
Universal Genocide System

Julian sanchez a young man at the age of 21 is a big fan of the Warhammer 40k universe as well as several other famous universes. in his spare time he reads manga and light novels as well as anime. He lives at the US border town of el paso in Southern Texas and lives a very boring life as hes stuck at home with online classes. He had been born with vast intelligence so although he had trouble learning online it was not much of an issue. one day he is attacked by a cartel during his routine trip into Mexico for business and gets randomly teleported to a new world. everything he comes across shocks him but he somehow adapts and survives. He learns he has a powerful system but little does he know what kind of consequences using it will bring to his personality.

ForgottenKnight · Fantasy
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46 Chs

Just like the simulations

Julian clicked on the Matter converter and a transparent blueprint appeared in front of him. He couldn't make out much of the details of the matter converter but he could make out the shape. The Matter converter looked very similar to a Hot tub and was about 6 feet long and 6 feet wide. He was going to place it then and there but he did not know if he could pick it up and soon this place would be flooded with Koryak soldiers so he put it away. It was almost pitch black out and he was mentally tired from all that happened this day and wanted nothing more than to sleep. He looked over and saw a broken carriage, once he walked over to it he placed it into his inventory. before he left he had a thought and walked over to the dead bodies and attempted to place one in his inventory. He had checked before and noticed that it could store 10 tons of items so he figured he could place these bodies inside.

He placed his hand over the body and it teleported into his inventory in an instant,

' so it works '

After having it succeed he moved around and placed every body into his inventory including the Princess. The reason he suddenly decided to pick up the bodies was because he did not want someone else to report it before he could. The odd was low but there was a chance someone on a horse or a higher stage cultivator would find it and report it before he could. If that happened he would most certainly fail the quest. or maybe he wouldn't but he wasn't going to take that chance. Plus he could save the king some trouble if he brought the body of his daughter straight to him.

Now with everything ready he decided to leave this area and find some shelter. He climbed the hill and about 4 miles away he spotted a small cave and set off towards it. It took him about 5 minutes until he arrived at the empty cave entrance. Normally it would take him 20-30 minutes to travel 4 miles on foot but he was a lot stronger and had more stamina so he moved quicker. he looked throughout the cave and the cave was indeed empty.

Julian felt extremely tired and wanted to hurry so he quickly gathered some firewood and built a small fire. He looked into the memories he was passed and learned how to make fire from Qi. He placed his finger's inside the wood and did exactly as the memory had done it. He failed his first time and his second but on the third a small fire appeared for two seconds but in this time it caught the bundle of cotton on fire and spread to the wood officially lighting his fire.

He sat back and pulled out the comfy cushions that were in the carriage and fell asleep by the fire.

The next morning the sunlight shone into the cave and woke him up. Yesterday felt like a dream but looking around he came back to reality. After collecting the cushions he set off and followed the arrow in the sky. The beacon said 125 miles so he figured if he ran there with minimal breaks he could make it within 4 hours.

He removed his armor but kept on the cloak and began running towards Arrendale as fast as he could. About 56 miles in he was taking a break when an arrow whistled by his ear and hit the tree he was leaning on. Immediately he equipped the Armor set and the Blue steel Warhammer. He looked around the area vigilantly and kept up his guard for another arrow but none came and instead a laugh rang behind him. Julian immediately swung his Warhammer around but no one was there and the Warhammer slammed into a tree shattering it and causing it to fall over.

" I'm over here "

A cold voice sounded in the forest and Julian quickly looked in the direction and saw a Cursed Human wearing a robe and holding a sword with a bow on his back.

" hand over your valuables and I'll let you live! "

' Ah it seems I've met a robber, just like in the stories. '

Julian didn't respond and instead to the robbers surprise picked up a rock and proceeded to throw it gently at him. The rock lightly hit the robbers robe and fell down, while the robber was confused a popup window appeared in front of Julian

[ Random Robber Qi gathering stage 9, Psychic sensitive-black soul state, Mortal flesh ]

" humph "

Julian centered his spiritual force into his feet and charged forwards while the man was confused. As he neared him he channeled his force into his Warhammer and slammed down at the robber with his full force. The robber who was not ready due to being confused channeled his Force into his sword and moved to block the incoming Warhammer. He watched in dismay as the Warhammer easily Shattered his own sword and came crashing down onto him. Seeing death come quickly he exploded a small amount of spiritual force on his chest to push him backwards a couple feet. The Warhammer slammed into the ground and scattered dust everywhere. The robber could not see but thanks to the system Julian could just barely see through the dust thanks to his enhanced eye sight. He once more charged the man but this time he moved to the left side of the man and swung his Hammer Right into the mans chest shattering his Rib cage and sending him flying. Blood flew out the mans mouth and he spoke in a angry voice.

" seems i have gravely underestimated you! to think a measly little Qi gathering stage 5 has such strength that it rivals my own. You may have caught me off guard but now i will end your life! "

Spiritual Qi began to swarm into the man and was transformed into spiritual force, once transformed the Force turned into flames that hovered above his head in a strange array pattern.

Seeing this Julian knew a powerful attack was coming so he charged forwards again but the man only smiled at him. One of the flames on the array flew at him and he could feel the power within and was forced to stop to block. He tried to move forwards again but every time he took another step a ball of flame smacked into him. The Man laughed at him and spoke in a mocking voice.

" I replenish my Balls of fire quicker then they attack you. Once this array is completed you will die! "

Julian didn't know know how powerful the attack was but his armor said it could withstand attacks from foundation stage cultivators so he did not fear being hit by the attack.

" You call that Array of flames a powerful attack? even my Granny could defend against such a meager attack. "

Hearing this the man was Filled with rage! A stage 5 was insulting his trump card? sure he was powerful but there was no way he could withstand this attack that he had used to kill foundation users before.

" A lot of talk for someone who's about to die! "

The last fire ball joined the array and the flames turned blue before combining together into a sword of flames.

" Like it? this is my Azure Sword of flames and it is a top grade technique! When you get to hell tell them i Sent you! "

' Ah this is truly a cultivation world, they even talk like them '

Julian laughed and stood still as he began to cover his body in spiritual Force awaiting the attack. he couldn't get close anyways so this was the best option. He raised his arms in front of him and braced for impact. The flames hit him like a truck and to Julian's utter disbelief his Armor actually broke apart and the flames hit his bare Body. He knew he was going to die but the unexpected happened. His body began to rapidly Absorb the Fire and he felt his body become harder. The dragon scales that were originally Gone also appeared Bright Gold as they too sucked in the fire.

" what is this? Don't tell me you are a body cultivator too! And you are an arch Human! "

Seeing His skin The man Felt Extreme terror and attempted to run away.

' Just my luck! I have offended an Arch human! '

The man dropped everything slowing him down and spread his force into his feet and began to madly dash into the forest. Julian Wanted to Give chase but his body was still greedily absorbing the blue flame like a Cotton wood tree in summer. Soon the man was out of sight and the flames died out.

[ Reached Bone Refinement Middle Stage ]

+ 25 to each stat except Charm and luck

He spread his force throughout his entire body and felt the change clearly like night and day. His entire Body felt stronger and even his bones felt like they were as hard as Stone. Blood flow was even better than before and his Physique was even better. He looked into the reflection of his shattered armor and looked back at himself.

He had Tan skin, Black hair, and a Muscular Physique along with Broad shoulders and was around 6 feet tall. He looked at himself extremely satisfied, This was his dream body. He had always been a Gym Nerd and Trained to have the same Body as the Rock who he looked up to. Now he finally had it. What's more he was blessed with green eyes so he was very happy with his current look.

' I bet i can get all the ladies now '

Julian added the shards to his inventory and looked around. The man was nowhere in sight but left behind a blood trail so he decided to follow it. This man had a cultivation of Qi Gathering 9. Just thinking about the exp made him excited. He rushed along the trail and it was not long until he saw the man crawling away in the distance.

" Hello old friend "

Julian spoke up in a cold voice and the man stood still in horror before he turned around depressed.

" if you Dare kill me now my elder brother will not let you go! "

' ayy he actually said it. i feel like a true cultivator now '

In so many Novels the Villain always acted so bold and arrogant but once you beat their ass and they were on the verge of death they brought out the " do you know who i am card ".

" Man, does it look like i give a flying fuck who your brother is? your brother could be god himself and i would still kill you. "

Before the man could speak Julian's Warhammer came crashing down on his face killing him instantly and exploding with experience.

+ 180 exp

[ Reached Qi Gathering 6 ]

[ Reached Qi Gathering 7 ]

[ 30/150

+11 to all stats except luck and charisma

[ Gained top Grade technique Azure Flame Sword Array ]

[ Would you like to Cultivate? Yes/No ]

" yes "

[ Successfully learned Azure Flame Sword Array ]

[ Azure Flame sword Array ] Lv 1

- Siphons Qi from the surrounding area to convert into Spiritual Force in order to Create An azure flame sword out of 64 Balls of Flame, Cast time: 10 seconds, if the Qi in the surrounding area is exhausted the users Qi will be used instead.

+ 7 Qi pills

+ 1 foundation pill

+ 1 low quality soul stone.

" good harvest. "

He placed the body in his inventory and returned back on his journey to Arrendale. The rest of his journey was smooth and uneventful and soon he saw the city in the distance.

" No fuckin way "

He stared at the city and could not believe his eyes. The walls were 200 feet high and was made of Limestone bricks and he could not see the end of the wall. The city wall extended god knows how far in each direction and he literally could not see the end. he was ready to see a big city but man this was just insane!

' Just how many people live in this city, 1 billion? 2 billion? "

He couldn't stop staring and stood still in awe for 10 whole minutes.

Before he decided to go in he pulled out the storage ring and transferred the gold and contents of the ring into his inventory before placing the ring back in as well. He did this so he could pull out the gold easier and he still felt that the ring would be recognized. He also felt a bit awkward because he hadn't realized it until now but he was still naked. His armor and Cloak had been burned by the Azure Flame sword so he quickly pulled out the Robbers body and equipped his clothing. The Robe didn't fit but luckily the pants did. He was still shirtless but did not mind it. He had gone through a lot of the princess's memory and found that Arch humans were highly respected and could gain entry simply by walking to the gate. He found several techniques as well but was unable to learn them for some reason and he also saw that ensoulment stage cultivators were in the upper brackets of power within the Koryak Kingdom. So as long as he did not expose his strength within the city, most people would not dare mess with him.

With the pants equipped he walked towards the City Gate in the distance. Waiting in line were several spiritual Beasts being rode by cultivators or pulling carriages as well as several thousand ordinary mortals and even some palanquins being carried by slaves. Once he got closer to the crowd he began to grab the attention of almost everyone in line and many made way for him allowing him to walk to the gate unimpeded. He became surprised when he saw an Ork in line as it was the first Ork he had seen but in a such a big city he would probably see all kinds of races so he shrugged it off. The guard on duty Saw him and Moved out of the way but was surprised when Julian walked up to him.

" How may i assist you great Cultivator? "

Julian patted him on the shoulder and spoke

" I need to speak with King James, I have urgent news about Princess Jessica "

The guard looked at him in bewilderment and quickly ran to his superior who in turn walked over and spoke Politely

" please follow me sir "

Julian patted his shoulder as well which confused the commander but he did not mind.

' So the guards are around Foundation stage 1 while this Commander is at Gold core stage 4 '

The commander yelled at some people and two Eagles the size of a car quickly landed next to them and the commander gestured to the eagle while saying.

" Please take a seat Sir, We will take these Royal Blue winged Eagles to the Imperial Palace. "

Julian had a small amount of difficulty getting on the Eagle but thankfully the Commander did not notice. As of right now he figured that these guards had no clue about his current cultivation base as once one reaches Nascent soul they gain the ability to conceal their Aura and cultivation base so that others can't see it. Right now he gives off Qi Gathering Aura but because of his skin others mistake him for an ensoulment stage cultivator concealing his aura to the Qi Gathering stage. so for all he knows these guys might think he's a Nihility or even an Ascension Expert which is a huge plus for him. Well that is until they find out the truth, that is, if they find out the truth.

They flew for about an hour and Julian could not Fathom just how big this city was. he had to have seen Hundreds of millions of people along the way and they still had yet to reach the Imperial palace. another 2 hours passed by quickly until they could see a 7,000 foot tall Palace in the distance.

" sweet Jesus "

hearing Julian's words the Commander felt pride in his heart, such a powerful individual was amazed by his kingdoms palace it naturally made him incredibly happy.

" This Is the Divine Palace Of the Koryak Kingdom and home of King Koryak. Our king has reached the Ascension Stage in cultivation and has cultivated his Psychic force to the Psychic emperor Stage and possesses a Blue soul! "

The Commander spoke with great pride as he talked but when he saw Julian's Plain face and saw that he was unmoved he felt that maybe this man is in the ascension stage as well. any normal person would have a face full of awe and shock but not this young man in front of him. To add to the Misunderstanding he looked to be in his early twenties. In this world one does not psychically age once they enter the soul wandering stage so he felt that this young man in front of him was a Once in a Millennia genius.

" what has he achieved in body refinement? "

The Commander looked at him again and spoke

" he has reached the peak of Mind scattering "

" ok "

it was a simple answer but it made the commander think even more.

Julian looked at his shocked face and laughed inside. he knew exactly what this man was most likely thinking thanks to the Princess's memories. Soon the Eagle landed at the top of the Imperial palace and he felt several powerful consciousness's immediately lock onto him before moving away once they realized he was an arch human being led by the commander. The commander spoke to a Guard in White Armor. The armor was amazing looking but what made him stand out was his Pair of beautiful white feather Wings which were at least 9 feet long each. His spear in his hand was made of a white metal and he looked at Julian with suspicion before walking over and extending his hand in greeting.

" hello Friend I am Royal Guard Captain Alex, please follow me to see king James. "

" My name is Julian, It is a pleasure to meet you "

After shaking his hand the guard looked at his body and noticed he was wearing only raggedy shorts that had blood stains on them.

" If you don't mind please follow me to the Guard barracks so we can get you into some Armor And clothes More fitting of someone of your stature. may i know what weapon you use?

" I use a Warhammer "

The guard nodded and He looked over to a servant and telepathically told her to go get something for him.

[ Royal Guard captain Alex Ensoulment stage 6 psychic master, Red soul state, Bone refinement peak stage. ]

within 3 minutes the servant returned carrying a pair a white armor similar to his but made with a slightly different design and materials as well as a Warhammer made from A strange White material that was almost transparent.

" Please accept these Items as a gift on behalf of the Kingdom of Koryak. "

The words were spoken and Julian looked down at the armor with a smile and replied

" thank you for this Generous Gift, i too hope for friendly ties with your kingdom. After i change, i must deliver an important message to your king. "

" of course, please follow me "