
Universal Grimoire

a man drained of blood without a single wound, zero explanation, this story is about a city there is no main character, for they all shine equally on the stage set before the ones who watch them this is a story of broken people and twisted souls, a story about fantastic world that exists just out of site who's events have been recorded in this the universal Grimoire

REDEYEofBLOODmoon · Fantasy
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4 Chs

chapter 2 (3rd person pov)

Chapter 2 (part 1) future king

Please don't kill me?" that was the wish of a thug who had been smuggling drugs to fent zombies who had been put out of their misery by the frail boy with the scythe made of what looked like Inc, but the boy did not respond, again the thug pleaded, "please sir I swear I won't sell drugs again," the pathetic subhuman squealed like a pig.

"Did you just call me sir?" the frail boy asked taken aback at how someone who looked 30  thought he was older than him, after asking this question the man cowered and squirmed.

"I don't care about the drugs, I care about how you smuggled them, how many nobel creatures have you killed to sell that shit? answer!!!!" the boy said pointing over to the corpse of puppy who's stomach had been sliced open to retrieve the bag of pills that was hidden within.

"I don't know."


"before I tell you I got something to get off my councionce, there's a Warehouse on the least used dock in Newark a ton of dogs are being held there for the same purpose, my answer is 100."

"seems you have a heart after all, still an unforgivable crime I was going to give 1000 lashes but for the info, that's 10 Lashes before you get to die."

The sound of rattling links tearing flesh was choice of sound trade as a murder of crows with glowing red eyes began to materialize from his shadow, and a pack of black wolves was conjured from under his long worn brown trench coat.

The sound of a scream was heard by no one as a the man's cardiovascular system made his attempts to scream impossible before a crow took his vision, the image of a cruel king holding a scythe and chain was burned into his soul, as the feeling of fangs and beaks tarring into him faded as he did.

"One day Dad's gonna want to retire and then I'm gonna have to be king of that place under my feet," those were the thoughts of boy, the thoughts of the prince, the thoughts of the son of Hades, the thoughts of Vee Vango.

Chapter 2 (part 2) The Mob Boss, The professor, and the ghost

The sound of classical piano filled the air of the Italian restaurant, an above average establishment, decorated with upscale white table cloths and staffed with waiters dressed in black slacks, white shirts, black vests, and black bow ties, yet one white shirt stood out from the rest it had a large red stain that seemed to be spreading. the sound of the piano became the background music for a scene of insults barked and fists thrown before the automated piano was inevitably destroyed by gun fire, the man who started this incident now stood atop a mound of battered waiters better described as henchmen. the man was unremarkable at least in looks, he had blonde, almost brow hair, an average build just a bit taller than you normally see, dressed in a 3 piece suit, and thick framed glasses, most would think him to be an academic they would be correct in that assumption after all he has a PhD in world history, yet Most wouldn't assume him to be the host of a deranged gang leader's ghost, further more most wouldn't assume he was an Esper with the ability to manipulate gravity, yet both of these things you wouldn't assume are true,

The door slammed open Revealing a fat man dressed in expensive silk from head to toe.

"What the hell happened!!!" The fat man exclaimed as his 4 extra chins jiggled like a bowl of jelly, "yous guys can't even deal with a single professor without getting yours asses handed to ya?" the well dressed walrus said shaking his head in disappointment again his fat jiggled as if it had a mind of it's own, this time the professor started smiling before breaking into a full on mailstrum of laughter.

"Hahahahaha," the professor's laughter still hasn't stopped.

"What are yous laugh'N at?" the fat man said as he pulled back the hammer of his loaded revolver which was pointed right at the professor.

"First off, I hope you don't plan on shooting me with that from this distance," the professor said in the voice and manner you'd expect from teacher, "second off I'm laughing at your jiggly ass chin, lardy quadruple chins, like how are they moving more than mouth? then again I haven't seen you eat," the professor's voice and behavior was completely different as he used his gravity manipulation to throw a slice of cheese pizza at the man's face, "now show me which moves faster your fat or your mouth."

The hippo's face was that of, well, an angry hippo as he pealed that slice of pizza from his face and pulled the trigger of his revolver, which missed.

"Come closer, I'll give you five more shots to get me as from as close as you want," the professor said.

The fat man obliged and walked 5 feet away from the professor, pow… miss, now 4 feet away pow, now 3and half feet away, pow, now 3 feet away pow, the fat man now put the barrel right to the professor's forehead and with and with an otherworldly furry in his eyes pulled the trigger. Yet now his entire body was pinned to the floor by an invisible force.

"You look like a pile of dog shit fatso, tell me where those people you've been trafficking are and I might let ya live," the professor said, with his foot on the man's private regions.

"They're in a warehouse in Newark, I sware, now please just let me live," the sound of two cherrytomatoes being crush was the precursor to a scream then splat the lump shit was now a pancake.

The security camera showed nothing of this incident as the professor walked unassumingly back to his apartment to get some sleep before work tomorrow, where he'd have to be a good example for his students after all he is a high school teacher.

Chapter 2 (part 3) Object Obession

The Taste of blood stained the girl's lips as a look of sadistic satisfaction spread across her face the girl had blonde hair and crimson eyes, she was a student but that didn't matter right now all that matters is food, and by food she means blood and by blood she buckets of the stuff, she had to keep her strength up after all she had her eyes on someone she wanted to turn someone she couldn't live without, an obsession but she kept strength up for his protection, "a protection he needs" thats What she thought the only thing on her mind anymore was her childhood friend, he was and's and no one else's but, if he did want what she offered she didn't care after all she could make him want it, the manipulative girls eyes glittered as a sob story came to mind one no one would question.

The girl finished her meal and walked to school after leaving scars on herself to begin the grand game she had come up with.