
Unknown Gift I Got In Fictional Universe Made Me OP!

He always had a truly terrifying luck around him. However one day, he died saving a child. However that wasn't the end. Since his death was not something the universe expected, it gave him a chance. He is allowed to choose or random choose one gift. and got one extra as a service. After he randomly chose one, he was sent to the universe of anime and movies. there he saw that his gifts are.... _______________________________________ The characters from each anime and movies are not mine. I'm just borrowing them for some fun. Also, he sometimes go to other universe to pass the time during each world main events. It won't be the worlds given below. Though if you have any recommendations, just comment the latest chapter! Though I won't be using their characters that often, they will still be in the story. Thanks for reading! _______________________________________ World's : 1.) One Piece (Currently!) 2.) Tensura 3.) ??? 4.) DxD 5.) ??? Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from these anime,series or movies. The only thing I own is my own characters, (OC)

Mad_Crazer · Anime & Comics
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54 Chs

Chapter - 51 [ #V1.34 : Danmachi : Against The Nemesis! 1 ]

(A/N : For the sake of the fight, the POV will change according to how it plays. So, MC won't be in these chapters. Although he is seeing the fight, he won't intervene unless they are in dire, like near death situation. Anyway, please comment on how to improve the story ~ I read some comments saying they want the girls from OP to be in his harem. Though I would have done that if we know the ending of the series, I am planning something else to ease my reader's desires~~ Maybe a small spoiler!! If, which I'm sure won't happen any time soon, One Piece ends, i will think about the story and write it slowly. If not, I'll make a One Piece story of my own and end it. Or I'll wait after wano kuni arc in this story and let him go to another world till then. It will be upto my mood to choose what to do! Anyway, that's my plan~ Thanks for reading~ Here you go then~!)


[ A Flashback of the last chapter! ]

After he was done blessing them, he trained them very hard and made them all improve quite bit. For the next two months, he trained them without any mercy, forcing them to face the feeling of death near them. And none of them complained to him which made him smile.

"Now after six months, you all did very well! Ais, your time has come. Although you are a Demi-god, the other party is also one, but on the peak realm. So in order to defeat it, you will have to go all out. Since you have the new sword they I've given you, killing 'it' would become a truth. After all, it can be called dragon slayer, god slayer and destroyer of origins. In the fight, no one will help you. Not even support you. This is your test. As for the others, they have their own tasks. While you will be fighting the dragon, they will be fighting his kin, or his summons. So, fight without any kind of disturbance. I'll wait for you, all of you...."

He finished and teleported them to the last floor. Although he wanted them to travel from the start to finish, he was planning to leave the world after they are done. So he didn't want them to take too much time.


[ Present! ]

[ Tatsuya's POV ] (😈Damn Godsuya!😈)

I...We were teleported to a black eerie looking place where Lava and Magma was flowing endlessly. There are dark caves around us. We are currently searching for the One Eyed Black Dragon which was the source of our dear sister, Ais's trauma. But she became strong for the sake of escaping it, to surpass her past self, to show her parents...

We have 7 people including me. They were Miyuki, Ais, Raven, Lina, Orna, Flare and myself. As we have yet to find anything near us, I decided to give them new orders.

"We are here. Let's do this again. I, Ais, and Lina will be in the front as main attackers. Miyuki, Orna and Flare will be in the middle supporting us whenever it is needed. Raven will be in the back as always. Because you have Observation Haki, and Invisible Sword Intent, no enemies can get near us without your notice. Although I can also find them with my elemental eyes, it still less efficient to use it for the purpose of sensing every activities."

Raven nods to my order and pulled out his long katana he got from Ash and stood on guard. I turned towards Miyuki and the duo and ordered,

"Miyuki, use your ice magic to restrain fast monsters, and gain control of the environment for our advantage. Orna, you will be using Spatial Barriers and protect Miyuki, Flare and Yourself from any possible sneak attack. If you can, use your spatial powers to restrain if we encounter any monsters in group. But don't strain yourself. Flare, you have nigh endless life force thanks to your Pheonix blood line. And it nourishes you. You have healing powers, so heal anyone, even though I don't think there would be any kind of danger that can hurt us."

The three nods at my orders.

"Ais, you will be the main attacker of our group. However, it's better if you don't fight anyone until you find out target. Till then, you can leave any enemies to both me and Lina. Lina, you can use any other skills than your thunder elemental abilities. Although it is strong, it can also affect us without knowing full well about the environment we are in. Are we clear? Then let's move!"

They also nodded. And I ordered to start the subjugation of One Eyed Black Dragon.

But regardless of how fast we move, with each floors, size also increases. Because this is the last floor, it is too wide. I guess even Raven can't use his Observation Haki besides a few kilometres from our position. And even my Elemental Eyes can't see that much. Maybe I should have asked for a more wide radius.. No. I can train to increase it. So, this is fine.

As we moved, we met some enemies, small fries. I and Lina kill them all easily. I can just kill them using decomposition, while Lina can use her newly created skill which is the compressed form of Heavy Metal Burst. But it doesn't use metals to react. It doesn't have the size and destructive power if used for distant targets. But using for close Targets, they are disintegrated into nothing.

As for Raven, he protected our back from any enemies that tried to attack us. I have heard from Ash about Raven and his home world. And we will be returning to the world of Pirates it seems. We are kind of excited.

Removing my thoughts of our future, I looked at the trio of middle standers and continued to watch over all of them. Even though we all are not blood related, we are now real families. And both me and Miyuki got the familial love we desired. Although we don't have a father and mother here, this must be how it feels to have a family that loves you....

When we reached an edge near a lava pond, Raven and myself stopped them all. Why? Because we felt a movement and it wasn't a small fry.

From within the lava, a black shadow appears splashing the Lava at us. But thanks to Orna's barrier, it didn't reach us.

The figure which jumped out of the lava, was our target, the One Eyed Black Dragon! It was a dragon with ominous black scales and aura. The aura it was leaking included murderous, tyrannical and destruction. I saw Ais gleaming at it with killing intent.

But we all become shocked when we heard something!

'Oh..? Humans? They managed to reach this place? How long has it been?'

It was the voice of the dragon! It can talk!? We all were shocked by it. Well, we could have asked Ash about it. But we didn't. So it was naturally our fault.

But I looked towards Ais and see her leaking an absurd amount of killing intent at the dragon. But she wasn't attacking it mindlessly. That's a good thing. I guess it's time.

"You must be One Eyed Black Dragon. We will be leaving him to you, Ais. Can you do it?"

She looked at me as usual with her stoic expression, but there was fire of determination in her eyes.

"I will do it."

She was confident. Well, we all are. Hearing me, the dragon asks in a confused voice,

"A girl? Alone? Are you monkeys trying to underestimate me?"

"No. Not at all. But we all each have confidence in defeating, no, killing you. But this is her heartfelt wish. So we will not interfere."

"And you think I'm going to let you stay there unharmed?"

We know. As he said that, he roared. To his cry, from his wings, black spots began to appear around us non stop. In the next second, it began to transform into monsters we have fought till now, but they were stronger because of the dragon's power in them.

When they all attacked us with a powerful beam from their mouth, the dragon chuckled in delight. But what he wished did not happen.

The attack hit Orna's spatial barrier. I looked at her. Seeing she was calm and fine, I breathed a sigh of relief. Although I trusted them, the enemy this time is stronger.

When the dust disappeared, the dragon was shocked to see us Unharmed.

"What? How Is that possible? How did not even one of you were harmed by the attack?"

We don't have to answer him. But for the sake of his fight with Ais, I'll say this.

"We can protect ourselves from both you and your minions easily. So, it would be wise of you to fight Ais only. But in case you defeat her, we will fight together to end you. Well, I don't think that's going to happen..."

Ais looked a little angry at me when I mentioned her defeat, but calmed down when I dismissed such thoughts. Well, i can understand her feelings.

The dragon began to laugh loudly at my words.

"Hahahahahahahahaha! Fine! Come forward girl! I'll shred you to pieces!"

Ais calmly waked forward but with her anger still visible in her eyes. She pulled out her sword and pointed it at the dragon. When she did that, it's laughter began to stop as it asked in a deep voice,

"You have a dragon slayer with you? Interesting!"

Then it jumped at her without any warning at all. Well, it was a monster, it doesn't need to warn anyone...

[ Ais's POV ]

I was finally standing in front of my nemesis...

How long did i wish to stand here and fight it?

How much did i want to torture it to bring peace to my mother and father?

It was all thanks to, Ash. I'll thank him once we returns.

Seeing the dragon jumping towards me, I increased my speed with wind element to jump up and dodge the physical attack.

But it didn't stop the dragon from continuing it's attack. First I have to think. Ash told us to take control of the environment first. Since this place is so small, it will help the dragon with pinpointing my location. But the same goes for it. It can't move so much and can't hide unless it jumps back into the lava.

Although I don't know if he will try to flee, I'll have to secure every paths. So I'll use the sword Ash gave me. Although my strong attribute is Wind, I can surprisingly use Ice as well. Thanks to that, instead of a wind elemental sword, he made me an Ice elemental one. It was filled with so many skills. So I jumped towards the lave surprising everyone even my family members other than Tatsuya.

When my sword was about to hit the lava, I activated the attack,

"Eternal Ice Prison."

The whole ground from where my family is positioned, to the entire lava field was turned to glowing ice land! Although this was the first time I'm using it so widely, I managed to do it. I can see the dragon's shocked face.

(A/N : Even though she can't read it's expressions. lol! 😂)

It attacked the ground to see if it can break the ice. But against its expectations, not only did the ice break, it didn't even had a scratch on it.

"What? An ice capable of resisting my strength and claws? It seems I can't hold back against you, girl..."

Hearing it call me that made me angry.

"Don't call me that. I have a name."

"And what would that be?"

"Ais. Ais Wallenstein."

As if he remembered something, the dragon began to laugh even more hard.

"Hahahahahaha! I see! So you are the brat of that man, huh?! Good! Well then, I won't hold back anymore!"

As it said that, the aura from its body began to raise until it totally released its Demigod level aura! To tell truthfully, it was overwhelming. I can tell it is stronger than everyone here. But it doesn't matter. Today I'll defeat you and gain my freedom from my past and walk freely together with him!