
Universe Collide

Vincent Fey is an ordinary person in a world of both magic and otherworldly forces. Or so he thought... he was not. As an Ordinary person he must through the uses of his hard work and ruthless methods he must one way or not survive in this world.

Vincent_Gamzing · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Vincent and Blob vs Jaw cracker

Jaw Cracker was a small time tyrant of the small underworld of the city Vincent was from, he had a gateway and was feared. He also had a very powerful cousin who was a Warrant Officer in the military and looked after the city Vincent was from, because of him the many military ranked people in the city and the police officers never dared to arrest or fine him or anything, letting Jaw Cracker do everything and anything he wanted without anyone doing anything about it. The bullies in Vincent's region of the city had fawned over Jaw cracker a lot so he helped them after learning another gateway user was here, he could beat him into submission and force him to be his subordinate and he would have another powerful fighter.

Blob walked closer as well and as soon as Jaw Cracker was in punching range he unleased twenty very powerful punches with a hint of demon energy in each one. Jaw cracker was surprised and was hit all twenty punches.

If this had been a game Blob would have 80/100 hp and Jaw Breaker would have 60/100 hp, Jaw Cracker's full force punch was twenty damage while Blob's punches dealt two damage each and with all of them hitting Jaw Cracker he was in the greenish yellow zone with Blob in the green zone.

Jaw Cracker went in for another punch as Blob dodged hitting Jaw Cracker again and hitting him again in the stomach achieving double hits in the stomach.

Jaw Crackers hp would be 50 as Blob's full force punch was five damage.

Jaw Cracker's emotion was pride and after having failed to hit Blob he was enraged as he soon started to go full on crazy mode launching attack after attack hitting Blob a full two times leaving Blob's health at a low 40/100.

This was close as Blob got in another three successful hits in as Jaw Cracker's hp was at 35 and Jaw cracker hitting Blob again leaving each other at both 35 and 20hp.

Jaw Cracker was going to end this as he went in using a skill he had called 'Jaw Cracker' this is what he would be famous for as he would name himself after the attack.

The attack was a one in a day attack and it would deal 75 damage as long as it hit but Jaw Cracker used it as a finishing move.

"NOW DIE FOR ME!" Jaw Cracker did not want this person as a subordinate anymore and as long as he killed Vincent behind Blob he could use the magic artifact for himself.

While Blobs full heath would be 100, Vincent was frail and only at half 50 health, should this hit he would die. Mustering everything he had Vincent moved out of the way as Blob slowed down Jaw Cracker with everything he had and just barely by a hair's width he dodged out of the way.

The wall behind him was obliterated as Blob went in for another barrage and around fifteen hit but the necklace around Jaw Crackers neck glowed as he was teleported somewhere else.

Vincent lay on the alleyway's ground as he gasped for breathe despite almost dying he felt like he had never lived before as both wrath and adrenaline started to overcome him, but he controlled himself as he went up and started to walk home.

Home, Blob went into some sort of a magic space where he can recuperate meanwhile Vincent sat down and assessed what happened.

'Why did I do that? I would've neve done that,' Vincent asked himself.

[Wrath, You are being affected by it]

"Can I stop it..?"


"..." Vincent was lost in thought.

[Go to sleep I'll wake you up tomorrow]

"..." Vincent looked at the textbox he felt like something was weird but the box quickly disappeared


Vincent despite his doubts he soon fell asleep.

In his dreams he saw someone it was blurry and the stars were beautiful, the ground was stardust and he could see the shape of someone. It looked like him it could be said it was just an older Vincent almost like... a father.

No it can't be I already have one! Vincent tried to argue to himself.

But then again the father he knew was blonde and blue eyes, this one was black haired and orange eyes.

"Wake up," The figure said.

[Wake up]

Vincent was jolted awake as he saw the textbox fade after waking him up.

'What happened in the dream?' Was Vincent's first thought when he awoke.

[Remember to use the gateway]

"I was going to," Vincent felt his head was dizzy.

[Age 0 Blob is amassing a cult]

[Age 4 Blob has successfully created a 1,000 demon Daybreak cult gaining the faith stat]

[Age 7 Blob declares war on a Great Demon's cult]

[Age 9 Blob wins the war on the cult and executes the Great Demon]

[Age 10 Blob creates the ability Fire storm]

[Age 12 Blob amasses a large amount of devoted followers setting his Faith stat from Undiscovered to Lowest Infamous]

[Age 15 Blob creates a Lava Crown]

[Age 16 One hundred Great Demons storm into Blob's cult and declare war]

[Blob fights back killing over 50 and obtain a large amount of BIQ and IQ but dies eventually]

[Faith Stat has reached Lowest Infamous, BIQ has reached Low Human, IQ has reached Lower Human, Strength has reached Low Human, Speed has reached Low Human, Physique has reached Low Human]

[Daybreak Leader title has been unlocked, Fire storm has been created]

[Daybreak Leader, When thinking of daybreak they will (depending on faith stat) fear the word, +20% to all fire, death, and chaos type magic]

[Fire Storm, create a large area of effect, bullet hell fire type ability]

[Blob: Daybreak Leader (Owner: Vincent Fey)

Strength: Low Human

Physique: Low Human

Speed: Low Human

BIQ: Low Human

IQ: Lowest Human

Faith: Lowest Infamous

Advantage: Demon General, Demons under you will have their strength doubled and their loyalty maxed

Disadvantage: The Light!, Light and holy spells deal double damage

Comment: Better but somehow you still died just means that you're still trash]