create a new me where crime is not in the picture. Where I could earn money without resorting to violence. I've always wanted this, to be afraid I was given a similar chance a while back. Boss-man and Pat, offered their support in my education, but I was too pussy to accept it. I was scared of just leaving that life just like that. 

And I knew in the back of my mind, even if I leave, the sins I have committed will always follow me – wherever I go. I have created many enemies, and ruined a bunch of lives. But this one is different, unlike the former my record is seemingly wiped. Offered a new identity, devoid of any relations to the underground…

 I will not waste this chance. 

I know there's a possibility that I, one day, will have to pay some-sort of price. Sins could not be erased just like that, but I am willing to pay both in blood and mind.

I will forge a heart of steel, if it so requires. 

I closed my eyes. The unfairness of this is not blind to me. That I, a criminal, was given a chance that was miraculous. A man full of sin given a chance, I could count many individuals that deserve this more than me. Pat, Earl, David etc, good people with strong hearts with the will to change, that I don't have.

But I could not do anything but to not let this chance go to use. It was given to me by who knows, by some demon or God I will prove myself worthy of this second chance.

To atone, and to forge a more just path.

"He, getting all philosophical~ just not my style. " I said to myself. Taking a bite on the burger, and as expected it ain't good. The patty is dry as hell, and I could tell it has no proper seasoning. The bun is not any good either, it's chewy; almost rubbery. All in all it taste like trash, but for a guy like me it's good trash 


"Now, what to do? Once school is done, I have nowhere to go, or at least I don't remember a place, " I'll probably wander around town, to ring my memory. 

Yeah, this is gonna be a problem.


"Who's that girl?" One of my lackeys asked me.

Taken aback by the sudden question, I turned around to the girl; Jesica and the smile I had degraded into a frown, "Nothing, it was just an idiot who dared to make fun of me." 

Jacob was his name, an enigma even from me. No one really knows where that dork came from, or where he lives, due to him not talking or participating in any groups the clueless moron became an outcast, and I could tell the dork doesn't yet. Now I don't bother myself with this kind "boy" I always find to be boring, and with him having weird and downright creepy demeanors, I ignored him.

I don't find amusement from creeps, and the only saving grace the creep has is he not being annoying. The only respectable trait he have, his =quiet nature. But, of course low lives will always find a way to step their disgusting foot outside the line.

I have asked a simple request from him, and he disrespectfully answered back. Laughing, making fun of me. I was angry, but I found a chance, a new stress relief has just presented itself to me. Now, I will make his life a tad bit harder than before.

Jesisca's face morphed into a shock expression, " Really? That is surprise, his either stupid or ignorant," She shook her in pity 

"I know you wouldn't let this slide."

You know well~ 

"The plan starts tomorrow, unlike before I want this to be slow. Like one of those slow-burn horror movies!~" I said.

Ohh~ I couldn't wait! I always wanted to try that, but all my classmates are boring. And I'm not a cruel mistress, I will punish my pets without them doing something… Atrocious. A good owner always disciplines their misbehaving animals, we don't want them acting feral.

"Well," Jessica say, " The semester was getting boring anyways, "



Word count: 3166