
Universe:- Our Dream!!

" Little Star " is how she is known by everyone! The one whose identity is unknown yet known by all. She, is a famous singer, yet confidential. Popularly known as "The one who sings in mask" ! Ajay, owner of " Star ", a music company, well the company with no well name! It still stayed at the position of a start-up company even after 3 years experience! The company with no much recognition, with three years of experiences and a lot of failures! Nearer to the edge of loosing everything, yet never did he lost hope! Story takes a twist, when fate brings this two ending poles from two different worlds with the only connection "music", in the name of a contract! And that's when everything starts to change! A childhood lovestory it is indeed, some secrets, some rudeness, togetherness at the circumstances and the heartfelt love that's hidden and forgotten. Join me, to experience this rollercoaster of love, emotions, and music a language of love, to feel and explore the further story!! Note:- Cover page doesn't belong to me, credit goes to it's owner! And this is not a translation but an original work!

misslonely_soul · Urban
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26 Chs


Hello all my old and new readers, this is your author misslonely_soul, who is now writing another story!

Universe:- Our Dream!!

This story revolves around two young people, Ajay and Dhvani, who has the same level of passion and love towards music, the language of love!

Won't be saying much, let's see how this language of love turns their life into!!

As of now, it's a short story my dear readers, even I don't know how many chapters will it end with. And don't expect much mysteries, it's just a short romantic story revolving around two souls!

Support my new work, and do check my another new work "Fated:- Unfortunately Fortunate!!" which will also be a short story as of now, but my readers if you are interested in mysteries then do reach this, as unlike Universe, Fated do has some mysteries so I would recommend it to you all, and my very first work, "The Journey To The Past!" a novel which is still ongoing!!

Introduction Of Characters:-

Coming to the characters, there are few as of now!

*Dhvani:- (Female lead) A singer, popularly known as Little Star, the one who sings in mask. Coming to her personal life, she has a father whom she don't really like anymore and a step-mother, a step-brother. Her mother passed away when she was four! When she was eight, she had to leave her motherland due to faced situations, and it's when she was 20, that she returned. She is now a twenty seven year old lady living on her own, with quite a well name earned. Founder of 'Universe'.

*Ajay:- (Male lead) He lost his parents when he was eight cause of an accident, though he survived the accident, he lost all his memories. His uncle and aunt adopted him, took care of him along with their own son Sanjay, treating both of them equally. Later they passed away too, leaving him all alone with Sanjay. He did learnt how to play variety of instruments along with the basics, allowing himself to become a better singer. He is twenty eight years old.

*Dhruv:- (Second Male lead) Dhvani's step-brother, whom she calls as 'Ajith'. According to everyone he is the co-founder of 'Universe'. Twenty two years, young man already helping her sister in business.

*Alia:- (Second Female lead) An orphan with multiple jobs and a passion in heart! An alone woman standing on her own foot, kind hearted, 21 years old.

Side characters:-

*Choi:- Used to be Ajay's uncle's driver, but as the man passed away, he later became Ajay's driver, but more than that, he is like a family to Ajay! 45 years old.

*Sanjay:- Ajay's brother (not biological), dreams to become a prosecutor, studies hard for it! 24 years old!

*Anand Saron:- Dhvani and Dhruv's father, owns multiple businesses and known as one of the richest men. 50 years old.

*Reena Saron:- Second wife of Anand Saron, mother of Dhruv. 48 years old.

*Karthik:- A teammate, 19years old, rich, wants to become a singer. Calm, speaks only at situations, mature minded!

*Kriti:- (Karthik's twin sister) A teammate, 19years old, passion to become a great singer in her life, loves music! Didn't thought of music until she joined her brother! Energetic, a bit talkative.

*Maira:- A teammate, innocent but practical, collective and quite, speaks only at situations. Poor, no family, works also as a chef, 19 years old.

*Ron:- A teammate, logical, thinks out of the box, 20 years old, loves music, especially rapping. Does anything for a living, like temporary works!

*Sampath:- Loves music, have no formal coaching or basic knowledge, but passion. Used to be a street performer along with a delivery job. Now he works as a delivery man at night shifts giving his day all to music! 21 years old.

*Arjun:- Loves to eat and sing! Day dreamer, speaks before the think, rich, don't care about what others think! 20 years old, trying to reach his passion without letting his family know! Entertainer!!

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