
Universal Genocide System

Julian sanchez a young man at the age of 21 is a big fan of the Warhammer 40k universe as well as several other famous universes. in his spare time he reads manga and light novels as well as anime. He lives at the US border town of el paso in Southern Texas and lives a very boring life as hes stuck at home with online classes. He had been born with vast intelligence so although he had trouble learning online it was not much of an issue. one day he is attacked by a cartel during his routine trip into Mexico for business and gets randomly teleported to a new world. everything he comes across shocks him but he somehow adapts and survives. He learns he has a powerful system but little does he know what kind of consequences using it will bring to his personality.

ForgottenKnight · Fantasy
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46 Chs

Insane Upgrades

Julian picked up the armor and was quite happy when he saw the names.

[ Heavenly Knight Armor Set ] High Earth Grade

Magnificent Armor Designed by a powerful Rank 6 Blacksmith With the cultivation of Ensoulment 4. This armor set is made of Kosk Metal as well as a single Mithril ingot and is imbued with Several High grade soul stones which can defend the Wearer from soul attacks below Psychic Knight stage and even reduce the power of Psychic Expert Attacks. Capable of Defending against attacks from Nascent soul stage and below cultivators and has a small chance to deflect Attacks from ensoulment stage cultivators.

Condition: Brand new

[ Heavens Crusher ] High Earth Grade

A Magnificent Warhammer made of Refined Velar Crystals Mixed with Kosk Metal and Mithril Ingots. Made by a powerful Rank 7 Blacksmith with the Cultivation of Ensoulment stage 7. This Hammer Is capable of shattering any non spiritual weapon regardless of rank. Body Cultivators Below Mind scattering will not be able to resist this weapon with their bodies as well as Spiritual beasts below rank 5.

- Unique Ability: Heavens Crush- Any downward facing attacks will be 2x stronger.

' Bruh '

He couldn't contain his smile looking at himself in the mirror and laughed happily.

" shall we get moving now? " asked the guard.

" yes, let's go now "

As they walked, Julian thought to himself about what he was going to do from now on. He had been browsing the Crafting menu while flying and found many cool things. An idea came to his mind that he really wanted to make a reality. He was a huge fan of dwarves and their underground Kingdoms so he was hoping to ask for a mountain range as compensation. He wasn't sure if the reward would be so generous but he figured the king would show him respect due to his status as an arch Human and as the one who brought news of his daughters death and King marks Betrayal. He also figured that since the Koryak empire scaled over 44 Billion square Miles, it may be possible to acquire the mountain range he wanted.

Just thinking of these stupid values he felt disbelief and doubt. He knew that Cultivation worlds were generally massive endless flat landmasses but good lord the size made him almost vomit when he thought about it. When he thought of the Arcadia territory his mind failed to think. That old Dragons territory is probably around 2 million by 2 million. He didn't even want to do the math because it was just too insane. He was about to think about the other Draconic ruled territories around him and how much land that was but shook his head.

On the bright side that amount of land would contain a lot of matter for him to convert and he would most likely become stronger and own more land before he could possibly use all of what he originally had.

Soon the two made it to a large 100 foot tall and 100 foot wide door of solid gold and gems and Alex pushed it open revealing a magnificent hall with Robust spirit Qi Overflowing. A middle age man Cultivating on a Jade mat opened his eyes and looked at Julian. Julian saw this mans glare and felt like all of his secrets were exposed in an instant and couldn't help but panic a little bit.

" welcome to my Divine Palace Arch Human Julian. My name is James Koryak King of the Koryak Kingdom. I hear you bring urgent news of my beloved daughter? "

Julian composed himself and confidently walked forward trying to reduce his aura as much as possible but it was futile. Alex left quickly and the door closed with a loud * thump *

" yes your majesty, while on my travels i came upon The wreckage of an intense battle and i detected a faint trace of Psychic force lingering in the area. I tracked it and i received a message from a woman who claimed to be Princess Jessica of the Koryak Kingdom. She asked me to deliver a message to yourself and inform you that she was killed by the hands of King Marks men and that Hathan Kingdom has betrayed you. I did not know if she truly was your daughter so i brought her body along with me for you to confirm yourself.

James took a deep breath and a tear could be seen falling from his left eye.

" Please show me the body "

Julian waved his hands and Jessica's body appeared on the ground in front of him. Upon seeing the body King James rushed forwards and held Jessica's body in his arms. He was on the verge of tears but he did not wish to show such weakness in front of a guest so he composed himself and yelled for the Kingdoms grand healer to come immediately. He felt no Life signs nor did he feel her Psychic Conscious but he was refusing to accept that his beloved daughter who was smiling and drinking tea with him barely a week ago was now a lifeless corpse.

Within seconds an old man with a long blue beard and tan skin appeared inside of the hall. He looked over at King James and the corpse of Jessica and felt immense sorrow in his heart. The king was his brother and Jessica was his niece. The memories flooded into his mind and made him extremely sad. He rushed forward and sent his Spiritual force into her body and after 10 seconds he sighed deeply and looked to his brother with eyes full of pain.

Seeing this scene Julian felt sad as well, he valued all human life and it hurt to see families mourn for their loved ones. Plus Julian contained a lot of knowledge from her so he felt a small connection with her and was pained to see this.

" I am Sorry for your loss. Before she passed away she sent me a lot of knowledge on how to make it to your city as well as what she saw before she was killed. "

Hearing this James stood straight up and walked over immediately full of mixed emotions and spoke with a bit of excitement.

" please Transfer me those memories. I will give you anything you want! "

James grabbed his shoulder and pleaded.

Julian obliged and put his finger to James's forehead and transferred the memories in an instant. He backed up once receiving the memories and felt the pain and fear his daughter went through and once he saw the faces of the killers his spiritual force exploded in the hall and he roared with anger.


His killing intent skyrocketed and everyone in the palace and within the city felt pure dread and slouched over or fell to the ground. The blue haired old man released his aura and blocked His brothers aura and killing intent from leaving the palace and all those affected stood back up with fear in their hearts. The king quickly regained his composer but continued to leak killing intent.

" Thank you friend for your service. I apologize but i must leave now to discuss with my subordinate's and my brothers about what to do next. For your reward speak with my spirit pet, also i would be honored if you would attend my daughters funeral in the upcoming days. "

" I understand and i would be honored to attend lady Jessica's funeral. "

Before the king left he glanced back at Julian who was sweating. When he walked in he had noticed several things off about him but now he did not have time to dive into it and as far as he was concerned this man was his benefactor for bringing this information to him. The king and his brother exited the room and a Man with Blue skin and blue feathers around his head and shoulders appeared in the room. He had a bit of a feminine face and blue eyes with amazingly clear skin and a skinny frame.

" what would you like as your reward? "

Julian was about to say " you " but stopped immediately.


" I would like The Isvani Mountain Region as well as some Qi Gathering pills and some Gold as well as spirit stones. I plan to open up a sect in the near future and need a place to build as well as some funds. "

The Bird man looked at him for a second and thought about his request. The Isvani mountain range was over 219 million square Kilometers and was infested by wild spiritual beasts and Undead Creatures. He did not know why this man wanted such a dangerous place but it was good for him so he quickly accepted. This was a win for him because that wretched place was a plague on the regions around it due to a rank 8 Spiritual beast that lived there. James had tried to kill it once before but the fight ended in a draw with both of them injured. After their fight it was named a forbidden zone and no one dared to venture inside.

" i can do that, as for the pills does 1,000 Grade 4 Qi pills suffice? "

" yes "

The bird nodded and tossed a spirit ring over to Julian with the pills,10 million gold and a couple thousand High grade spirit stones inside as well as a White Badge With the Name of the Royal Family Engraved on the front next to the royal insignia.

" This Badge will get you into any Auction and VIP store within the kingdom and also shows your authority within the kingdom. I will also grant you a Rank 5 Fire wyvern so that you can make it to your territory in the north. The wyvern will take a couple days to gather so please feel to enjoy yourself within the city and attend the Princess's funeral."

Julian took it and was surprised they handed it over so easily and the amount of pills and gold as well as spiritual stones made him extremely excited.

[ Qi Pill Grade 4 ]

+ 10,000 Exp


' no way! That's 10 million experience!"

He took a deep breath cupped his hands and spoke

" I thank The Koryak Kingdom for their Generosity. I will take my leave Now. "

" Farewell great Cultivator "

Julian went to push the door open but it was way heavier than he had imagined so he had to exercise all of his strength to open it. He looked back to make sure the bird didn't see and luckily the bird had gone away already. He walked out of the door and was greeted by Alex who led him to a blue eagle and spoke with respect.

" This eagle will be yours Until we've acquired the Fire wyvern. Please take this Ring and farewell, I have urgent business to attend to. "

Alex hurried away and Julian Bonded the ring and looked inside where he saw a mountain of preserved meat which he figured was to help feed his wyvern.

[ Mission Completed ]

+ 1,000 Exp

[ reached Qi Gathering 8 ]

[ Reached Qi Gathering 9 ]

[ Reached Qi Gathering 10 ]

[ 380/450 ]

+ 24 to all stats except Luck and Charisma

' ah so close to Foundation '

He jumped on the eagle and flew away. When he was about 100 miles away from the palace he pulled out the 7 Qi pills he had gotten beforehand and swallowed them.

+ 70 exp

[ Reached Foundation Stage 1 ]

[ 0/2,000 ]

+ 10 to all stats Except Luck and Charisma

[ You have gained Skill ' Lighting Storm ' ]

[ Lighting storm Lv1 ]

Call down a storm of Lighting Bolts within a 300 square mile radius. Power of Storm Depends on skill Level and User's Own Power Level.

' Do i get a skill every time i upgrade Realms? I didn't get a skill once i reached Bone refinement so maybe its only Cultivation Realms. '

Once he reached the foundation stage he felt a qualitative change in his bodies Spiritual Force and felt that it became purer and found that the once small puddle became a small pond.

He looked at his stats so far and then opened his Mini map because he had not eaten today and was feeling hungry.

[ Stats ]

Stats: Strength- 96 Dexterity- 94 Stamina- 106 Intelligence- 116 Charisma- 5 Luck-1 Endurance-202 Agility- 97 Vitality-98

' So i started with 15-20 on each stat and that was thanks to the body upgrade that took me into the peak of Flesh refinement without me realizing. when i first leveled up i received 1 stat point into all stats then level 3 i got 2 points. The pattern continued until he hit Foundation. where he got 10 points. If each level increases power exponentially then would i receive 12 points next or 20? When i absorbed the fire and broke through to the middle stage of Bone refinement i gained 25. 15 for the breakthrough to a new stage and 10 for getting to the middle stage. If this continues will i get 10 or 15 when i reach the peak and when i breakthrough again will i get 30 stats or more? '

He analyzed his stats and thought about it. A normal human should be within 3-9 for each attribute and some at qi Gathering 1 would be around 10 which meant that the entire Qi Gathering Realm was in between 10 and 55 for each stat. Of course not all fit in-between these numbers. Certain people who had special techniques or had special powers could be between 10-70 or even up to 80.

Depending on if he gained 20 or 12 points his strength would be around foundation stage 3 or stage 4.

After thinking about all of this he looked at the Azure Flame sword array. his armor was suppose to be capable of stopping foundation 3 attacks but was shattered instantly which meant this skill was stronger than his own attacks at 96 strength. He felt that this attack had at least 100-150 strength and wanted to use it but it was not the place to do so.

Next he pulled out Heavens crusher and felt that with this weapon in hand he would have about 200 strength or 400 when he slammed downward. That meant that his sideways attacks would be the same as a peak foundation expert and his downwards attacks would be the same as a soul wandering stage 1-3 expert. This was all speculation of course as he did not know how much each stage increased his stats. In a lot of cultivation stories a single stage could became an unpassable wall for someone weaker, if this was the case he would be horrendously wrong about what stage his power was at.

Time quickly passed as he was going through his stats and he arrived at a VIP Restaurant he had seen in Jessica's memories. He landed on the street and looked at the sign board on the top of the building

The Golden Dragon a magnificent building made out of the Skelton of a massive dragon and like the name says the bones were made of Pure Gold.

He took off his Helmet and placed it in his inventory along with his Warhammer. The moment he got off the eagle a young man in fine clothes ran up to him and spoke with respect.

" Hello great Cultivator! would you like a VIP Room? "

Julian looked at him intrigued.

" how much "

" only 300 gold sir! it comes with music and a spirit show. "

Julian pulled out 300 gold coins in a small bag and handed it to the man.

" Take me in "

" Yes sir "

He followed the young man into the Building and soon came into a large room with enough space for a dozen people. The table had an opening in the middle and a special metal tool with numerous engravings that began to suck in spiritual energy from an unknow source. While the Tool was powering up Julian sat down onto the Incredibly comfy sofa and looked back at the young man.

" Bring me 8 plates of Blue dragon steak and a bottle of your best wine. "

" Yes sir "

The young man walked out and Julian relaxed, he was uncomfortable so he took off the chest piece but kept his leggings on as they didn't bug him. The clothing he had on over his chest was grey and very smooth and so soft feeling that you would never have guessed it was made out of Kosk Silk and was itself armor. The silk under armor was tight on his body so it outlined his muscular Figure, he looked very similar to an American football player without his upper pads on.

He was feeling very relaxed laying on the incredibly soft cushions of the sofa and felt at peace.

3 minute later the young man returned with 3 others carrying 3 large plates and an expensive wine bottle. He placed a glass on the table and poured the wine inside while the 3 men placed the 3 plates of dragon steak on the table. Once the young man finished he placed three golden bells on the table and spoke respectfully.

" The name of this wine Is Golden Dragon elixir and is our best wine. Once you are finished with these 3 steaks please ring this bell and we will bring in 3 more freshly cooked steaks. Ring this bell for another bottle of wine and if you ring this bell i will come over as fast as i can. "

He bowed politely and walked outside with the other 3 men

Once he left the Tool in the middle of the table began to move and what looked to be a hologram of a Beautiful woman appeared on the tool. She began to sing and Julian sighed in amazement, This woman's voice was Heavenly.

Julian picked up the Platinum Fork and knife and cut the steak up into pieces. Once the first steak was cut up he took his fork and picked up a piece and stuffed it into his mouth. The taste of the Dragon meat exploded onto his taste buds and he felt his body begin to grow more powerful. Next he looked over to the Glass of wine which Looked Like Transparent Liquid Gold. He placed the glass below his nose and took in a whiff of the smell and his entire body relaxed as he felt pleasure. He took a sip and his entire body radiated with Spiritual Qi That began nourishing his meridians before flowing into his spiritual sea.

Pure Ecstasy Enveloped his mind and he entered into a special state of growth where his spiritual sea and body began to be refined and grow more powerful. Barely 13 minutes later the plates were empty and so was the bottle. He rang both bells and people came in and cleaned it up and brought in new items.

The beautiful woman changed into a young man who began to sing a beautiful song about battle and love between two cultivators. As he sang a man and a woman Hologram appeared and danced around him while sparing with swords.

He ate and drank so much that dense Spiritual Qi began to flow out of his room and travel throughout the entire building. Several cultivators felt the drastic increase in spiritual Qi and thanked whoever was causing it before sucking in all that they could. A couple of men broke through into the next stage and became extremely thankful for whichever big spender allowed them this wonder full opportunity .

Julian at this time was absolutely wasted laying on the couch watching the beautiful Hologram in front of him singing. His body had taken in the max amount of spiritual Qi it could hold at this stage and his once small pond had turned into a Raging River that was overflowing. He no longer drank or ate but continued to watch the show in front of him.

5 hours passed by in the blink of an eye and Julian sat up and pulled out over a hundred Qi pills. He swallowed all of them with the help of the left over wine and felt great changes take place within his body. The Raging river Shook Violently and Began to condense into a small golden sphere. Once the Sphere had formed it began to crack and the shell fell off revealing a beautiful white Sphere more beautiful than Mithril crystals. Julian thought this was the end but then a small red dot appeared on the White sphere and in seconds the sphere turned into a deep Crimson color and radiated intense Power.

[ you have reached Gold core stage 1 ]

He thought this was the end but the next moment all the Qi within the room and in a 100 miles radius flew into his body forming a vast sea of Red Qi within his Core. He felt that he could now detach his soul from his body at any time, a feeling that felt incredibly strange to him.

[ you have Reached Soul Wandering stage 1 ]

[ 20,000/150,000 exp ]

+ 50,817 to all stats except Luck and charisma

[ Stats ]

Stats: Strength- 50,916 Dexterity- 50,914 Stamina- 50,926 Intelligence- 50,936 Charisma- 5 Luck-1 Endurance- 51,019 Agility- 50,917 Vitality-50,918

[ You have gained Skill ' Celestial Contract ' ]

[ You have gained Skill ' Chaos Summoning ' ]

[ You have Unlocked Bloodline Ability ' Blood rage ' ]

[ Celestial Contract Lv 1 ]

Form a contract with Celestial Bodies in order to Borrow their strength. Power given depends on number and type of star you have formed contracts with.

[ Contracts Formed 0/10 ]

[ Chaos Summoning Lv 1 ]

Call upon a Chaos Demon to fight for you. Type and strength Of Demon depends on Users Psychic Might and Cultivation Level. Demon stays summoned until Killed or dismissed by user.

* note if user becomes weaker than the Chaos demon at any point the demon summoned has a chance to turn on you! *

[ Blood Rage ]

Once user's health falls below 50% All stats are doubled until user's health rises past 50%

He was Wasted but once he saw these Stats and skills he sobered up quite a bit but was still plastered.

He opened up all the level up notifications and saw that ranking up to foundation stage 2 gave him 20 points while hitting stage 9 gave him 310 stat points. The breakthrough to Gold core gave him 500 points. from this point on the stat increase soared exponentially and when he made it to stage 10 he received 8,000 Stat points. Once he Broke through to Soul Wandering Stage 1 he received a staggering 20,000 stat points.

' Good Lord! How much am i going to earn when I level up again, 40k, 60k?

he stood up and barely managed to put his chest piece and helmet on. He rang the bell for the young man and within 20 seconds he had arrived.

" I'm ready to pay. "

The young man handed him a scroll that recorded his debt and stood aside for him to read it.

[ Bill: 19,560 Gold ]

' God damn '

" Where would you like me to place the gold "

" on the table is fine "

He was confused as he thought that the room was too small for such a large amount of gold but once he placed it on the table the tool in the middle sucked it up in a matter of seconds. He looked at the Wine on the Bill and noticed it cost 100 gold for a bottle and he had at least 19.

He placed another 20k gold on the table and spoke again.

" Let me get 200 bottles to go "

The boy looked at him with a big smile and spoke in a cheerful voice.

"Please follow me sir. "

The gold was sucked up into the tool and the two left the room and soon a arrived in a fancy storage room. The man instructed several others and they moved 10 Crates each containing 20 bottles of the wine. The man opened each crate to allow Julian to inspect them and backed up. Julian slid his hand over every bottle and smiled with glee pulling all of the Crates into his storage ring. He thanked the young man for his services and left the Building.

He got on his eagle that had been waiting outside eating meat given to it by the Golden dragons workers. He marked a spot on the map and flew towards it at full speed.

After an hour of flight he finally landed out front of the White star Hotel. when he got off he looked to a female worker outside.

" Take care of my Bird. "

He tossed her 10 gold and walked inside.

The girl looked flustered and quickly put the gold away and guided the bird away to the spiritual beast Area. Julian walked inside the door and looked to the right where he saw An attendant standing behind a desk. He walked up to the Man and placed 80 gold on the table saying 4 words.

" VIP Suite 1 night. "

The attendant was surprised to see An Arch Human standing in front of him. He looked at the Armor the man was wearing and figured he must be in the royal guards. He was about to say something but he looked at Julian and saw his impatient face so he quickly grabbed a key and spoke as he handed it to him.

" VIP Suite 2 is on the 4th floor. "

Julian took the Key from the man and quickly made his way up to the 4th floor where he used the key to unlock the door. Once he was in he locked the door behind him and unequipped his armor back into his inventory. Now that he was naked he walked over to The Hot tub in the corner of the room and got into it as he pulled out a bottle of Golden Dragon elixir.

30 minutes passed and he finished the bottle and Went to sleep.

man this was a long one. Feel free to comment and have a good day.

ForgottenKnightcreators' thoughts