
Unlease Me

shenellsimms12 · Movies
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Going to college is one of the most exciting things for me. I will be n a different country, with new people and culture that i am willing to learn.

My heart was aching in excitement of the scene and even when unpacking i was trembling.

After i unpacked my thing i went downstairs to take a tour. I place was crowded, i was eager to bump into someone to start a conversation, but im not the talkative type. I love to be by myself, but being in a total different country im going to need a friend. I walked around for a while and red some of the poster that the clubs and society had up. I smiled at the site and continued to explore. They were food trucks there giving away free food, pastries, fruits and drinks, etc. I was delighted. I went around at every truck and gotten something. While standing at the first truck i saw a young man looking at me from a far bench to my right. Each time i move down the food truck he changed his seat to look into my direction due to the amount of people standing and blocking me. Not bragging or anything about having a first admirer but i wasn't a 100% that i was the one he was looking at. I didn't want his attention or anything, but at the same time i didn't trust the situation and i have watch too many LMN movies to go somewhere by myself, so i decided to stay with the crowd. Eventually i forgot about the situation while stuffing my face and continued to explore.

Everyone was packing up at this time, because it was getting dark and i felt comfortable enough to go to my dorm. Walking in the crowd a felt someone stick me with a needle in my hand and they left in there. I was in one of my veins. I was a normal needle so i took it out and rushed to my room. Checking the room to see if anyone was inside and the n i closed the door with the key and checked if the room was clear again and there after i felt uneasy and everything went black. I got up the next morning late for my first day of training. I got up and shower forgetting yesterday so i could catch up on my training. I was on a scholarship and i couldn't lose it on the first day.

I rushed out on the field and I just had to make a scene. I fell right on my face in the grass. My coach came over and help lift me up and gesture to everyone that they should resume there training.

"why are you late on your first day ms. simms?"

"I had trouble locating the track sir" i said with my dumb self trying to get myself out of a technical issue.

I just shrugged him off and went ahead to start my warm up. Everyday i have 5 laps around the field for my warm up. I believe that it was over the top but i stuck with it.

While jogging i saw one of the coach walk onto the field shirtless wasn't sure if he knew but when he got the attention of everyone on the field he looked down and gave a big smile. He was gorgeous.

I started to admire him some more. His hands were bigger than minez for sure, cause i had tiny hands. The veins in his hands were outstanding, Like how can veins be outstanding. I thought about his fingers on my body, caressing it. I help my head down not wanting anyone to see a reaction on my face. I wanted his hands to explore me, but i couldn't have that just yet. I had to keep my desires in, just a little longer.

When i completed my warm up i went to the coach from earlier to get my workout. The first category on my program was gym. I sighed i followed him to the gym. Upon opening the door everyone looked at me. The gym had only guys in there at the moment and then me and my coach walked in.

Let me give a heads up on how i look, and in the next chapter you get to know me more, personality wise.

My physique is small. I have a small body, well you can say im really slim and im about 5"1 and lastly im black. Surprise, lol, or is it. Anyways i went over to the machine my coach directed me to go and i he helped and followed me to all of them until we were done. At one point i thought he really didn't have anything to do, because i could manage on my own but at the same time if he left me in the gym by myself i would cry. Not of fear or being nervous around then boys, but there physique was driving me insane. I could faint right now. I kept imagining this one guy at the far corner staring at me, and i don't know what he thinks of me but all i wanted was to have him junk inside me right now. After fantasizing i asked to go to the bathroom about five times to clean up myself. What can i say i was wet. It happens.

After my gym i went to do some track work. I got a 1000m, 600m, 400m and 20*200m and between the each 200 i got 60 seconds rest. My program was heavy for the first day. But i completed it and went back to my dorm all wet and stuff.

Upon taking a shower a knock came on my door. So i shouted that ii was in the shower and cant come and they should come back. I haven't made any friends as yet so i think its my new room mate trying to come in and unpack.

After, i came out and went straight for the door, but it was already open and a note was on my bed...