
Unleashing Marvelous Might: Whitebeard's Abilities in Marvel Universe

John finds himself transmigrated to the world of Marvel. John must navigate the Marvel universe, encountering various superheroes and villains along the way. As he confronts numerous challenges, John's strength and abilities make him a formidable force in this new world. Before you start the fanfic, here's a little heads up: 1) The MC will start as a normal guy who will have to train in order to have strength as strong, or even stronger, than Whitebeard. 2) It's not a harem. I apologize to my dear harem readers. I am not a good enough writer to blend a harem into my story and make it natural enough. 3) This fanfiction will be a cross between the MCU movies and the X-Men movies. I will follow the timeline of the MCU movies, and as for the X-Men movies, it will be a little off from the original as I have to properly merge both the MCU and X-Men worlds. Well, have a good read then. ______________________________________________ Also the cover does not belong to me. If the owner wants me to take it down, it will be done. For 5+ advance chapters visit my patreon. patreon.com/StoryTeller229

Story_Teller_229 · Movies
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75 Chs


'.....'= Thoughts 

"....."= Conversations 


The sun was setting, casting an eerie orange glow over the landscape as the car approached the next base. The atmosphere inside the car was tense, each member of the team mentally preparing for what lay ahead. The previous encounters with Red had not been that challenging. Still they didn't let down their guard at all. They knew that this base would be heavily guarded and that the enemy would be expecting them.

John's grip on the steering wheel tightened as he navigated the final stretch of the road. His mind was focused on the task ahead, with periodically activating his Haki to sense any impending danger.

Banner, on the other hand, was lost in thought, contemplating the best approach to the situation. His transformation into the Hulk was a powerful asset, but he was well aware of the risks it posed. The last thing they needed was for the Hulk to lose control in the heat of battle. Though he was more in control of his power due to the training he had done with the help of the Hulk, but still he hadn't completely grasped the control of the innate rage produced after the transformation.

Meanwhile, Tony Stark sat in the backseat, running through various scenarios in his mind. His Iron Man suit was a marvel of technology, equipped with an arsenal of weapons and defenses. But even he knew that technology could only take them so far. He had to be ready to adapt and innovate on the fly, especially in the face of an unknown enemy.

As the base came into view, the team shifted into high alert. John slowed the car to a stop a safe distance away, and they all exited with purpose. They surveyed the surroundings, looking for any signs of danger. The base loomed in the distance, an imposing structure surrounded by high walls and guard towers. It was clear that Red had spared no expense in fortifying their stronghold.

"Alright, here's the plan," Tony announced, his voice firm and commanding. "We need to approach this strategically. John, I need you to use your perceptional ability to scout the area and pinpoint the enemy's positions. Banner, I need you to stay calm and focused. We can't afford any surprises with the Hulk. And I'll take point, using the suit's sensors to gather as much intel as possible."

The team nodded in agreement, each knowing their role in the coming operation. With a sense of determination, they advanced towards the base, keeping to the cover of the surrounding terrain. John's Haki was in full force, allowing him to sense the presence of the enemy before they even came into view. He relayed the information to the others, guiding them through the shadows to avoid detection.

As they approached the outer perimeter of the base, the tension in the air grew even thicker. The enemy could be lurking around any corner, and they had to be prepared for any eventuality. Tony's suit hummed with power as he scanned the area, picking up the faintest signatures of heat and movement. It was clear that the base was heavily guarded, with armed patrols making regular rounds.

"Looks like we'll have to get creative," Tony murmured, his eyes narrowed behind the mask of his suit. "There's no way we can just waltz in through the front door."

John nodded in agreement, his mind already working on a plan. "I can create a diversion with my Quake Quake Fruit. That should draw a good portion of the guards away from the main entrance."

Though he was powerful and had attacked the previous bases head on, he decided to go along with Tony's cautious plan, as he was not completely omnipotent. The enemy may have any technology which may affect the creation of his shockwaves or they might have any plan to counter him after all.

He decided not to be careless like the past times as it costs nothing to be cautious.

Banner frowned, weighing the risks in his mind. "It's a good plan, but if things go south, we'll be in for a tough fight."

With a shared nod, the team moved into position to put the plan into motion. John found a vantage point overlooking the base, preparing to unleash a quake that would shake the very foundations of the structure. Tony and Banner took up positions to cover him, ready to respond to any unforeseen complications.

When the moment came, John unleashed his power, sending shockwaves rippling through the base. The ground shook and the guards scrambled to respond to the apparent seismic threat. In the chaos, the team made their move, using the distraction to slip into the base undetected.

As they moved deeper into the heart of the base, they encountered resistance in the form of well-trained soldiers and advanced security measures. Tony's suit proved invaluable, deflecting gunfire and neutralizing threats with precision. John unleashed his Quake powers to sow confusion among the enemy ranks, while Banner transformed into Hulk a d assisted the group.

The battle raged on, each member of the team pushing themselves to their limits. The stakes were high, and failure was not an option.

Finally, they reached the heart of the base, where they found themselves face to face with the leader of Red. A formidable opponent, he was surrounded by loyal followers and armed to the teeth. These were the same mutants that John and the group had destroyed in the earlier bases.

However compared to the four mutants from the earlier base, there were nine of these monsters present here.

The leader of Red sneered at them, his voice dripping with arrogance. "You may have destroyed our other bases, but you will not get past me."

Tony stepped forward, a steely glint in his eyes. "We'll see about that."

With that, the battle erupted once more, with the team facing off against the leader of Red and his devoted followers. The clash was intense, each side fighting with everything they had. John unleashed the full extent of his Quake powers, creating havoc among their enemies. Banner too helped in creating destruction and fending off enemies, providing a good cover to John and Tony.

Tony's suit was put to the test, its defenses holding strong against the relentless assault. He fought with the precision of a master tactician, targeting the most dangerous opponents and coordinating with his teammates.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the tide of the battle turned in their favor. The person who called himself the leader of Red fell, defeated at last.

As they stood amidst the ruins of the base, the team exchanged weary but victorious looks. They had faced the greatest challenge of their careers and emerged triumphant. The threat of Red had been significantly diminished, but a frown placed upon John's face.

"We did it," Tony breathed, the relief evident in his voice. "We took down another one of Red's strongholds. This is a major win for us."

John nodded, his expression solemn. "But we can't afford to get complacent. There are still two bases left, and who knows what else Red has up their sleeve. We have to stay vigilant. Moroeover this person was lying. He's not the leader of RED; just a guinea pig to replace the orginal one, I think."


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